Kent State University
Two Hundred Seventy-Second
Conferral of Degrees
May 12-15, 2022
Board of Trustees
Virginia C. Addicott, ’85, ’95
Pamela E. Bobst, ’85
Edward F. Crawford, National Trustee
Haley M. Crews, Graduate Student Trustee
Barry E. Fetterman, ’74, ’76, National Trustee
Robert S. Frost
Johnathan M. Holifield
Robin M. Kilbride
Dylan Mace, Undergraduate Student Trustee
Donald L. Mason
Stephen A. Perry
Shawn M. Riley, ’83
Sandra M. Volpe, ’89, National Trustee
Ann Womer Benjamin
Executive Officers of the University
Todd A. Diacon
Melody J. Tankersley
Senior Vice President and Provost
Lamar R. Hylton
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs
Mark M. Polatajko
Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
Sean Broghammer
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Douglas L. Delahanty
Interim Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs
Amoaba Gooden
Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Rebecca Murphy
Interim Vice President for University Communications and Marketing
John M. Rathje
Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
Charlene K. Reed
Vice President and University Secretary
Peggy Shadduck
Vice President for Regional Campuses
Valoree Vargo
Vice President for Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement
Willis Walker
Vice President for General Counsel
Nicholas M. Gattozzi III
Executive Director for Government and Community Relations
Randale L. Richmond
Director of Athletics
Academic Organization
Senior Vice President and Provost
Melody J. Tankersley
Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Deborah F. Spake, Dean
College of Aeronautics and Engineering
Christina L. Bloebaum, Dean
College of Applied and Technical Studies
Peggy Shadduck, Dean
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Mark Mistur, Dean
College of the Arts
Diane Helfers Petrella, Dean
College of Arts and Sciences
Mandy Munro-Stasiuk, Dean
College of Communication and Information
Amy L. Reynolds, Dean
College of Education, Health and Human Services
James C. Hannon, Dean
College of Nursing
Versie Johnson-Mallard, Dean
College of Podiatric Medicine
Allan M. Boike, Dean
College of Public Health
Sonia A. Alemagno, Dean
Graduate Studies
Manfred van Dulmen, Dean
Honors College
Alison J. Smith, Dean
University College
Eboni J. Pringle, Dean
University Libraries
Kenneth Burhanna, Dean
Order of Exercises
Undergraduate and Advanced Degree Ceremonies
All Colleges
Manchester Field
May 12-14, 2022
Call to Order
Pamela Grimm
National Anthem
Trustee Welcome
Member of Kent State University's Board of Trustees
President's Remarks
Todd A. Diacon, Ph.D.
Student Reflection
Chazzlyn J. Jackson
Student Body President
Conferral Of Doctoral Degrees
Melody J. Tankersley, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President and Provost
Degrees Conferred by:
Todd A. Diacon, Ph.D.
Presentation of Diplomas
Assisted by:
Chris Dorsten
University Registrar
Hooded by:
Deans of the Colleges and Students' Advisors
Music by:
Hugh A. Glauser School of Music String Quartet
Conferral Of Advanced and Undergraduate Degrees
Melody J. Tankersley, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President and Provost
Degrees Conferred by:
Todd A. Diacon, Ph.D.
Presentation of the Class of 2022
Todd A. Diacon, Ph.D.
Closing Remarks
Todd A. Diacon, Ph.D.
Alma Mater
Presentation of Diplomas
Assisted by:
Chris Dorsten
University Registrar
Special Thanks to our
Eric Mansfield
Sandra Morgan
Eric van Baars
Helen Kohler
Alena Miskinis
Hongrui Zhu
String Quartet:
Alora Domka
Maggie Graber
Inti Jimenez
Luis Ricardo Ramos López
Laura McLaughlin
Cibel Mendez
Valentina Pulido Pardo
Jose Ramírez
David Camilo Mendieta Velasquez
Vocalists from the School of Music:
McKayla Ferguson
Jinle Glover
Volunteers and Event Staff:
Commencement Committee
Community Members
Faculty Marshals
Order of Exercises
Virtual Commencement Recognition
May 15, 2022
National Anthem
Montria Walker, '19
School of Theatre and Dance
Trustee Welcome
Shawn M. Riley, J.D., '83
Chair, Board of Trustees
Opening Remarks
Todd A. Diacon, Ph.D.
Student Reflection
Chazzlyn J. Jackson
Student Body President
Conferral Of Degrees
Melody J. Tankersley, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President and Provost
Degrees Conferred by:
Todd A. Diacon, Ph.D.
Turning of the Tassel
Undergraduate Degree Candidates
Closing Remarks
Todd A. Diacon, Ph.D.
Alma Mater
Montria Walker, '19
School of Theatre and Dance
Presentation of Degree Candidates
Announced in part by:
Eric Mansfield
University Medallion
Risman Family
The University Medallion was established to recognize alumni and friends who have contributed significantly to the well-being of Kent State University.
The Risman family has demonstrated a multigenerational, deep and extraordinary commitment to the welfare of Kent State students and academic programs through its volunteerism and philanthropy; members of the Risman family – most notably, William and Marion Risman, R. Wayne Risman, and Robert and Tricia Risman – have left an indelible mark on Kent State University, serving as champions for students for four decades.
Bill and Marion Risman provided a trailblazing vision for student success by creating the prestigious Medallion Scholarship program for high-achieving students and endowing 25 Medallion scholarships. The university named the William B. and Marion C. Risman Plaza outside the Kent Student Center in their honor to recognize their vision and generosity. Their legacy continues today through the generous, scholarship-focused philanthropy of Rob, Tricia and Wayne Risman.
The Risman family legacy at Kent State also includes devoted volunteer leadership and service to the institution. Bill Risman served as chair and member of the Kent State University Board of Trustees, the Foundation Board, the Centennial Commission Executive Committee and the Centennial Campaign Steering Committee. Rob Risman has served 21 years to date on the Foundation Board, has chaired the board’s Institutional Advancement Committee, serves as a member of the Forever Brighter Campaign Executive Committee and for the past decade has led the foundation’s Hotel Subcommittee that brought the Kent State University Hotel and Conference Center to reality.
The Board of Trustees of Kent State University, upon recommendation of the Citation and Recognition Committee and with the concurrence of President Todd Diacon, hereby awards the University Medallion to the Risman family for its extraordinary devotion and support to the advancement of Kent State University and all it serves.
Cum Laude
Graduation With Honors
Nihal A.L. Jahwari
Alexis Sierra Albright
Cameron A. Aloway
Jackson Garrett Armstrong
Troy Dennis Baden
Tyler James Baird
Bipasana Siddhi Bajracharya
Natalie Marie Baker
Matthew Ryan Baldwin
Cristina Faith Bara
David Christopher Baraona
Mikayla Sue BarBour
Nicole Elizabeth Barnes
Alexandria Lee Barnett
Victor John
Grace Katherine Barth
Myles Jalen Beasley
Isabel Marie Beil
Mackenzie Alene Bennett
Savannah D. Berk
Shelby Mae Bickler
Abigail Christine Bigelow
Mitchell Kay Bird
Abigail Marie Birsic
Kade Allen Bitikofer
Madison Marie Black
Ashley Taylor Blood
Sophia L. Bond
Angel Therese Borbajo
Juliana Marie Borsellino
Romil Fadi Boukzam
Madysen Diane Bower
Emma Grace Bowser
Trista Adel Bowser
Cheyenne Noel Brown
Jared Timothy Brown
Paige Raquel Brown
Shelby Reece Brown
Brenna Madison Brownfield
Michaela Renee Brugmann
Antonia Gabriele Bruno
Leanne Marie Brzozowski
Autumn Danielle Buckosh
Hannah Marie Buerkle
Matthew Grant Bullock
Allyson Patricia Bulseco
Madalyn Rose Burkholder
Kaleigh Sierra Burley
Kayla Nicole Burlingame
Malika Allison Annita
Townesend Tucker Byrd
Sierra Rose Cady
Gregory K. Cain
Madeline R. Caldro
Daniel Thomas Callaghan
Brianna Rose Camp
Eric James Campbell
Jatia L. Caples
Ryan Christopher Carlton
Madelynne Christine Carnell
Meghan Theresa Caughey
Tyler H. Caven
Tyler Ries Celce
Emily Katherine Centa
Alaina Louise Cerro
Toby A. Chame
Kalp Nikhil Kumar
Felicia Jing Jing Chee
Lindsay Chun-Yu Chee
Ayonna Marie Christopher
Sara Elizabeth Clark
Ryan Richard Coberly
Nicole E. Cochran
Lyndsay Rachel Cole
Cristina Nichole Collise
Mark Joseph Contini
Alexandra Marie Contino
Lauren Elizabeth Cooney
Brandon Thomas Cossin
Gabriella Rose Costabile
Timothy R. Coyne
Nicholas Russell Crawford
Anthony Angelo Curati
Lillian Elizabeth Czop
Paul A. D'Amico
Giana Lynn D'Andrea
Nathan Curtis Dalton
Jordan Nicole Dangerfield
Autumn Elizabeth Daniels
Haley Ruth Daubenmire
Taylor Michele Daugherty
Chloe Heineman Davila
Bridget Ann DeJesus
Elaina Diane Delisio
Maya Elizabeth Demchak
Jennette Elaine Demeraski
Alexander James Denzak
Emily Sierra Dezort
Gabriella Marie DiTurno
Amanda Erin Dixon
Seanmichael Coronado
Bryanna Marie Drabek
Jacqueline Rose Drake
Madalyn Marie Dudek
Karissa J. Duff
Samantha Nicole Dunlavey
Colin S. Dunn
Danielle Susan Dunne
Dylan J. Duvall
Jordan Christopher Eadie
Hannah Joy Ebersole
Anthony Dwayne Elder
Connor William Elshaw
Kelton J. Embree
Shelby Marie Ernsberger
Chase Madeline Farnell
Addison Beebe Farrell
Jocelyn Leah Feldman
McKayla Ann Ferguson
Lillian Anna Fisher
Nicholas James Fleming
Cum Laude
Graduation With Honors
Pamela Xiao Yu Fleming
Brennan Chase Flory
Tristan A. Ford
Jordyn L. Forkell
Patricia Ann Fosbrink
Rachael Louise Fox
Mai-Ling Kena Francis
Destiny Zenobia Franklin
Olivia Grace Futo
Paulina L. Galchenko
Justine M. Gallo
Vincent Joseph Gallo
Tyler Michael-Allan Gargasz
Courtlyn Paige Garlow
Keziah Kazelle Gaspard
Meghan Leigh Gerringer
Alexis Rose Gilbert
Hunter N. Gillingham
Macie A. Gingerich
Caroline D. Girard
Alan Michael Goetz
Bailey James Golak
Rachel Noel Gould
Abby Christine Gray
Emma Marie Greathouse
Erika Marie Green
Shelby Nichole Greene
Jennifer Kay Greskovich
Rose Emmeline Gutowski
James Gavin Whitehawk
Ryan E. Hale
Amy Hall
Melanie C. Hall
Jacob Anthony Haller
Ethan McGrath Hancock
Laura Marie Harms
Thomas Joseph Harris
Elizabeth Nicole Hartung
Hannah May Haswell
Bethany Haynes
Madison B. Haywood
Cody Robert Heironimus
Emma Grace Henning
Kirstin Angelina Henry
Heather Lynn Hidasey
Alexis Marie Hill
Emma Rose Hinkle
Lillian Elizabeth Hogya
David Michael Holan
Benjamin William Holub
Brenna Julia Horvath
Teresa Johanna Hough
Zackrey Dean Howard
Leah R. Hrusch
Olivia Christine Hrusovsky
Govan P. Hudson
Amanda Kathleen Huelsman
Calie Elizabeth Huge
Danielle Alayna Hughes
Alexis Rose Hunter
Abigail T. Hursh
Elizabeth Christine Hyson
Adam Keith Ivey
Ian Howard Jameson
Hailey Marie Janos
Elise Ann Jarachovic
Devanshi K. Jariwala
Kenzie Lee Johnston
Amanda R. Joline
Kasey Louise Jones
Kiersten Corrin Jones
Elizabeth Ann Jungling
Sierra Jeanette Justice
Margaret Mary Kaminski
Tyler Steven Kautzman
Elaina Capri Keaton
Steven Charles Keelon
Erin Kelly
Morgan Aliyah Kendall
Jenna Mekay Kerns
Sabrina Leigh Kerschner
Madison Jeanne Kieffer
Gabriella Noel Kingston
Megan Renee Kinsey
Alexa Julia Klamm
Olivia L. Klein
Kendra Fu-Mi Kline
Morgan Eileen Kohl
Edan Todd Konturas
Abigail M. Kozma
Jessica Lauren Kraus
Jesse Ryan Krusinski
Gina Ivana Kucmanic
Lana Sky Kuhlenschmidt
Kristine Kay Kurtz
Sajal Kushwaha
Carly Marie Lacey
Megan L. Landis
Alencia Sinise Lang
Abigail T. LaRussa
Nicholas R. Lastovka
Elizabeth Margaret Lavelle
Kaitlin Marie Leach
Ryan D. Lecaros
Madison Ledyard-King
Madison Mae Ann Lefebvre
Ryan Gregory Leflar
Lilyanne McKennah Legan
Brody Mitchell Lehman
Gillian Ann Leimeister
Michaela Lynn Leisie
Amanda Nicole Leone
Jared Ryan Lepley
Sandy Li
Jessica Adella Lidawer
Reihley Morgan Littlefield
Chunshuo Liu
Peiyu Liu
Mason Michael Lloyd
Daulton L. Lochran
Elena Logan
Ashley Logue
Jason Nico Londa
Zane Robert Longwell
Abigail Elizabeth Louise
Meghan Elizabeth Lowis
Daniel John Loyke
Alyssa Taylor Lucas
Arielle Lucretia Lusardo
Brianna Mae Luttmers
Jacey K. Luzny
Christina Rita Milad Maalouf
Michelle Ann Macinga
Kaiden Cale MacPherson
Gabriel MacWilliams
Mark Samer Mallouhi
Emma Faye Marks
Brighid Elizabeth Martensen
Anthony Louis Matejcic
Leslie Anne Matejka
Cum Laude
Graduation With Honors
Justin Kyle Maurer
Mason Joseph Mayoros
Emily Margaret Mays
Thomas Anthony Mazzella
Wyatt R. McAnerney
Olivia Karen McCauley
Davis Walker McDaniel
Morgan Alexandra McGrath
Zachary B. McKenzie
Megan Ashley McLean
Madelyn Owen Meacham
Zachary D. Meacham
Sabrina Hope Meeran
Amber Elicia Meisner
James Walter Meyer
Abigail Joy Miller
Kayla Ceara Miller
Lyndsay Nicole Miller
Anna Joy Mills
Lucas B. Mills
Alaina Rene Miser
Katelyn Elizabeth Mizener
Alejandra Paola Molina
Jenna Morgan Moore
Olivia R. Moore
Serena Truong Moore
Hannah Jane Moreland
Aiden Michael Morgan
Jessica Monay Morrison
Emma Lee Morrow-Matwiju
Ashley Victoria Motley
Olivia Anne Muchewicz
Madison Elizabeth Murphy
Callie Ann Murray
Harun Musa
Grace Caroline Nagy
Joseph Patrick Nanni
Nayla Susannah Nassif
Xavier James Navarro
Emalee Mae Nave
Kristen Constance Thi
Samantha Angela Nichol
Hannah Christene Nicholas
Jac Matthew Nichols
Devin Michelle Noland
Elizabeth G. Noland
Anthony Robert O'Donnell
Kathryn Rebecca O'Linn
Joseph Edward O'Malley
Kelsey G. O'Neal
Jordan Thomas Odenthal
Marni Charlotte Oister
Maura Jean Oliver
Alaina Raine Olson
Virginia Catherine Olszewski
Kwaku Asare Oppong
Daniel Sylvester Painley
Amber Marie Palmer
Anthony Jonathan Palmieri
Maria Isabella Palumbo
Yin Tung Pang
Isabel Anna Parks
Deanne Lee Parr
Olivia Renee Parsons
Hannah M. Pasheilich
Anusha Patel
Disha Ketan Patel
Kelsey Marie Paulus
Dalton Stewart Peffer
Justine Noel Pelka
Katherine Anne Petit
Adam John Petrich
Amanda Petro
Kathryn Mae Pfeifer
Allison R. Pierce
Chelsea Arminda Pifer
Tatiana Nicole Placer
Robert Gerald Plunkett
Kristen Rene Poorman
Abigail Mary Pospisil
Jillian Elizabeth Pratt
Rebekah Ann Przybysz
Morgan Marie Pugh
Chloe Marie Ramnarine
Jessica J. Rancatore
Lindsay Fay Rance
Zachary Lee Randolph
Austin J. Redman
Ronell Ronnie Regis
Logan Hunter Reiheld
Jessica E. Renner
Jade N. Reynolds
Lauren Frances Rhodes
Nora Rose Riffle
Seth Elmer Rinearson
Ashleigh Elizabeth Robek
Danielle Marie Robusto
Clara Rodriguez Seto
Emily A. Rogers
Rosalina Angelica Roman
Sara Julia Roman
Alexandro Romero
Sydney Elizabeth Rondeau
Grace M. Rosenbaum
Chad Alexander Rossman
Kamryn Faith Rowe
Saunjae T. Rucker
Nicole Renea Ruggeri
Navdeep Singh Sadhra
Lexa Diana Saia
Eunice Esther Salinas
Trevor Joseph Sanders
Nicole Elizabeth Sanderson
Zachary Martin Savol
Chelsea C. Scarberry
Dillon Edward Schied
Steven Thomas Schmeltzer
Kathryn Haleigh Schmier
Valerie Lynn Schneider
Tyler Patrick Schonauer
Lauren Maree Schultz
Erika Lea Scott
Jaylyn K. Scott
Kristen Lauren Sedlacek
Nicole L. Seff
Dylan Richard Seifert
Maria E. Seifert
Ian Lee Senz
Chandler Jordan Serres
Emily Grace Shafer
Ty Joseph Shannon
Skyllar Paige Shasteen
Justin Eugene Shaw
Serena L. Shortridge
Priscilla Shrestha
Sydney Marie Shufford
Erin Elizabeth Shultz
Shana M. Shultz
Cassondra June Siaus
Timothy Jon Siembor
Megan Renee Silinsky
Cum Laude
Graduation With Honors
Sheyla B. Silva
Daniel O. Silvey
Christopher G. Simmons
Alyce N. Simoes
Tonya Michelle Singer
Sydney Ann Skuse
Nathan Elliott Skwera
Gloria Elaine Sladek
Chloe Elizabeth Smalley
Benjamin Samuel Smith
Maria Kay Smith
Tiernan Dietrich Smith
Allison Katie Snyder
Silas Jackson Snyder
Andrea Kay Sokira
Farah Soliman
Kaylee Ann Sorvillo
Meghan Elizabeth Spangler
Shea Isaac Spanier
Katherine Judith Sparks
Lindsey Ann Speare
Kayse Leeann Speicher
Sandra Jean Spellman
Daniel Patrick St. Surin
Kathleen Dean Stachler
Claire Loree Stacy
Mackenzie Paige Stafford
Megan Elizabeth Stalker
Alex P. Stamper
Madelyn Marie Stark
Emma Louise Stedman
Cameron David Landon
Isabelle Marie Stewart
Shelbee Nicole Stidom
Aaryn Lee H. Stockon
Tanner Lee Stogsdill
Amanda Ruth Stone
Riley Drew Stone
Lauren Marie Strainer
Emily Louise Stratton
Caitlyn Nicole Stuart
Rebekah Colleen Sullivan
Brett Dean Swigert
Dominique Cheynne
Hannah Marie Taylor
Julia Anne Taylor
Alec Joseph Tegano
Jillian N. Tegiacchi
Victoria Dawn Tenny
Tiffany Marie Teubert
Brian Matthew Theis
Kaylee Renee Thomas
Makayla Tatyana Thomas
Natori K. Thomas
Miranda Wade Thrasher
Samantha An Tilley
Minhchau Le To
Nicholas John Tomola
Jiahe Tong
Phoenyx Olivia Tosti
Kayla Marie Toth
Zachary James Trayer
Sophia Tromba
Madison Ann Trott
Claire Therese Trump
Shawana Marie Turner
Kaiya Ann Tyler
Danielle Marie Tyson
Sarah Desiree Ulakovic
Alexander Jacob Ulman
Emily Morgan Untermoser
Amy Lynne Urban
Sara Michelle VanGelder
Lauren Nichole Vest
Thomas Joseph Waldman
Abigail Grace Walker
Adam B. Walker
Kimberly Carol Walker
Kelly Nicole Wardman
Sarah Elizabeth Wasserman
Brooklyn Taylor Webb
Tory Angela Wenson
Kayla Marie Whitacre
Brendan M. Wightman
Chance Philip Wilging
Brooke Leigh Wilkinson
Madalyn Audrey Williams
Ian M. Willmore
James Wilson
Olivia Rae King Wimberly
Marissa Joy Wise
Madison B. Wolff
James Michael Wollet
Jarrett Emmanuel Woo
Nora Marie Woods
Scott Douglas Wormald
Sarah Noel Worrell
Sarah Mavis Wyatt
Drew Patrick Xander
Samantha Marie Yanci
Liliana Yerrick
Mackenzie Quinn Yoder
Aaliyah Monet Young
Julianne Marie Yurik
Lily Ann Zaucha
Zachary Allen Zdanowicz
Kayla Elizabeth Zenobi
Chuxin Zhang
Dawn Marie Zuniga
Magna Cum Laude
Graduation With High Honors
Corban J. Aaron
Shannon Irene Aber
Eleora Alicia Adams
Kaitlyn Jamie Agra
Oluwasemilore Ayomide
Samantha Rose Albers
Alyssa Alexander
Huda Alhajji
Ibtihal Awn A. Alhajji
Brandon Scott Allen
Kelsey Elizabeth Allman
Sarah Amatangelo
Ashley Jordan Amendol
Madeline Kate Anderson
Daniel Dean Angelo
Megan Elizabeth Aquino
Kelli Christine Bailey
Isaac M. Baker
Seth Caleb Baldwin
Hannah Elizabeth Ball
Hannah Isabella Ball
Drew Thomas Baltzer
Samantha Claire Banziger
Savannah Rose Barr
Heather M. Baumgratz
Emily Marie Beal
Andrew Caleb Elijah Beard
Justin Scott Below
Juliana Felicia Beltran
Cassandra Maxine Benamati
Kelly M. Bender
Michelle Elizabeth Bender
Grant David Bendis
Cody N. Bennett
Nicholas J. Berger
Erin Michelle Bernhard
Brandy Lea Bishop
Benjamin Jia Biswas
Alexa Paige Bitar
Emily Anne Boardman
Darby Renee Bock
Trevor A. Boggess
Chloe Tess Boldt
Samantha Allie Booker
Morgan Renee Bowers
Jessica L. Bracken
Joshua Vincent Brashear
Emily Kathleen Brockman
Laina Paige Brozost
Paul James Brunell
Rachel Ann Buck
Thomas Albert Bullock
Justin Tyler Busch
Will Allen Butler
Erycka Taylor Byer
Joseph Ronald Calandra
Camryn Ann Calderwood
Miranda H. Canacci
Antonia Marie Cangelosi
Logan Olivia Cardinal
Mia Paula Carey
Sombre Rose Carleton
Hannah Diane Carmella
Kaylee Justine Carmigiano
Lindsay Nicole Carnahan
Sydney Anne Carr
Domenic Angelo Carriero
Lydia Madeline Carroscia
Sydney Alaina Carson
Riley E. Carter
Aaron B. Carver
Anika Jewell Casanova
Nathan Richard Cash
Brooke Celeste
Megan A. Cermak
Madison Lauren Chaitoff
Katelyn N. Chernauskas
William Robert Chess
Lorenza Angela Chiarappa
Audrey Katelyn Christman
Kaileigh Marie Christy
William Dean Clark
Catherine Ann Clawson
Amber L. Cocchiola
Abigail Elizabeth Coe
Madyson Lee Cole
Bailey Elizabeth Conley
Emily Grace Conner
Morgan Ashley Connolly
Christopher M. Conti
Taylor Lynne Cooper
Nolan Gray Corcoran
Mary Melissa Cornelius
Karin R. Craig
Zook Lynn Crain
Kayla Anne Cramblett
Parker Jonathan Cremean
Chloe Elysse Cruz
Nicole Lauren Cummings
Emily Marie Cundra
Leanne Nicole Dailey
Kimberly Grace Daniels
Riley Danielson
Amber Noelle Daugherty
Isaac Thomas Davanzati
Jessica Brianna Davis
Shania Leeanna Davis
Samantha Eryn Day
Madison Dean
Gillian Paige Dean-McDaniel
Madison Rose DeCato
Melia Vy DeJongh
Stephen Samuel Evans
Keegan Rose Dennis
Miranda Lauren Derbyshire
Luke J. Devoll
Simran Kaur Dhillon
Talia Nicole Diaz
Dominic Vincent DiMarco
Marissa Julia DiMichele
Kaelee B. Dingey
Lindsey Renee Dolanch
Mikayla Lu Ling Doughney
Magna Cum Laude
Graduation With High Honors
Alexis Rachel Dubensky
Sinead Brianna Duffy
Mackenzie Dale Durken
Devin Richard Echols
Jordan K. Ely
Gabriella Angelic Ennis
Morgan Michele Ensign
Zakiya Deneen Erby
Rebecca Ann Farley
Renee Elizabeth Fear
Kendall Judith Feldman
Clara Jane Ferguson
Brianna Frances Fernandez
Isabella Vivian Fischer
Jane Genevieve Fitz
Sofia Marie Foglietti
Bailee Nicole Fontana
Sara Catherine Fox
Matthew D. Francesconi
Marilyn Kay Frank
Sierra Marie Frederick
Nathaniel Robert French
Sophia Isabella Fricioni
Samantha Nicole Friedler
Sophia Rose Gabbay
Tyra Raquel Galloway
Kathryn Veach Gaume
Madison Angela Geil
Jenna Lauren Gemereth
Maxine Marie Gibson
Sophia Cecelia Giganti
Shahbegh Singh Gill
Kailey Kathleen Gilmore
Mikayla Marie Gmitter
Niarra Amani Gooden-Clarke
Elijah U. Goodgame
Abigayle L. Goodwin
Avery Grace Graham
Trace Gray
Victoria S. Gregg
Jenna Marie Gregory
Samantha Mae Grohowski
Jacy Rose Guider
Ashley Kennedy Gulling
Sydney D. Gurley
James Guy
Simon Joseph Haas
Taylor Mackenzie Haggerty
Alexandria Robin Hahn
Olivia Mae Haid
Ciara Michele Haith
Julia Jayne Halley
Allison Elizabeth Hamer
Holly M. Hamilton
Desianique Mone Hamm
David C. Hand
Morgan Mae Harayda
Jed William Harrington
Corinne Ruth Hartline
Evangeline Mae Haskins
Marisa A. Hastler
Sidney Alexandra Heid
Morgan Jean Henry
Jaymee Erika Hensley
Samantha Mae Hepp
Noah A. Hersey
Emily Rose Hess
Barbara Ann Hickin
Morgan Rose Highley
Jillian Paige Hockwalt
Thomas John Horen
Brianna Marie Horton
Ra'Janir Shawnrie Horton
Nathan Edmond Hoty
Sonora B. Howson
Olivia Haley Hughes
Margaret Jean Humes
Stirling Wallace Hunter
John Edward Hurley
Eva A. Hutchins
Anna Marie Hylton
Jaime Lynn Hylton
Gianna Marie Ignazio
Tanner S. Immel
Abigail Marie Innes
Alayna Marie Isaly
Maya Jane Israel
Chazzlyn J. Jackson
Madison Brooke Janovich
Kevin Ryan Jarrells
Daniel Miles Jelinek
Zaria Nicole Johnson
Abbrielle Pearson Jones
Emily Mae Jones
Allyson L. Journey
Ishva Jitendrakumar Kanani
Oluwatobi Ademola Karim
Zeina Katabi
John M. Keating
Claire Anne Keefer
Makenzie Marie Kelley
Shannon Leigh Kendrick
Jennefer L. Kennard
Rebecca Lynn Kern
Thomas Edmund Kijauskas
Elizabeth Dianne Kilbane
Summer J. Kilbane
Justin Gray Kirby
Abigail Grace Klein
Kailey Scarlet Klimkowski
Luisa Viktoria Knapp
Hayden Palmer Knox
Jacob Thomas Koch
Melissa Kolurbasi
Angela Marie Kovac
Caleb Gill Kovach
Kaylee L. Kovak
Tristan A. Kraft
Abigail Elizabeth Kubasek
Rylee K. Kubeja
Nicholas Paul Kukura
Tsz Chung Lam
Kamya Daleisha Lapsley
Abigail Ruth Large
Aurora Ann Larrison
Ashley Marie Lather
Jesselyn Abigail Latkovic
Hailey Addison Lawler
Anastasia Therese Lawrence
Katelynn R. Leach
Luke David Lehberger
Anthony Micheal Leighton
Allison Rose Leone
Ashley L. Leveto-Dean
Elisabeth Le Ann Lewis
Muyi Li
Winson Li
Jessica Logan Lichtinger
Nancy Lin
Madeline N. Linsky
Magna Cum Laude
Graduation With High Honors
Savanna Beth Llewellyn
Emily Rose Loccisano
Matthew David Loeffler
Aniya Elise Longmire
Lucy Catherine Lorbach
Melanie Lorent
Anna Elizabeth Louden
Madison Marie Love
William J. Lovell
Brandy L. Lovett
Braedy Ross Luxenburg
Moyan Ma
Ian Bran MacDonald
Lauren Elizabeth Madden
Giavanna Jean Maglione
Samantha Lynne Magyar
Idris Olanrewaju Majolagbe
Kyle Scott Majors
Madison Nicole Malik
Omar AlFarouk Mallat
Stephanie Ruth Malobicky
Francesca Emilia Mammone
Kayla Madison Mandak
Lauren Elizabeth Manski
Kyle Edward Mantin
Elohcin N. Marbley
Sydney Pearl Marquis
Peter Bartley Marron
Ava Renae Marti
Macy Alexis Martin
Alan J. Maslar
Victoria Rose Mastnardo
Emily L. Matejcik
Hayley Rose Mateosky
Alexis M. Matlock
Kristin Marie Mauntler
Rachel Paige McAvinew
Sara Elizabeth McComas
Jordan Shawn McConnell
Tianna A. McCormick
Conor L. McDevitt
Cole Patrick McDougal
Kathryn May McGuigan
Bailey Verona McKarns
Claire Peyton McNabb
Allison Rose Mcnulty
Madeline Marie Mead
Brandon David Meinke
Raychel Brooke Meixner
Maxwell Garrison Melder
Alexandra Mercsak
Alaina Renee Miller
Jared Daniel Miller
Jessica Ann Miller
Jevon Ryan Miller
Katherine Elizabeth Mills
Trevor J. Mitch
Chad Michael Mizell
Justin Scott Moeller
Jenna N. Molinari
Audra Rose Moore
Patrick Scott Moorman
David Reece Morgan
Bruce Marshall Morrison
Chad D. Morrison
Timothy Joseph Morton
Jack Tyler Motsinger
Feyza Nuray Mutlu
Joseph Paul Muzina
Danielle M. Myers
Bristyn L. Nadeau
Rebecca Amy Nelson
Anastasia Rose Neutzling
Cady Leigh Newman
Michael Christopher Nicolaou
Brady Jerome Nist
Jessica C. Noe
Madilyn Anne Nowak
Annaliese Sara Nunes
Cameron T. Olin
Erin Grace Onweller
Gerald David Opferman
Hannah Marie Orndorf
Hannah Jean Oswald
Luke Overmire
Lauren Elise Pacer
Isabelle Rose Panichi
Breanna J. Parker
Carrington Lauren Partin
Korey William Patterson
Savannah Alexis Patterson
Jessica Lynn Pawlowski
Julianna M. Perez
Rachel Leeann Perko
Logan Marie Perry
Sabrina R. Perry
Isabella Grace Pete
Jasmine Paige Peuterbaugh
Taylor Ann Pfeifer
Isabelle Susan Phillips
Taryn Marie Phillips-Smith
Alexa Piekarski
Taylor Rose Planey
Jessica Margarete Poling
Laney E. Poling
Megan Kelly Polk
Paige Marie Potter
Riley Anne Potts
Hannah E. Primozic
MeKenzie Alexis Pritchard
Cassidy Marie Prosen
Natalie Lauren Prough
Ian Andre Pursell
Michaela Lea Querry
Ashley Morgan Quirino
Anthony John Raguz
Madison Mackenzie Rapier
Maree Rasmussen
Nicholas Daniel Ratay
Sadie Elizabeth Reda
Megan Margaret Redella
Kimberly Susan Redmond
Jhaz Andreas Reed
Nathan Russell Reed
Taylor A. Reiheld
Lauren Gayle Reinhart
Carolyn Amber Reitz
Caylan ElizaBeth Rentsch
Dawn JoLee Rhea
Jessica Marie Rice
Janae Hope Richardson
Erin Rose Ripley
Matthew S. Rister
Racquel N. Ritchie
Ashley Amanda Robbins
Kelli Anne Robinson
Sarah Christine Robinson
Emily Christine Rodriguez
Odessa Monet Rohrer
Hunter Shane Romigh
Maria Eileen Romito
Magna Cum Laude
Graduation With High Honors
Jacob David Roney
Emma Katherine Rozek
Robyn Ann Ruffner
Rachel Alexis Ruhe
Nina Marie Ruiz
Reagan Theresa Russell
Maureen Larissa Nicole
Ali Sabet
Layla Jean Salla
Victoria Noelle Sallot
Nicole Lauren Sanoba
Maria Leigh Sansavera
Jessica Lynn Sarac
Megan Anne Saraniti
Autumn Jade Kai Sariano
Grace Helen Saupe
Brian Nicholas Scalfano
Madysen Alexis Schaefer
Piper Baillie Croft Schilling
Ashlee Diane Schlegel
Jessica N. Schmidt
Jessica Alexandra Schriner
Katherine Rose Schroeder
Reid Thomas Schroeder
Michael Richard Schupska
Darby Louise Schussel
John Thomas Scoarste
Alexa Jo Scott
Noah Thomas Scott
Diana C. Semilia
Olivia Marie Semon
Madelyn E. Shaeffer
Sydney Alyse Shaheen
Brendan Eric Shahrokh
Janelle Renay Shannon
Madeline Martin Shaub
Xiaotian Shi
Jordan T. Shifflet
Elias Michael Shingleton
Caitlyn A. Shriver
Jason Blade Shroge
Zachmann Thomas Skala
Audrey Brooke Skula
Lauren McKenzy Slaton
Ciara Monique Slusser
Sage Nichole Smith
Sharice M. Smith
Rachel Elizabeth Snyder
Cole David Sommers
Morgan M. Sott
Jerald Richard Soulsby
Kamryn Nicole Sparks
Kyla Lynae Spears
Brooke Nicole Spinell
Maria Otero Staats
Nathan Stahlman
Olivia Catherine Stark
Sophia Marie Stasiak
Rachel Lee Karpas Steadman
Maclane Scott Stebbins
Ashley N. Stellato
Camryn Noelle Stephens
Frank Joseph Steratore
Jay D. Stoneman
Samantha Ann Storad
Alexandria Rose Strata
Shannon Elizabeth
Natalie Anne Strimpfel
Megan Lee Stutler
Emily Paige Sullivan
Lydia Catherine Tadda
Makeda A. Tafari-Thompson
Kaitlyn Nicole Teams
Cameron Walter Telesz
Grace Elizabeth Tennant
Camille R. Tenney
Olivia Lucille Terranova
Allison Diann Thomas
Emily D. Thomas
Caleb Richard Tinsley
Kelsey Elizabeth Titko
Kaitlyn Grace Tombaugh
Autumn Marie Towns
Sydney Alexandra Travis
Madison T. Trissel
Hannah Louise Troyer
Carlene Amanda Trujillo
Alexandra Marie Valentino
Kathryn Helen Van Arsdale
Janda van Dyk
Amanda Taylor Vanke
Ethan Vannatta
Nicholas Joseph Varga
Lindsey Ann Vlasic
Christopher Joseph Voelker
Aliya Therese Voldrich
Jayda Madison Vorndran
Alice Clara Wade
Cynthia Nyabonyi Wambua
Stefani Marie Wasmer
Maia Alise Watts
Sean Daniel Weiland
Sydney Renee Weiss
Kendall Grace Wells
Ryan Mathias Welu
Kaylyn Wenzel
Shelby Rose Mae Wetzel
Samuel Jacob Weyandt
Abbey Lenore Weyls
Emma Kate White
Morgan Taylor White
Melani Sue Whitmyer
Alana Ann Williams
Savanna J. Wills
Laura Marie Wilson
Jessica Anne Winslow
Saraina Michelle Wise
Anna Elizabeth Woodhams
Kaylee Marie Wright
Nicholas Kyprianos Wu
Cassandra M. Yetsick
Troy Anderson Yoder
Eric Yokie
Sydney Katherine Young
Rourke J. Zarzycki
Alexis Amber Zehnder
Paige Anne Zewe
Ryan Elizabeth Zielinski
Alysha Michelle Ziemba
Maggie Alexis Zifer
Emily Jean Zook
Abigail Lee Zupancic
Summa Cum Laude
Graduation With Highest Honors
Nicholas Drew Acevedo
Prakash Adhikari
Madisson Danielle Adkins
Shaymaa Alshayeb
Grace Yingshi Altieri
Katie Bryanne Applequist
John Herman Arata*
Allison Paige Baker
Belen Marina Balibrea
Ashley Banks
Kalli Thea Barrett
Kelsey Marie Barshel
Samantha Marie Battista
Ariel Ann Benya
Alexander B. Bequette*
Daniel C. Berens
Isabella E. Bettura
Megan L. Bidwell
Adeline Marguerite Birkes
Emilee Elizabeth Bobos
Elaine Nicole Bodenburg
Kyle Thomas Boggs
Jenna Michael Bond
Kailey Morgan Bonniwell
Abigail Karin Bottar
Gail Noelle Bowman
Marcy Amanda Brabander
Alyssa Margaret Bradshaw
Hunter C. Brashear
Jeffery Paul Bratanov*
Thomas J. Breen
Elisabeth Ashton Brian*
Brandon Robert Bridge*
Kylie L. Briggs
Jessica Marie Brind
Hannah W. Brinning
Marina Rachelle Brockway
Austin Xavier Brooks
Allyson Dawn Brown
Emily JoEtta Brown
Micaela Kathryn Brown
Jade Marie Brundelet
Kristi Alyse Bryll
Emma K. Burley
Erica Joy Caco*
Willow R. Campbell
Angela Rose Campo
Alyssa N. Card
Kiley Carey
Morgan Elizabeth Casper
Madison Anne Castelveter
Madeleine Clare Cavanaugh
Meghan Nicole Cawood
Maryrose Katherine
Brooke Alyson Cessna*
Madison Nicole Chapman
Hannah Ruth Chilcot
Adelaide K. Collins
Isaiah David Comnick
Amber N. Cooke
Antonia Elizabeth Costa*
Jacob Alton Cover
Parker Lee Crawford
Joshua David Crum
Jarred M. Curtis
Mark Joseph Dages
Angela Faith Daniels
Allen James Darby
Emileigh Suzanne Darr*
Kennedy Robin Deen
Natalie Jane Deiters
Lucas Aaron Denmeade
Morgan Vaughn Diefenderfer
Julianna Noelle DiNovo
Nicholas P. DiPietro
Genna Faith DiPippo
Sydney Elizabeth Dohrman
Alex Edward Dollenmayer
Laura A. Dotts
Devin Riley Douglass
Anna Margaret Droney
Chloe Nelly Dufeu*
Madison Lee Eggert
Edward A. Elefritz
Lauren Amelia Elledge
Nathan Ryan Elliott
Corrin I. Erskine
Alison Noelle Ety
Lisa K. Everson
Ivy Elizabeth Fader
Olivia Delaney Farina
Emily Kathleen Ferguson
Bailee Elizabeth Ferrell
Reagan Elizabeth Fincher
Sophia Lenore Finizia
Ashley Christine Fink*
Parker William Fisher
Abby Marie Florman
Olivia Grace Fossesca
Sydney Elizabeth Frigm
Sean D. Frisbie
Lindsey Kerstin Fron
Colleen Elizabeth Fry*
Kyle Reese Fuller
Logan Andrew Gabbert
Larissa M. Gaborick
Nicholas Riley Gala
Elizabeth A. Galehouse
Kaylyn Elizabeth Galloway*
Paige C. Gamin
Jonathan P. Gampo
Tyler Michael Gardner
Emily G. Garrett
Anna M. Garvin
Olivia Nicole Gaydos
Alyssa Kylie Gelet
Jordan Oliver George
Summa Cum Laude
Graduation With Highest Honors
Kayla M. Gerogosian
David Michael Ghioldi
Mario Joseph Gioiello
Rachel L. Glodde
Regina Nicole Gonano
Martha Sophie Gotham
Danielle Brooke Gottschling
Natalie Marie Grace
Gabrielle Elaine Gray
Makenna Rayne Gundlach*
Jennifer Nhu Ha
Madelyn R. Haberberger
Taylor Marie Hall
Patrick O. Halle
Preslie Sue Halliwill*
Mary Rita Hammel
Madison E. Hammill
Tyler Douglas Hare
Avery Schuyler Hartranft
Maura E. Haskins
Sara Elizabeth Hauck
Braeden Richard Haywood
Michael Andrew Hayworth
Kaitlyn L. Hazelton
Lauren L. Heidler
Megan E. Hellenthal
Katie Elizabeth Henderson
Allison Nicole Hepp
Lucy Kathryn Hess
Destiny Jalynn Hilliard
Mary G. Hollander
Madison Joan Huff
Michaela Marie Huffman*
Madison Kathleen Iannuzzo
Kenneth Warren Ilg
Christopher Joseph Imbriano
Mattisyn Marie Infanti*
Emma Annaliese Jensen
Eric Robert Johnson
Alexa Rayn Jones*
Alexandra Leigh Jones
Madison Marie Juersivich*
Julia Kirsten Justice
Lauren Marie Kachmarik
Tessa Elizabeth Kaminski
Colette Ann Karliak
Emily E. Kemmerer
Hope Louise Kennedy
Camryn Marie Klein
Christine Lyn Klonowski
Eunice Knight
Lilly Jane Knox
Grace E. Kohler
Cassidy Brooke Kolonko*
Katelyn A. Konetsky*
Thomas Joseph Kornbau
Kelly S. Krabill
McKenna Leigh Kramer
William Lewis Russell Kring
Bethany Rose Kuebler*
Nolan Andrew LaDuke
Matthew Charles Land
Drew Anne LeBoeuf
Jessica Joo Hee Lee
Camryn Jean Leonard*
Aileen G. Leroy
Kennedy Elaine Leutenegger
Gabriela Pilar Lewis
Hallie Alexis Lieberman
Kendra Rayne Lindway
Maxwell Anthony Lizanich
Charisma Grace Lockett
Akili Prosper Maanda
Emma Caroline Macartney*
Dylan Paul Mace
Maureen Shaughnessy
Gracia Kendall MacMillan*
Alexa Grace Malick
Francis Martynowski
Brenna Lauren Mastran
Trevor Dean Mathey
Sarah Johanna Matola*
Robert Joseph McBride
Mercy Ellen McClung
Mitchell Scott McDowell
Bryan Perry McKown
Remi Elise Meeker
Danielle Josephine Meier
Melina C. Melik
Brooke Alyce Mellon*
Braden Allan Meyerl
Addison Ruben Miguel
Jadelyn Rachelle Milburn
Joseph J. Miller*
Nicholas James Miller*
Peyton Dayne Miller
Robert Brian Miller
Shawn Miller
Tenieka Cheyenne Miller*
Riley N. Moberly*
Randi Marie Mohr
Titus Bramwell Morrison
Marissa Ann Mountain
Annalise Nicole Mullins
Emily K. Murnane
Carlene Marie Murray
Katherine Kelly Nagy
Althea Ivanka Nahine*
Andrew J. Newsom
Eva Elizabeth Nikolai*
Jeremiah Schindler Nordholt
Tristan Ryan Oliveria
Tisha Owusua
Julien J. Paltrinieri
Mikayla Roxanne Pandrea
Margot Rose Paolucci
Hope Christine Parkin
Nirali Ninesh Patel
Monica Rachel Patrick
Yvonne Rene Pecka
Rebecca Pelfrey
Michelle E. Penko
Helena Celeste
Kayla Anne Perez
Kayla Allison Perkins
Samantha Christine Perrin
Michael A. Phillips*
Jessica Ann Pollaci
Rachel Elizabeth Potter
Kari Ann Potts
Alexander Prosper Powell
Jacob David Prahst
David Andrew Profusek*
Tyler McKenzie Prosser
Rachel Renee Rahe*
Seth Andrew Rainey
Kathryn Marie Rajnicek
Lauren F. Raymond*
Matthew Hunter Reber
Georganne S. Reeves
Summa Cum Laude
Graduation With Highest Honors
Salsabil Nour-Eliman Rekhif
Olivia Grace Robbins
Erica Lynne Robinson
Elizabeth Christine Rodriguez
Lauren Isabella Rogers
Lucia Elena Romero Von Borries
Sophia Kathryn Sabatino
Nicholas Stephen Salvatore
Paige LaRue Sammons
Myana Ruby-Ann Tallisa
Vanessa Eileen Sanders
Brian Schmuck
Sarah Elizabeth Schuckman
Samantha Sue Scott
Brian Reilly Shellito
Jessica Layne Shrader
Jacquelyn Brigitte Sierzputowski
Anna Christine Sinclair*
Erika Lauren Sitch*
Hannah Marie Skinner
Jenna Emily Skinner
Haley Elizabeth Slates*
Emma Raeann Smith
Grace Estelle Smith
Julia Elise Smith*
Whitney Debra Snavely
Dalimar Solis Ortiz
Madeline Grace Sollinger
Anna Louise Somerville
Grace Amber Sonick
Sarah Marie Sparks
Natalia Rose Stark
Jayden Tanner Stearns*
Natalie Sophia Steenbock*
Isabella Jade Stevens
Nichole Renee Sullenberger
Denise Marie Swanson*
Eric Michael Takacs
Emelia J. Tallman
Nicole Danielle Tessmer*
Madelynn Ling Tomkos
Grace Elizabeth Tonkovich*
Tyler Nicholas Twitt
Elliott Ross Ullman
Kaitlyn Marie Unklesbay*
Sarah Jayne Vala
Evelpia Vasileiou*
Shelby Renee Vasko
James David Viront*
Ryan Steven Volcansek
Olivia G. Wachtel
Benjamin David Wales-McGrath
Ava Zoe Walker
Celia Rose Walker
Kaitlyn Ann Warakomski
Brady M. Warmbein
Isabella Audrey Warner*
A'Diva Reigns Warren
Jennifer Marie Watson*
Taylor Audrianna Nicole Weaver
Aliecia Nicole Weekley*
Tyler William Weiss*
David Benton Wertz
Eleanore M. Wexler
Brooklyn Rebecca Whitt*
Bailey A. Whittington
Brandon Owen Williamson
Meghan Riley Williamson
Jared Daniel Wilson
Lindsey Rae Wilson
Marlee Joielle Wilson
Noah Jacob Wohlever
Joie Louise Woodlee
Mallory Paige Woods*
Lauren Gabrielle Wyatt*
Stanley Y. Xiao
Chloe Autumn Zebrak
Athena Maria Zerefos
Matthew John Zirckel
With Distinction
Jay M. Aaron
David Joseph Abdelmalak
Alexandra Elise Abood
Alexis M. Accordino
Destini Marie Adorisio
Haleigh Morgan Alexander
Sarah Amatangelo
Anthony Nicholas Ananea
Marissa Lee Anderegg
Jaquelynn Alexandrea
Avery Rose Arendas
Qynn Ruthann Baker
Matthew Ryan Baldwin
Elaine Margaret Bast
Melissa Ruby Becerra
Kelsey Marie Bibey
Jennifer Lynn Biggs
Nathan Allen Blough
Joseph Bohbot
Jennifer Boyle
Jeffery Paul Bratanov
Reagan Leigh Bray
Esther Virginia Brown
Selah M. Brown
Hannah Clarisse Bucholtz
Ashlyn LaNae Buehler
Thomas Albert Bullock
Olive Pearl Busson
Brandi Nicole Carter
Jennifer Lynn Casto
Zachary M. Chaffee
Julia Kay Chappelear
Anna Frances Clark
Emma Rae Cline
Brandon D. Cole
Mark Joseph Contini
Carson C. Coombs
Megan Erin Copeland
April Lynn Cox
Sean Paul Craney
Hannah Lynn DeBos
Casey Ann Dickey
Tiffani Nicol Doherty
Miche'le Raymond Donato
Claire Jenna Downin
Kameron Robert DuPonty
Robert William Durben
Kiley Renae Dyer
Gabriel Vincent Edwards
Aileen Ramirez Egolf
Jared Norman Eichelberger
Stacey VanBeneden Biggs
Lindsey M. Elliott
Mariah Noel Evans
Brandon Wade Fee
Janelle Leigh Ferguson
Nicole Fink
Nicholas James Fleming
Andrew Alexander Foradas
Dylan Luke Foster
Ashley Froehlich
Amber Joy Fry
Josiah B. Gaines
Gabrielle Gambill-Chapin
Cara C. Gania
Abbigale Mckinzie Gibbs
Devin Patrick Gibson
Schianne Merrina Goddard
Trevon Anthony Granger
Briana D. Hanlon
Claire Elizabeth Haswell
Rachel E. Hathhorn
Heidi Jean Herman
Shayne A. Hershberger
Grace Helen Hibbs
Hannah Rose Hill
Sydney A. Hill
Allyssa M. Hogue
Deon Holmes
Tabitha J. Hornof
Hayden Andrew Incarnato
Andrew Jacob Johnston
Veronica Dawn Keenan
Leah Louise Kerby
Kaylee Dawn Kerr
Tyler Michael Kish
Taylor R. Klusti-Palmer
Summer Elizabeth Knapp
Dakota Knightley
Kellie R. Kordinak
Madeline E. Kurtz
Olivia Diane Kuzma
John Michael Lamanna
Shelby Elizabeth Lamar
Lauren Irene Lappert
Jordan Lee Letcher
Xiao Fang Lin
Alejandro Llewellyn
Lindsey Lana Loboy
Ashley Logue
Samantha Hope Lovesee
Shawn M. Luben
Matthew Donald Lubonovic
Marissa Elaine Macaluso
Cassie Marie Madison
Kim V. Marino
Crystal Martinez-Jacome
Katherine Sue McBee
With Distinction
Ian Michael McCartt
Caroline Elizabeth Mikeo
Kathryn Anne Milek
Emily Justine Millard
Anita Renee Miller
Emily Mae Miller
Katherine Christine Miller
Katrina Grace Miller
Destini Lyne Mott
Erin Elizabeth Murphy
Elizabeth Kay Narris
Michelle Abigail Narvaez
Melinda J. Neidenthal
Michael Isaac Neidenthal
Grayson Jack Newell
Nicole Francis O'Neill
Julia Oravecz
Chloe Alexis Orin
Luke Overmire
Benjamin Daniel Pallett
Breanna Nicole Pawlowski
Yvonne Rene Pecka
Abigale H. Peterson
Michael A. Phillips
Peter Robert Phillips
Brandon Pierce-Ruhland
Chelsea Arminda Pifer
Rebecca Lynne Quirk
Kara M. Ramey
Alexandros S. Ramos
Kelly Renee Rektor
Ashlyn Shaye Riggs
Cale David Roberts
Marikate Elizabeth Roscoe
Chad Alexander Rossman
Andrew John Russell
Laurie Taylor Sams
Melissa Sanders
Kyle Edward Schaar
Tyler Michael Schrock
Cora Jean Schulman
Michael Richard Schupska
Azlyn Victoria Sears
Courtney Leighann Sheneman
John Ryan Shoup
Nicholas A. Smith
Corey Snow
Kathryn Snyder
Jena M. Solarek
Emily Grace Spencer
Christian William Stadler
Michael Allen Stanley
Emma Louise Stedman
Laurel Wendy Stewart
Kimberly Sue Striker
Mackenzie G. Sturgeon
Jayma Lynn Sullivan
Lauren Ashley Swast
Sarrah Dawn Tennefoss
Katelyn Marie Thayer
Hannah Elizabeth Tillotson
Caitlin Elaine Troyer
Haley Rae Tucker
Jaban M. VanKirk
Pamela Waldron
Lauren Elizabeth Warner
Joshua Thomas Weiner
Brayden Nicholas Wikoff
Alexis Renae Wilson
Hoi Ming Yu Winski
Fox William Witt
Cindy Ileen Wolf
Emily Kathryn Young
Marissa Lennae Yourstowsky
Eugene Zielinski
The Honors College
Alison J. Smith, Ph.D., Dean
Students in the Honors College, having completed a senior honors project or thesis in their major field and having evidenced exceptional academic performance, have fulfilled requirements for graduation with University, General or Departmental Honors.
University Honors
Adelaide K. Collins, Psychology
Thesis Title: "An Examination of the Relationship Between Pediatric Food Allergies and Anxiety Symptoms"
Advisor: Christopher Flessner
Nicholas Riley Gala, Anthropology
Thesis Title: "The Costs of Knapping"
Advisor: Metin Eren
Alexa Grace Malick, Fashion Design
Thesis Title: "Utilizing Modular Design as a Sustainable Fashion Design Tactic: Creating the Collection 'Module'"
Advisor: Krissi Riewe
Jessica Ann Miller, Visual Communication Design
Thesis Title: "Accessibility and Inclusion in Visual Design"
Advisor: Aoife Mooney
Randi Marie Mohr, Psychology
Thesis Title: "Quarantine: A Mental Health Perspective on COVID-19 Lockdown Measures"
Advisor: Joel Hughes
Titus Bramwell Morrison, Animation Game Design
Thesis Title: "This Little Knight of Mine– Exploring Unpatterns in Game Design"
Advisor: Christopher Totten
Anastasia Rose Neutzling, Managerial Marketing
Thesis Title: "Marketing Plan for Introducing Disney’s Star Streaming Service Into Italy"
Advisor: Jennifer Wiggins-Lyndall
Alexander Prosper Powell, Biology
Thesis Title: "An Exploration of the IGF Pathway on ARID1B Haploinsufficient Mice"
Advisor: Woo-Yang Kim
Anna Christine Sinclair, Political Science
Thesis Title: "Social Movements and Social Media: The Propagation of #BlackLivesMatter"
Advisor: Julie Mazzei
Eric Michael Takacs, Biology
Thesis Title: "Role of the Ubiquitin E3 Ligase HUWE1 in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)"
Advisor: Manabu Kurokawa
Celia Rose Walker, English
Thesis Title: "In Repair: I've Stopped Feeling Like I Need to Apologize"
Advisor: Matthew Shank
Saraina Michelle Wise, Music and Political Science
Thesis Title: "Hip-Hop Music as a Tool for Protest and Social Change"
Advisor: Janine Tiffe
Lauren Gabrielle Wyatt, Psychology and Sociology
Thesis Title: "How Presentation of Fraction Instruction in Picture Books Affects How Caregivers Interact With Fractions"
Advisor: Clarissa Thompson
General Honors
Taylor Grace Miller, Psychology
Thesis Title: "Temptations of a Remote Learner: How University Students Are Adjusting to Distance Learning"
Advisor: Christopher Was
Diana Marie Murcko, Architecture
Thesis Title: "An Inductive Approach to Designing for Women’s Basketball"
Advisor: William Willoughby
Skyllar Paige Shasteen, Psychology
Thesis Title: "Effects of Music on Writing"
Advisor: Rachael Blasiman
Julia Anne Taylor, Aerospace Engineering
Thesis Title: "Comparison of the Aerodynamic Properties Between Prehistoric and Modern Arrowheads"
Advisor: Michael Fisch
Minhchau Le To, Chemistry
Thesis Title: "Characterization of the Small Molecular Peptide Binding to Fluoride Riboswitch RNA"
Advisor: Sanjaya Abeysirigunawardena
Departmental Honors
Shahbegh Singh Gill, Philosophy
Thesis Title: "Measure Twice, Cut Once: Examination of a New Surgical Ethics"
Advisor: Deborah Barnbaum
Sarag Krishna Gogineni, Biology
Thesis Title: "Organ Procurement: An Ethical Analysis in Relation to Emanuel and Emanuel’s Models of Physician-Patient Relationships"
Advisor: Deborah Barnbaum
Diana C. Semilia, Aeronautics
Thesis Title: "Significance of Mental Illness in the Security and Safety of the Aviation Industry"
Advisor: Jason Lorenzon
Rourke J. Zarzycki, Chemistry
Thesis Title: "Maize and Mississippianization: Absorbed Residue Analysis of Fort Ancient Pottery Samples"
Advisors: Michelle Bebber and Robert Twieg
The Honors College
Alison J. Smith, Ph.D., Dean
Honors students who have met grade and course requirements for graduation as Honors College Scholars.
Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Morgan Renee Bowers
Autumn Danielle Buckosh
Will Allen Butler
Lindsay Nicole Carnahan
Catherine Ann Clawson
Julia Marie Estephan
Paige C. Gamin
Anna M. Garvin
Laura Marie Harms
Thomas Joseph Harris
Steven Charles Keelon
Jacob Thomas Koch
Dylan Paul Mace
Melina C. Melik
Kay Helen Petrovic
Salsabil Nour-Eliman Rekhif
Jessica Lynn Sarac
Justin Ryan Tarrant
Kendall Grace Wells
Samuel Jacob Weyandt
Lily Ann Zaucha
College of Aeronautics and Engineering
Prakash Adhikari
John Herman Arata
Mitchell Kay Bird
William Robert Chess
Allen James Darby
Isaac Thomas Davanzati
Mario Joseph Gioiello
Lauren F. Raymond
Jordan T. Shifflet
Matthew John Zirckel
College of Applied and Technical Studies
Jennifer Nhu Ha
Emma Louise Stedman
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Emily JoEtta Brown
Laina Paige Brozost
Cristina Nichole Collise
Karin R. Craig
Regina Nicole Gonano
Ronn William Holmes
Jessica L. Huzzard
Oluwatobi Ademola Karim
Michelle Ann Macinga
Richard A. Mansfield
Feyza Nuray Mutlu
Anthony Robert O'Donnell
Korey William Patterson
Sarah Marie Sparks
Jay D. Stoneman
Sarah Jayne Vala
College of the Arts
Elaine Nicole Bodenburg
Jessica Marie Brind
Camryn Ann Calderwood
Madeleine Clare Cavanaugh
Jordan K. Ely
Zakiya Deneen Erby
Lillian Anna Fisher
Lucy Kathryn Hess
Jaime Lynn Hylton
Emma Annaliese Jensen
Eric Robert Johnson
Lauren Marie Kachmarik
Hope Louise Kennedy
Ryan Gregory Leflar
Lilyanne McKennah Legan
Lucy Catherine Lorbach
Ian Bran MacDonald
Brighid Elizabeth Martensen
Nayla Susannah Nassif
Cameron T. Olin
Laney E. Poling
Benjamin John
Erin Rose Ripley
Racquel N. Ritchie
Victoria Noelle Sallot
Sheyla B. Silva
Sage Nichole Smith
Anna Louise Somerville
Sophia Marie Stasiak
Natalie Sophia Steenbock
Natalie Anne Strimpfel
Abbey Lenore Weyls
Savanna J. Wills
The Honors College
Alison J. Smith, Ph.D., Dean
Honors students who have met grade and course requirements for graduation as Honors College Scholars.
College of Arts and Sciences
Mikayla Sue BarBour
Kalli Thea Barrett
Ariel Ann Benya
Erin Michelle Bernhard
Emily Anne Boardman
Abigail Karin Bottar
Alyssa Margaret Bradshaw
Jaelyn Elizabeth Campbell
Meghan Nicole Cawood
Isaiah David Comnick
Lauren Elizabeth Cooney
Casey Marie Delventhal
Keegan Rose Dennis
Kaelee B. Dingey
Hannah Joy Ebersole
Devin Richard Echols
Ivy Elizabeth Fader
Olivia Delaney Farina
Kyle Reese Fuller
Elizabeth A. Galehouse
Emily G. Garrett
Jordan Oliver George
Jennifer Kay Greskovich
Michael Andrew Hayworth
Kaitlyn L. Hazelton
Barbara Ann Hickin
Michaela Marie Huffman
Morgan A. Hughes
Margaret Jean Humes
Kevin Ryan Jarrells
Hope Louise Kennedy
Edan Todd Konturas
William Lewis Russell Kring
Nolan Andrew LaDuke
Kamya Daleisha Lapsley
Aileen G. Leroy
Kennedy Elaine Leutenegger
Winson Li
Emma Caroline Macartney
Rachel Paige McAvinew
Madelyn Owen Meacham
Raychel Brooke Meixner
Nicholas James Miller
Riley N. Moberly
Aiden Michael Morgan
Emily K. Murnane
Joseph Paul Muzina
Naomi Gonzales Navarrete
Amber Marie Palmer
Margot Rose Paolucci
Adam John Petrich
Jasmine Paige Peuterbaugh
Tyler McKenzie Prosser
Seth Andrew Rainey
Alexander Benjamin Rienerth
Racquel N. Ritchie
Reagan Theresa Russell
Vanessa Eileen Sanders
Brian Nicholas Scalfano
Erika Lauren Sitch
Audrey Brooke Skula
Nathan Elliott Skwera
Benjamin Samuel Smith
Grace Amber Sonick
Jayden Tanner Stearns
Tanner Lee Stogsdill
Samantha Rae Thomas
Shelby Renee Vasko
Olivia G. Wachtel
Ava Zoe Walker
Isabella Audrey Warner
Sarah Elizabeth Wasserman
Aliecia Nicole Weekley
Meghan Riley Williamson
Mallory Paige Woods
Athena Maria Zerefos
College of Communication and Information
Adeline Marguerite Birkes
Brianna Rose Camp
Amber L. Cocchiola
Colin S. Dunn
Tyler Michael Gardner
Emma Marie Greathouse
Madelyn R. Haberberger
Sidney Alexandra Heid
Abigail T. Hursh
Zaria Nicole Johnson
Morgan Eileen Kohl
Maxwell Anthony Lizanich
Tristan Ryan Oliveria
Riley Anne Potts
Maclane Scott Stebbins
Allison Diann Thomas
Brady M. Warmbein
College of Education, Health and Human Services
Madeline Kate Anderson
Katie Bryanne Applequist
Cassandra Maxine Benamati
Megan L. Bidwell
Cheyenne Noel Brown
Kristi Alyse Bryll
Natalie Jane Deiters
Julianna Noelle DiNovo
Renee Elizabeth Fear
Jane Genevieve Fitz
Kaylyn Elizabeth Galloway
Natalie Marie Grace
Maura E. Haskins
Mariah Jasmine Hershey
Alexandra Leigh Jones
Madison Marie Juersivich
Abigail Elizabeth Kubasek
Camryn Jean Leonard
The Honors College
Alison J. Smith, Ph.D., Dean
Honors students who have met grade and course requirements for graduation as Honors College Scholars.
Brooke Alyce Mellon
Nicholas James Miller
Cady Leigh Newman
Kayla Anne Perez
David Andrew Profusek
Lauren Isabella Rogers
Valerie Lynn Schneider
Erin Elizabeth Shultz
Natalia Rose Stark
Sean Daniel Weiland
Bailey A. Whittington
Meghan Riley Williamson
College of Nursing
Alexis Rachel Dubensky
Camryn Anne Hassel
Sara Elizabeth Hauck
Alexis Marie Hill
Sahana Alexis Jayaraman
Julia Kirsten Justice
Hailey Addison Lawler
Samantha Lynne Magyar
Serena Truong Moore
Sahil P. Patel
Maria Eileen Romito
Nichole Renee Sullenberger
College of Public Health
Kelsey Marie Barshel
The Honors College
Alison J. Smith, Ph.D., Dean
Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s most prestigious honor society, was founded in 1776 by students at the College of William & Mary who recognized the importance of a liberal education as the foundation of participation in a democratic society. Phi Beta Kappa recognizes students who have achieved excellence in all aspects of their education, and who have a strong background in the liberal arts and sciences, mathematics and a foreign language. Fewer than 1% of students across the nation are elected to Phi Beta Kappa annually. The Kent State University chapter was established in 1976, and each year the Phi Beta Kappa faculty members elect juniors and seniors who have met the high standards of excellence of the society.
Membership degree candidates include:
Kalli Thea Barrett
Ariel Ann Benya
Adeline Marguerite Birkes
Abigail Karin Bottar
Madeleine Clare Cavanaugh
Meghan Nicole Cawood
Isaiah David Comnick
Hannah Joy Ebersole
Olivia Delaney Farina
Elizabeth A. Galehouse
Jordan Oliver George
Michael Andrew Hayworth
Michaela Marie Huffman
Alexandra Leigh Jones
Hope Louise Kennedy
William Lewis Russell Kring
Aileen G. Leroy
Emma Caroline Macartney
Raychel Brooke Meixner
Nicholas James Miller
Shawn Miller
Riley N. Moberly
Margot Rose Paolucci
Alexander Prosper Powell
Tyler McKenzie Prosser
Seth Andrew Rainey
Erin Rose Ripley
Racquel N. Ritchie
Anna Christine Sinclair
Erika Lauren Sitch
Jayden Tanner Stearns
Jay D. Stoneman
Samantha Rae Thomas
Sarah Jayne Vala
Shelby Renee Vasko
Olivia G. Wachtel
Ava Zoe Walker
Celia Rose Walker
Meghan Riley Williamson
Mallory Paige Woods
Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Deborah F. Spake, Ph.D., Dean
Doctor of Philosophy
Nancy J. Kangogo
Dissertation Title: "International Diversification: Effects on Cost Rigidity and Investment Characteristics"
Dissertation Director: Indrarini Laksmana
Alper Koparan
Dissertation Title: "Regulation Change and Stock Price Manipulation: Evidence From Turkey"
Dissertation Director: Xiaoling Pu
Master of Arts in Economics
Kayla Haywood
Maisha Tamanna Khan
Master of Business Administration
Morvarid Bassir Anderson
Samantha Lynne Barrett
Michael David Bereck
Brenna C. Berry
An'Jeanette C. Beverly
Lauren Barbara Biltz
Branden Leslie Burkey
Gabriella Cardozo
Heather Marie DeSimone
David M. Dipofi
Chelsea Elizabeth Durno
Kristyn Lynne Eckl
Sydney Y. Frost
ShaKeela Nyre'e Gary
Lauren Ashley Pressick
James J. Goff
Jonathan David Henry
Auliah Marie Kendall
Victoria Marie Kessler
Manjusha Madhav Kulkarni
Kenneth M. Longmire
Colleen Malloy
Mary E. Monaghan
Karen Nahra
Jon A. Novak
Zachary Palazzo
Madison Kathleen Posk
Matthew Quammen
Eileen Elizabeth Spencer
Montrell A. Stevens
Master of Science
Aarush Bhardwaj
Fabrizio Fiorini
Purna Sai Kiran
Sabiha Abubakar Mhatarnaik
Sumit Dutt Mishra
Reginald Mordi
Niharika Pillanagoyala
Abhishek Sau
Kunal Sharma
Sindhu Vegiraju
Khushboo Yadav
Mo Zhang
Master of Science in Accounting
Dylan Lee Dudley
Sara Durica
Austin James Ferry
Ryan Alexander Foguth
Kevin D. Gardner
Stephanie Alana Graham
Madison Nicole Gray
Casey Taylor Greenwald
Justin Harvey
Cole Anthony Khas
Alexander J. Kolvey
Devin Steven Kyle
Yannick Rodrigue Lokpe
Tina Marie Pelsnik
Shawn Michael Peters
Gabrielle Ann Semancik
Brandy Budgaa Via
Bachelor of Business Administration
Corban J. Aaron
Samyra Renee Abney
Tyler James Ackman
Matthew Edward Adkins
Musaed Mohammed
Al Jassim
Abdallah Salim Aamir
Al Mahri
Sema Nur Albulut
Huda Alhajji
Joshua Seth Almo
Faisal Ibrahim S. Almoqbel
Dawood Majed Alohaly Jr.
Rachel Kathleen Altman
Corbyn Daniel Anderson
Daniel Dean Angelo
Kory Allen Arner
James Patrick Arthur
Jacob Lawrence Aylward
Cara Nicole Bagley
Collin R. Baia
Kelli Christine Bailey
Isaac M. Baker
Seth Franklin Baker
Belen Marina Balibrea
Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Deborah F. Spake, Ph.D., Dean
Uma Melony Bannavong
Courtney Sinclair Barbour
Alec C. Bartholomew
Ryan Joseph Bass
Makenzie C. Beck
Cody N. Bennett
Luke Frances Bereck
Daniel C. Berens
Tanner Ryan Berg
Savannah D. Berk
Zackary M. Berlovan
Nathan Charles Biedenbach
Katherine Grace Billock
Charles Francis Bishop
Chase Garrett Blakeman
Taylor Marie Blankenship
John Mitchell Bojec
Kailey Bonniwell
Angel Therese Borbajo
Lorilei L. Boris
Samuel Paul Boron
Hayley Boulle
Rachel Bowe
Morgan Renee Bowers
Mason T. Brady IV
Annika Marie Bragg
Hunter C. Brashear
Paul J. Breinz Jr.
Haley Rose Brickman
Emily K. Brockman
Austin Xavier Brooks
Kameron Madison Brown
John Patrick Brucker
Leanne Marie Brzozowski
Autumn Danielle Buckosh
Matthew Grant Bullock
Justin T. Busch
Nathan Butkowski
Everett Alexander Butler
Will Allen Butler
Townesend Tucker Byrd
Patrick Francis Byrne II
Madeline R. Caldro
Lindsay Carnahan
Domenic Angelo Carriero
Jeremiah Demetrius
Riley E. Carter
Tyler H. Caven
Megan A. Cermak
Ian P. Chalk
Kaden Michael Chamberlain
Samuel Peet Chaney
Madison Nicole Chapman
James Dennis Cicero
Dominic Joseph Cistone
Lucas Lee Clark
Sereeda A. Clark
William Dean Clark
Catherine Ann Clawson
Hannah Mae Clinton
Abigail J. Coltz
Morgan Ashley Connolly
Henry Samuel Corey III
William Parker Cortes
Joshua Birks Coyne
Barbre'Anna Chorell Crawford
Colton Joseph Crea
Chloe Elysse Cruz
Rachel Mary Cunningham
Kelly Jean D'Agostino
Mark Joseph Dages
Nadia Dansani
Natalie Ruth Darnell
Trever A. Davis
Samantha Eryn Day
Kegan Edward Dean
Bridget Ann DeJesus
Lane Michael DeLong
Jamie Rae DeMeulenaere
Kayla A. Dennis
Sanskruti Dilipkumar Desai
Gina Marie DiCicco
Alec Brandon Dimacchia
Dominic Vincent DiMarco
Xavier James Dixon
Jacqueline Rose Drake
Chloe Nelly Dufeu
Robert Edward Dunham Jr.
Andrew Joseph Earnest
Tarek El Attar
Jeffrey Michal Elms
Bradley Ventura Engler
Julia Marie Estephan
Ryan G. Evans
Wyatt James Fisher
Aliyah M. Fitzpatrick
Caroline Juliet Flanigan
Jonathan William Flaugh
Abby Marie Florman
Madison Etta Fondriest
Bailee Nicole Fontana
Z'Rya C. Forrest
Jordan Emmanuel Fountain
Dyllan Lee Fox
Matthew D. Francesconi
Julianne Marie Franczak
Madeline Elise Franz
Nathaniel Robert French
Aubrey Nicole Fulmer
Nicholas Alan
Vincent Joseph Gallo
Paige Gamin
Anna Garvin
Evelyn Claire Geib
Ethan Chapman Gilbert
Kailey Kathleen Gilmore
Brooke M. Gilmour
Renz Joshua Gines
Phillip George Glen Ginnis
Reno Anthony Giulitto
Kiva M. Gordon
Tanner James Gortz
Seleah A. Goyette
Colin Green
Trisha Ann Gregg
Jenna Marie Gregory
Adam David Gross
Jacy Rose Guider
Brooke Lynn Guisinger
James Guy
Adam Christopher Haas
Allison Elizabeth Hamer
Anna Lee Hammel
Carl Zach Hanzelka
Morgan Mae Harayda
Keenan Cinque Harden Jr.
Joseph E. Harding
Christopher Andrew Hare
Laura Marie Harms
Taelonn Jarell Harper
Andrew Paul Harrington
Sydney Nicole Harris
Thomas Joseph Harris
Tianna Shea Harris
Gabriella Z. Hart
Corinne Ruth Hartline
Bailey T. Havranek
Elijah Joseph Hayhurst
Lauren L. Heidler
Jonathon Perry Hendrick
Samantha Lee Henry
Aaron David Hernandez
Jacob Levi Hershberger
Emily Herzog
William Hirt
Cody Holland
John William Holt
Mallory Rose Homoki
Leah R. Hrusch
Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Deborah F. Spake, Ph.D., Dean
Olivia Christine Hrusovsky
Carter James Hudnell
Tyler Robert Humphrey
Jordan Michael Hunt
Harrison F. Hux
Madison Kathleen Iannuzzo
Christopher Joseph Imbriano
Jonathan M. Jackson
Elise Ann Jarachovic
Daniel Miles Jelinek
Michael Anthony Jessie
Jolie Jean Jessup
Lindsey Anne Jochum
Sarah Elizabeth Jones
Maizy G. Joye
Elizabeth Ann Jungling
Tyler T. Kaminski
Kevin Patrick Kane
Tyler Steven Kautzman
Jared E. Keefer
Steven Charles Keelon
Russel Kendall
Joshua Robert Kiesling
Alexander King
Eric Lee King II
Justin Gray Kirby
Casandra Kirkpatrick
Emily Taylor Kirman
Fredrick Harold Kisamore III
Benjamin Steven Kish
Chelsea Nicole Knight
Jacob Thomas Koch
John D. Koneval
Karina Marianne Kosa
Alex Kovalcheck
Sofia Kovalchuk
Tristan A. Kraft
Carter James Kramer
Jack Bryant Kramer
Michael Kratcoski
Rylee K. Kubeja
Michael J. Kukucka
Seth A. Kulch
Jennifer Lynn Lamboy
Amber Lee Latak
John P. Lavelle
Terrance Eugene Lawler Jr.
Luke David Lehberger
Emily Jean Leifson
Anthony Micheal Leighton
Kobe M. Leininger
Paige Elizabeth Lendvay
Lillian Michelle Lewis
Noah M. Liggett
Kyle Michael Linhart
Juliet L. Liszeski
Thomas J. Lloyd
Daulton L. Lochran
Paul John Lopiccolo
Jacob Philip Lormor
Emma Paige Lucci
Bradley Michael Luniewski
Maria Rose Lyttle
Moyan Ma
Dylan Paul Mace
Kaiden Cale MacPherson
Nathaniel Maggard II
Kyle Scott Majors
Adam Stanley Malesiewski
Mark Samer Mallouhi
Kyle Edward Mantin
Michael Antonio Marinaro
Antoinette Marinello
Paul Leroy Marks Jr.
Brandon Michael Marshall
Alerie Martin
Benjamin Matthew Martin
Zachary Thomas Martin
Nicholas Gerard Marusiak
Alfred Andrew Mason III
Nathan Patrick Mathieu
Kristin Marie Mauntler
Jaret Paul Maxwell
Drew Nathaniel Mayfield
Mason Joseph Mayoros
Olivia Karen McCauley
Clayton N. McComas
Zoey Elizabeth McCulloch
Davis Walker McDaniel
Michael Matthew McDermott
Cole Patrick McDougal
Steven Matthew McGing
Megan Ashley McLean
Drew McVay
Sabrina Hope Meeran
Zachary M. Mehnert
Saysha Brijae Melendez
Melina C. Melik
Shaz Snehraj Merchant
Payton Nicole Mika
Teddy A. Milbrandt
Jadelyn Rachelle Milburn
Arikka Diamond Miller
Joanne Elizabeth Miller
Peyton Dayne Miller
Lucas B. Mills
Jack P. Minehart
Jake T. Minich
Joshua Norman Minor
Trevor J. Mitch
Connor Dayne Mitchell
Jenna Morgan Moore
Jasmine Darlene Morrison
Jessica Monay Morrison
Luke Michael Morrissey
Jack Tyler Motsinger
Barrett Aidan Mroczka
Joseph Eric Murray
Danielle M. Myers
Nolan Isaac Nagy
Brice Eugene Nelson
Noelle Dora Netzband
Anastasia Rose Neutzling
Michelle Lee Nicholas
Eva Elizabeth Nikolai
Brady Jerome Nist
Jeremiah Schindler Nordholt
Tom H. O'Hare
Francisco Olivarez
Alaina Raine Olson
Montana Orvisky
Anthony Jonathan Palmieri
Julien J. Paltrinieri
Mikayla Roxanne Pandrea
Anthony J. Paolucci
Hope Christine Parkin
Charu Patel
Dalton Stewart Peffer
Michael Luis Perez
Logan Gregory Peterson
Kay Helen Petrovic
Stephen John Petryszyn
Isabelle Susan Phillips
James Dennis Piecuch
Jacob Gabriel Pikras
Cassandra Marie Pleli
Jessica Ann Pollaci
Umberto Pongan
Serina Ann-Lynn Porter
Shaun Reilly Potvin
Madison G. Powell
Emily Megan Price
Jason A. Prijatel
Hannah E. Primozic
MeKenzie Alexis Pritchard
Cassidy Marie Prosen
Julia Lynne Puhalla
Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Deborah F. Spake, Ph.D., Dean
Nicolas Vincent Quattrone
Jiryes Rafidi
Shetonna Lynn Rainey
Zachary Lee Randolph
Elijah David Ratliff
Matthew Hunter Reber
Jhaz Andreas Reed
Nathan Russell Reed
Logan Hunter Reiheld
Salsabil Nour-Eliman Rekhif
Brett William Rhodes
Isaac Richter
Mason Douglas Riehl
Victoria Nichole Riggs
Maxwell Joseph Rippl
Anthony J. Robinson
Ariyaun C. Robinson
Drew Olivia Robinson
Katelyn Nicole Robinson
Clara Rodriguez Seto
Matthew William Roney
Erin Marie Ross
Stephen Tyler Ross
Kamryn Jacalynn Rozier
Patrick James Ruane
Rachel Alexis Ruhe
Ali Sabet
Navdeep Singh Sadhra
Austin David Salinas
Nicholas Stephen Salvatore
Myana Ruby-Ann Tallisa
Maxwell Thomas Sanzo
Jessica Lynn Sarac
Grace Helen Saupe
Kody Renae Schandel
Lily Elise Schie
Ryan Thomas Schirhart
Ashlee Diane Schlegel
Trey Davis Schleifstein
Matthew J. Schroeder
Gino Vincent LeRoy
Nathaniel Thomas Schwartz
Justin Michael Schwarzer
John Thomas Scoarste
Jasmon Jillian Scott
Benjamin Richard Thomas
Nicole L. Seff
Madelyn E. Shaeffer
Sydney Alyse Shaheen
Payton N. Shank
Justin Eugene Shaw
William Alexander Sheehan
Cameron James Sheeler
Xiaotian Shi
Gavin Reed Shindeldecker
Caitlyn A. Shriver
Jason Blade Shroge
Kara Noelle Silbaugh
Christopher G. Simmons Jr.
Taylor Ann Slone
Austin Richard Slusarczyk
Hayden Dawson Smith
Jackson David Smith
Jason Curtiss Smith
Keenan Perry Smith
Silas Jackson Snyder
Jacob Peter Solanics
Meghan Elizabeth Spangler
Shea Isaac Spanier
Brock Edwin Speedy
Lilith Caldwell Spencer
Kelsey Mae Spray
Noah P. Sprunk
Daniel Patrick St. Surin
Terran Stacey
Nathan Stahlman
Olivia Catherine Stark
Maurasia A. Stevens
Cameron Stewart
Matthew Jacob Stoltz
Samantha Ann Storad
Hannah Nicole Streamo
Louden Gabriel Stroupe
Macy Ann Suttman
Luke Christopher Szabo
Alyssa Marie Tallarico
Justin Ryan Tarrant
Cameron Walter Telesz
Olivia Lucille Terranova
Andrew J. Toth
Zachary James Trayer
Kyle Thomas Tretter
Tanner T. Triner
Sophia Tromba
Jared Edward Tuma
Natalie Rose Tusick
Tyler Nicholas Twitt
Kaiya Ann Tyler
Antonio Oscar Varckette
Simon Aaron Varner
Hayden Nicholas Vasbinder
Shanay Verdream
Ryan Steven Volcansek
Jessica Nicole Vystrcil
James Howard Wagner
Brooke Nicole Wallace
Daniel Curtis Wanchisn
Simian Wang
Yaning Wang
Isaiah Andrew Watts
Joshua Allan Wauters
Kendall Grace Wells
Ryan Mathias Welu
Samuel Jacob Weyandt
Emma Kate White
Nicholas Robert Widlewski
Beau Edward Wilkinson
Derek Alan Winebrenner
Ethan Thomas Withrow
Samantha Rae Wolford
Anna Elizabeth Woodhams
Raykwon M. Woodruff
Faith Michele Workman
Scott Douglas Wormald
James Anthony Yatson III
Mitchell Rudolph Yeigh
Troy Anderson Yoder
Kaleb T. Yoho
Andrew N. Yun
Kalen Zakich
Lily Ann Zaucha
Brandi Elisabeth Zehe
Kenidee Kale Zentiska
College of Aeronautics and Engineering
Christina L. Bloebaum, Ph.D., Dean
Master of Engineering Technology
Patrick Baker
Colin McCracken
Jason G. Potts
Avinashreddy Thokala
Timothy Jay Weisenberger
Master of Science
Anh Hoang Phuong Pham
Master of Technology
Naif Mohammed Alalawi
Bachelor of Science
Prakash Adhikari
Oluwasemilore Ayomide
Saad Saeed S. Alghamdi
Abdallah Khaled Alsalem
Kaushik Narayanan Anantha
Megan Elizabeth Aquino
John Herman Arata
Clayton Robert Asbury
Steven Patrick Bacsi
Robert James Beaucock
Makenzie C. Beck
Michael James Behr
Mitchell Kay Bird
Brian John Boehmer II
Aaron Frederick Boso
Romil Fadi Boukzam
Parker Bowe
Cooper D. Burton
Joseph Ronald Calandra
Aidan Gordon Carlson
Sean M. Carney
Jared Casey
Nathan Richard Cash
Adalberto Castillo
William Robert Chess
G'Javonne Malik Clarke
Michael Ray Cline Jr.
Michael Richard Connelly
Kevin Michael Cooper
Kyle Noah Cory
Jarred M. Curtis
Allen James Darby
Isaac Thomas Davanzati
Om'Rieah Marvae Dawson
Thomas Raymond Decker
Joseph W. Detling
Nicholas P. DiPietro
Calista Marie Dodson
Robert Stephen Drum
Cole Stevan Dyer
Desiree Michelle Eakin
David J. Eichenlaub
Connor William Elshaw
Nathan M. Evers
Evan Christopher Gasper
David Michael Ghioldi
Maxine Marie Gibson
Mario Joseph Gioiello
Trace Gray
Colin Michael Green
Cody Robert Heironimus
Jordan Markell Hill
Mason C. Hirt
Carter Wayne Warner Huff
Calie Elizabeth Huge
Paul Alexander Jennings
Drew Michael Johnson
Jordan W. Kocina
Kyle Michael Koller
Zachary Craig Kozma
Faruq Ayomide Ore Kuku
Clayton Joseph Larissey
Garrett William Lass
Luke John Leyden
Tristian Jessie Little
Mason Michael Lloyd
Idris Olanrewaju Majolagbe
August Michelle Malobabic
Evan Nathaniel Marando
Gianni Joseph Marinucci
Thomas Henry Markowitz
Francis Martynowski
Gabrielle Nicole Matthews
Justin Kyle Maurer
Jeffrey Austin May
Joshua John McCue
Tyler Joseph McKern
Jessica Rose Miladinovich
James N. Mills
Leeah Lin Moore
Chris Anthony Moreno
Muhnad Hussein Mukhtar
Harun Musa
Xavier James Navarro
Stanley J. Nerkowski IV
Seamus O'Connor Neuman
Zachary David Newberger
Wyatt Joe Niceswanger
Jac Matthew Nichols
Kristin Margaret Onders
Nathan Paul Patrick
Jonathon James Pechatsko
Robert Gerald Plunkett
Brandon T. Poage
Matthew J. Primm
Abigail M. Prior
Joshua James Raines
Lauren F. Raymond
Matthew Edward Reardon
Matthew S. Rister
Jason Robinson
Sara Julia Roman
Adrianna Marie Romito
John Robert Ross
Luai Mohammad Safi
Brandon David Savage
Dakota Frank Sedivy
Kailee F. Selby
Diana C. Semilia
Olivia Marie Semon
Brendan Eric Shahrokh
College of Aeronautics and Engineering
Christina L. Bloebaum, Ph.D., Dean
Justin Allen Sherrill
Jordan T. Shifflet
Stephen A. Skerl
Trace A. Smith
Cole David Sommers
Larissa Ann Sperk
Christian Robert Stevens
Jordan M. Stevens
Nolan Glen Stout
Shannon Elizabeth Stratigakis
Julia Anne Taylor
Victoria Dawn Tenny
Dominic Brody Toth
Sarah Desiree Ulakovic
Richard Karl Lange Underwood
Jacob James Urcheck
Thomas Joseph Waldman
Tyler William Weiss
Chance Philip Wilging
James Wilson Jr.
Laura Marie Wilson
Ashton Parker Wright
Matthew John Zirckel
College of Applied and Technical Studies
Peggy Shadduck, Ph.D., Vice President for Regional Campuses and Dean
Bachelor of Applied Horticulture
Haley Shae Sowers
Bachelor of Radiologic and Imaging Sciences Technology
Cheyenne Dawn Cook
Bachelor of Science
Felicity Ann Alt
Paul Michael Anderegg
Jackson Garrett Armstrong
Cade Andrew Aten
China Kaitlyn Barrino-Goins
Jessica Corrine Beith
Thomas J. Breen
Thomas Albert Bullock
Mariah Ashley Candel
Alyssa N. Card
Christopher M. Conti
Mark Joseph Contini
Brandon Lee Cool
Nicole Elizabeth Cvammen
Gillian Paige Dean-McDaniel
Tristan A. Ford
Megan Elyssa Gyorki
Jennifer Nhu Ha
Jake Mitchell Hancock
Delanie Elizabeth Hranko
Brennan David Hudak
Govan P. Hudson
April M. Huffman
Nicholas M. Kokensparger
Tsz Chung Lam
Allison Rose LeMay
Branson Michael Mariola
Thomas James Marquardt
Brandon David Meinke
Andrew Milarcik
Titus Bramwell Morrison
Rayce T. Newman
Kwaku Asare Oppong
Luke Overmire
Bronson Lee Phillips
Samuel James Pollak
Reid Thomas Schroeder
Aaron R. Shaffer
Matthew Alexander Shavers
Breea Diana Shephard
John R. Sparano
Heather Springer
Emma Louise Stedman
Brendan Michael Steele
Nikia Taylor
Nicholas John Tomola
Alexander Jacob Ulman
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Serina Marie Barry
Alexander Michael Benson
Jacob Alexander Border
Jeffery Paul Bratanov
Zachary Thomas Calabrese
Ryan Christopher Campbell
Anthony Robert Celeste
Brooke Celeste
Zachary Charles Dehn
Victor Daniel DiCerce
Robert James Duvendack
Nicholas James Fleming
Sean D. Frank
Kris Frazier
Jonathan P. Gampo
Macie A. Gingerich
David C. Hand
Zachary Grant Hitzemann
John M. Keating IV
Alex S. Koth
Jacob Curtis LeQuyea
Akili Prosper Maanda
Ryan Paul Myers
Tyree Lee Nall
Michael A. Phillips
Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies
Justin E. Ballentine
Stephanie Lynn Braccini
Lauren Elisse Burton
Mark A. Camplese
Nicole Marie D'Angelo
Jeffrey DiCenzi
Kwaku Abanquah Gyimah
Jonathan T. Hood
Valerie Ann Langdon
Kathryn Michelle Lee
Ashley L. Leveto-Dean
Timothy Joseph Morton
Yvonne Rene Pecka
Heidi R. Rine
Andrew Sunderland
Ronald D. Weekley
College of Applied and Technical Studies
Peggy Shadduck, Ph.D., Vice President for Regional Campuses and Dean
Associate of Applied Business
Anthony Nicholas Ananea
Rose M. Andrews
Audriana Margaret Bailes
Michael Baun
Emily S. Braslawsce
Julianna Louise Brewer
Brendan T. Brown
Ashlyn LaNae Buehler
Katy L. Chessar
Kristin Marie Clark
Emma Rae Cline
Allen L. Davis
Stephen DiPofi
Nicole Fink
Lexi Marie Flickinger
Ashley Froehlich
Thomas Myron Garwig
Jessica Anne Gaul
Daniel T. Goga
Trevon Anthony Granger
John Edward Griffith Jr.
David C. Hand
Anna Aylin Klink
Anna Maria Kondev
Adam Mark Lewchenko
Alejandro Llewellyn
Camaren Leigh Massey
Hannah Lee Mathias
John Thomas Montanaro
Benjamin Daniel Pallett
Tori Hunter Rawson
Kyle Edward Schaar
Brian Seymour
Nicholas A. Smith
Kathryn Snyder
Jena M. Solarek
Margaret A. Stogner
Patrick Sutton
Adam James Tatgenhorst
Phillip Clayton Thomas
James Torres
Caitlin Elaine Troyer
Taylor Ryan Wilson
Associate of Applied Science
Maria Michelle Abdalla
Alexis M. Accordino
Jenelyn Ortega Adams
Michael Joseph Adams
Abigail H. Adkins
Martha Agnave
Alexa Alvis
Melissa A. Anderson
Crystal S. Arnold
Brandilyn Anne Autery
Austin Scott Bailey
Tracia Ray Bailey
Qynn Ruthann Baker
Colt David Barnhart
Latifa Joy Basit
Todd Jay Belcher
Allyson R. Betteridge
Kelsey Marie Bibey
Samantha Nicole Bidinger
Jennifer Lynn Biggs
Haley Marie Bisson
Kyle Edward Blevins
Mya Julianne Blochlinger
Jacub Kenneth Bolden
Haley E. Boring
Payten Alexandria Boring
Jennifer Boyle
Sierra Nicole Brooks
Esther Virginia Brown
Jirah Leilia Brown
Courtney Elizabeth Burton
Olive Pearl Busson
Kari Cargnel
Danielle Marina Casler
Alexa K. Ceneskie
Zachary M. Chaffee
Nichole Lynne Clegg
Brandon Lee Cochran
Sara Anne Cogan
Jennifer Cohen
Brandon D. Cole
Jackson Matthew Compher
Mark Joseph Contini
Holly Marie Cooper
Katie Coriston
April Lynn Cox
Jaquan Courtez Crawford
Dustin Donald Crosby
Hali Marie Crouso
Justin Michael Crowl
Katherine L. Crowl
Angelina Christina D’Itri
Sara N. Dalrymple
Haley Maery Damko
Brettany Nikole Daniels
Eric Danielson
Beth Ellen Davis
Erica Leigh Davis
Jennifer Lynn Davis
Hannah Lynn DeBos
Samantha Danielle Deck
Ashley Deuble
David M. Dicillo
Casey Ann Dickey
Miche'le Raymond Donato
Mckenzie Marie Dotson
Jenna M. Drayer
Kerry Lyn Drew
Jessica L. Drexler
Anne M. Dunn
Kameron Robert DuPonty
Karissa Ann Dyer
Aileen Ramirez Egolf
Stacey VanBeneden Biggs
Lindsey M. Elliott
Tiffany LaVonne Ellsworth
Ethan Alexander Estes
Paige F. Everett
Kimberly A. Ewing
Janelle Leigh Ferguson
Donnabel Ferrell
Carolanne Finch
Elyse Fincham
Maggie F. Flanigan
Allison Marie Forbes
Dylan Luke Foster
Kelley A. Friend
Cara C. Gania
Arleigha Nicole Gaudio
Theresa A. Gentry
Abbigale Mckinzie Gibbs
Devin Patrick Gibson
Brendan Seth Gill
Schianne Merrina Goddard
Yolanda Golston
Abrianna Lynn Greathouse
Barbara Gross
College of Applied and Technical Studies
Peggy Shadduck, Ph.D., Vice President for Regional Campuses and Dean
Summer Jordan Habowski
Kacian Y. Hamilton
Sydni Marie Hamilton
Benjamin Alan Hanks
Sebastian Frederick Hanlin
Briana D. Hanlon
Olivia Christine Harkless
Rachel E. Hathhorn
Brielle Olivia Hathy
Brionna Marie Havens
Hannah Marie
Heidi Jean Herman
Rachel Michelle Hernon
Grace Helen Hibbs
Jordynn Michelle Ann Hines
Laura Marie Hinkle
Allyssa M. Hogue
Chyanne Nichole Hogue
Deon Holmes
Tabitha J. Hornof
Jeff Pierre Hostetler
Kristin R. Hughes
Hayden Andrew Incarnato
Michelle L. Irons
Christine Janok
Bryna Liane Jenkins
Brittany Joki
Nathan Anthony Jones
Matisyn Christina Joseph
Laura E. Juarez
Renee Lynne Justice
Kayleigh Marie Kail
Kylee Ann Kaplan
Veronica Dawn Keenan
Casey Kegelmyer
Kaylee Dawn Kerr
Madison Ann Ketchum
Kari Lyn Klein
Summer Elizabeth Knapp
Dakota Knightley
Valerie Ann Kohr
Carlie Kristen Kosley
Olivia Diane Kuzma
John Michael Lamanna
Shelby Elizabeth Lamar
Benjamin B. Langan
Steven Robert Lee
Baylee Elizabeth Leek
Taylor Jo Leffler
Aurora L. Leguard
Joshua Radman LeMay
Michael Angelo Leshon III
Jordan Lee Letcher
Xiao Fang Lin
Stacey L. Lindsay
Kelley J. Little
Dennis Livingston
Lindsey Lana Loboy
Sierra Nichole Lonkert
Andrew Perry Loos
Tessa Carinn Love
Matthew Donald Lubonovic
Kelly A. Lundstrom
Emma Kathryn Luther
Diana Nicole Luyster
Marissa Elaine Macaluso
Cassie Marie Madison
Summer Alexis Marcis
Katie Jo Martin
Crystal Martinez-Jacome
Shakeila Devaughn Matlock
Mackenzie Leigh May
Tatyana McCarty
Shavon F. Mcclendon
Erika Faye McCoy
Reed Taylor McGeehan
Taylor R. McIntyre
Kortney Allison McRobie
Destiny M. Meese
Karli Meyers
Ashley Milhoan
Anita Renee Miller
Edylyne Miller
Emily Mae Miller
Kaleigh Miller
Khaila Lenay Miller
Michael J. Miterko
Bryana Lillian Molesky
Eleanor Marie Moore
Janell L. Moore
Rosalba Moreno
Ashley Renee Morgan
Jaidyn Brooke Morgan
Kacey Marie Morris
Brianna Nicole Morrow
Emma E. Moser
Destini Lyne Mott
Erin Elizabeth Murphy
Ariel Marlena Mutschler
Julia Marie Myers
Imann Justyz Narvaez
Michelle Abigail Narvaez
Melinda J. Neidenthal
Michael Isaac Neidenthal
Heather N. Nidel
Andrea Christina O'Neill
Kali Renea Olsen
Julia Oravecz
Kaitlyn Mae Pacholke
Curtis Joseph Parker
Breanna Nicole Pawlowski
Nicole Marie Peters
Angel Lee Peterson
Hannah Jolene Peterson
Peter Robert Phillips
Erika Jeannae Pierre
Brittany Marie Podluzne
Lakesha Sirah Poe
Codie Poole
Samantha M. Preston
Scott A. Propes
Samantha Puette
Alexis Lynn Raber
Heidi Rochelle Radtke
Kara M. Ramey
Brittany Nicole Redman
Crystal Marie
Randy R. Richman
Ruth Ann Rickerd
Ashlyn Shaye Riggs
Danielle Louise Rigsby
Bailey Marie Riley
Branden Andrew Ritter
Kara Jane Ritter
Cale David Roberts
Ryan J. Roberts
Carmen Angel Robinson
Jacob Aaron Robinson
Marikate Elizabeth Roscoe
Jessica Lynn Runyon
Andrew John Russell
Laurie Taylor Sams
Alyssa Marie Santoro
Cory Rae Sapp
Mitchelle Neal Satterfield
Kristy Jean Schmucker
Rachel S. Schwartz
Abigail Anne Schweitzer
Azlyn Victoria Sears
Mia L. Sexton
Katelyn M. Shambach
Brynn Marie Shanahan
Courtney Leighann
Tabatha Olivia Ann
College of Applied and Technical Studies
Peggy Shadduck, Ph.D., Vice President for Regional Campuses and Dean
Kayla Sue Sliez
Erika Nicole Smith
Grace Elizabeth Smith
Jayva Krien Smith
Madeline Rose Smith
Marquita Monique Smith
Megan Christine Smith
Taylor Smith
Breanna Lynn Songer
Briana Jean Spalding
Catelyn Dawn Squires
Tabitha Stallings
Helen Jean Mare Starnes
Emma Louise Stedman
Micaiah Grace Stemple
Laurel Wendy Stewart
McKalie Elizabeth Stickney
Alexis Kristen Stillwagon
Bridget R. Stuntz
Mackenzie G. Sturgeon
Jayma Lynn Sullivan
Lauren Swast
Aryn Shauntele' Taylor
Michelle Lynn Taylor
Katelyn Marie Thayer
Hannah Elizabeth Tillotson
Jessica Marie Tomer
Emma Caroline Trent
Otto Caleb Trent
Haley Rae Tucker
Annamarie Elizabeth
Jaicey Tayler Verma
Abigail Rose Vernon
Raneshia Nicole Virden
Amy G. Voithofer
Kelsey Lynn Wagner
Veronica L. Walker
Francis A. Wallingford Jr.
MaKenzie Adell Walter
Quinton Joseph Walters
Lauren Elizabeth Warner
Jeremy S. Watson
Markita Denise Weaver
Brittney A. Weaver-Spires
Emily Rebecca Weema
Tiffany Lynn Weiss
Callie Elizabeth West
Hannah Wheeler
Taffy L. White
Terris M. Wilcynski
Brennan Lane Williams
Candace Ann-Marie Williams
Heather N. Williams
Stephanie Alyssa Williams
Sara M. Wilmot
Alexis Renae Wilson
Hoi Ming Yu Winski
Cindy Ileen Wolf
Laura M. Wright
Emily Young
Shae Marie Young
Marissa Lennae Yourstowsky
Jocelyn Zimmerman
Sadie Mae Zurcher
Associate of Arts
Angelina JoLee Abel
Alexandra Elise Abood
Hannah Victoria Agosta
Yara Jamil Al-Imeishat
Sarah Amatangelo
Marissa Lee Anderegg
Kaley Jane Anderson
Nicholas B. Angle
Mariah Dawn Armstrong
Elizabeth Ann Arndt
Emily Marie Bader
Alissa Kay Baer
Samantha Bailey
Robert John Baker
William Baldwin
Zachariah William Ballas
Alaina Rene Barkheimer
Brooke Ashley Barr
David Andrew Bauer
Stephanie Rae Baxter
Paige Elizabeth Becker
Brandon M. Berlin
Dylan J. Biehl
Jacob Elliott Blose
Olivia M. Bohon
Giovanni Sonny Anthony
Klara Kay Boss
Makayla Jo Bowe
Emily Elizabeth Boy
Tonola Tracey-Marie Branch
Grace Elizabeth Brillhart
Collin Andrew Brink
Selah M. Brown
Zachery Thomas Brown
Hannah Clarisse Bucholtz
Sidney Cala
Joshua S. Call
Julia Kay Chappelear
Claire Marie Chartier
Nicole Chauca
Harlee Elizabeth Christner
Anna Frances Clark
Nathan Paul Clark
Amanda Leeaira Clay
Caitlin Aubrey Cole
Paige Marie Collister
Jaclyn Rose Connell
Sean Paul Craney Jr.
Olivia Jeanene Daniels
Nathaniel Jacob Davis
Storm Mason Davis
David Michael Del Zoppo
Tiffani Nicol Doherty
Evan Michael Dukeman
Kiley Renae Dyer
Carlena Marie Earnsberger
Gabriel Vincent Edwards
Devin Michael Ellis
Kameron M. Elsayed
Aliyah English
Tarick R. Erritouni
Marcus Alexander Florio
Hannah Fowler
Kaleigh A. Fowler
Amber Joy Fry
Evan E. Frygier
Reagen Faith Marie Fulner
Maxwell Joseph Gangl
Kristen Lynn Gaskell
Zachary Gill
Derrick Grossen
McGwire J. Groubert
Cory Patrick Gruber
Lyndra L. Haines
London E. Hairston
Rodrigo Haroldo de Oliveira
Alec Daniel Hartman
Emily Elizabeth Hasson
Margaret Ann Hayes
Matthew J. Helmick-Bickel
Shayne A. Hershberger
Sydney A. Hill
Cole Matthew Hinton
Steven E. Hollowell
Anne M. Hornyak
College of Applied and Technical Studies
Peggy Shadduck, Ph.D., Vice President for Regional Campuses and Dean
Jada Lynn Howard
Solomon James Howell
Kahtrina Lynne Hromada
Hannah Rose Hudson
Kevin M. Huff
Sophia Camille Idriss
Andrew F. Jackson
Logan Mitchell Jacobs
Meaghan Elizabeth James
Yazmeen Alejandra Jimenez
Andrew Jacob Johnston
Darrel R. Jones
Jacob Kalista
Sophia Kapper
Kendall Victoria Kelley
Owen M. Kirkland
Tyler Michael Kish
Chelsea Linnea Kolleth
Rachel Jeannette Kornish
Mariam Kromah
Lauren Irene Lappert
Emma Rose Lego
Daniella A. Leonetti
Joseph Keith Lockhart
Marissa Kay Long
Trinidy Rose Longgood
Samantha Hope Lovesee
Grace Violet Lucarelli
Bridget Ann Lujan
William Robert Lutz
MiKayla Angela Mahramas
Ka’Rina Samari Mallory
Dylan C. Mandrake
William George Mantho
Kaitlyn Marie Markwell
Trey Joseph Marshall
Mattie J. Marsilio
Christopher J. Maze
Joshua Caleb Mc Arthur
Katherine Sue McBee
Taryn Lynn McBride
Hannah McCauley
Jarett Scott McCormick
Ryan Patrick McGill
Mason Michael McMullen
Moses Joseph Michael
Cade Christian Middleton
Kathryn Anne Milek
Faith Rose Miller
Katherine Christine Miller
Katrina Grace Miller
Madison Elizabeth Mitchell
Elliana A. Mizener
Samantha Jaye Morris
Isabella Benae Mrozek
Elizabeth Kay Narris
Bianca Nicole Nelson
Grayson Jack Newell
Nicole Francis O'Neill
Madelyn Maureen Ossman
Jake R. Pacholski
Basil Faye Pallak
James Jonathan Paulis
Chloe Savanah Pierce
Jessica Marie Pinkley
Brandon Kyle Pittis
Annamarie Lynn Pollack
Mason Aaron Poole
Brooklyn Tricia Pugh
Rebecca Lynne Quirk
Levi Aaron Rader
Stephanie Lynn Redmond
Lindsey Nicole Ricker
Trace Monroe Ricketts
Peyton Ridenour
Gabriel Thomas Roach
Christine M. Rogers
Kelley J. Rohr
Lilyan Grace Ronske
Courtney Jane Roof
Kevin David Ross
Braden D. Rostad
Melissa Sanders
Ashish Sangar
Michael Richard Schupska
Christian Charles Sekeres
Manoel Eduardo Sena Ribeiro
de Campos
Brittany Lynn Shaw
Madison Grace Shaw
Daniel Aaron Shepard
Gabrielle Lee Shives
John Ryan Shoup
Rachel Ann Simballa
Jeremy Simpson
Lane Montgomery Simpson
Kamryn R. Sloan
Brittany Renee Small
Connie Rae Smith
Jeremy David Snyder
Nicholas H. Sowko
Shayla A. Spears
Michael Allen Stanley
Jordan Nicole Starkey
Abria L. Starr
Connor Michael Stitt
Kimberly Sue Striker
Donna Lynn Swonger
Sarrah Dawn Tennefoss
Sarah Nicole Thorn
Heather Rose Thrush
Kayla Ann Trigg
Brent Thomas Vigil
Natalie Paige Waggoner
Felicia M. Wagner
Samantha G. Wehr
Joshua Thomas Weiner
Morgan Anne Macey
Samantha Nicole Widder
Simon Nicholas Wiersma
Brayden Nicholas Wikoff
Beau Evan Wiley
Trevyr Scott Willey
Caroline Williams
Drew Williams
Emily Christine Willis
Makenna Ashley Wimer
Ashley Rachelle Winn
Fox William Witt
Evan Joseph Yost
Garrett Thomas Young
Nate Robert Zappola
Griffen Thomas Zemrock
Eugene Zielinski
Associate of Science
Jay Aaron
David Joseph Abdelmalak
Destini Adorisio
Taylor Paige Adams
Haleigh Morgan Alexander
Andrew Nikolai Aljancic
Melissa A. Anderson
Cassidy M. Andreas
Jaquelynn Alexandrea
Haley J. Arceneaux
Avery Rose Arendas
College of Applied and Technical Studies
Peggy Shadduck, Ph.D., Vice President for Regional Campuses and Dean
Connor Michael Armstrong
Makenzie Alexis Ashe
Meghan Danielle Badger
Taylor N. Badger
Spencer Christian Bagwell
Jessica L. Baker
Matthew Ryan Baldwin
Elaine Margaret Bast
Melissa Ruby Becerra
Alexandria Marie Begeot
Rozalyn Jane Lanae Belknap
Nathan Allen Blough
Sadie Louise Blum
Sheilin Bobonagua
Joseph Bohbot
Lydia C. Boling
Courtney C. Bowser
Jonathan Richard Brand
Jeffery Paul Bratanov
Reagan Leigh Bray
Marie Lynae Brooks
John McDonald Browning
Morgan R. Bruggeman
Thomas Albert Bullock
Makeba Dionne Byrd
Phillip Allen Campbell
Ty'Shaun La'trae Caples
Brandi Nicole Carter
Holly Renay Casto
Jennifer Lynn Casto
Antonia Breanne Caver
Caitlyn Taylor Chant
Elliot A. Citino
Trevor Richard Coffy
Makenzie A. Compson
Darius Darel Cone
Carson C. Coombs
Megan Erin Copeland
Richard Angelo Corso
Olivia Crone
Latisha A Autrey Culler
Lisa Kay Cummings
Luiza Curti
Anthony Stefan Dalton
Nikolai Michael Davis
Mallory Malone Decker
Danielle E. Detter
Mitti Lejoye Dillard
Leyla Starr Dowdy
Robert William Durben II
Jared Norman Eichelberger
Julia Suzanne Ellks
Andrew J. Engle
Mariah Noel Evans
Karsyn Leigh Faulk
Brandon Wade Fee
Max Ferris
Nicholas James Fleming
Marayzia Rayalle Fletcher
Andrew Alexander Foradas
Kaylyn Grace Franklin
Kylie Nicole Frye
AnnaMarie Elizabeth
Josiah B. Gaines
Thomas James Galvin
Gabrielle Gambill-Chapin
Gage Landin Gamertsfelder
Caleb William Garlock
Maverick Logan Garner
Brooke Alexandra Giebel
Allison Giroux
Haley Marie Griffin
Pietra Guimaraes Bonetto
Terry Guisler
Rafaela Happel
Taylor Nickol Haring
Lorenza Haris Vanes
Lindsey Elaine Harris
Claire Elizabeth Haswell
Rebecca Liz Haught
Jaylen Lanier Hicks
Austin Hildebrandt
Hannah Rose Hill
Justin L. Hillen
Jonathan Michael Holmes
Charisse Lizzie Hubbard
Allyssa Lynn Ippolito
Saif R. Ismail
Torree L. Jackson
Simone R. Jackson-Richards
Jordan Danielle Jarvi
Lauren Jewell
Alexandra Elizabeth Johnson
Spencer Harris Johnson
Konstantinos Karlis
Zoe Alexandra Kelsey
Leah Louise Kerby
Ashley Elizabeth Kertes
Thomas C. Kiglics
Chad M. Kline
Taylor R. Klusti-Palmer
Kellie R. Kordinak
Madeline E. Kurtz
Thomas Thanh Lam
Kyle David Lambert
Jonathan Patrick Lilly
Ashley Logue
Shawn M. Luben
Cameron James Lucas
Mackenzie Rae Ludwig
Haley Olivia Magee
Isabela Maia
Brandon Tyler Mann
Joshua A. Marino
Branson Michael Mariola
Caleb Ryan Martin
Faith Lynn Mask
Ian Michael McCartt
Maeve E. McCluskey
Markie N. McCurdy
Josephine Rae Mellott
Michelle D. Melton
Caroline Elizabeth Mikeo
Emily Justine Millard
Karlee Lynne Miller
Nastashya Ann Misko
Baylee Brynne Mohr
Kimberly Nicole Moore
Michael Tyler Murphy
Ana C. Murray
Kristin Myer
Dylan Michael Nicastro
Kaitlyn Morgan Nist
Dylan Matthew Ohm
Chloe Alexis Orin
Owen Charles Orlowski
Luke Overmire
Colin Charles Pahr
Anju Pandhak
Brittany Anne Parker
Mackenzie R. Pavlik
April Paw
Abigail Nicole Pearson
Yvonne Rene Pecka
Megan L. Peckham
Suzana Pepanian
Abigale H. Peterson
Michael A. Phillips
Brandon Pierce-Ruhland
College of Applied and Technical Studies
Peggy Shadduck, Ph.D., Vice President for Regional Campuses and Dean
Chelsea Arminda Pifer
Bruna Prosdocimo Tarle
Alexandros S. Ramos
Kelly Renee Rektor
Katlynn Remillard
Tyler Brooks Ridgway
Jamison Marie Ritter
Samuel Joseph Rizzuto
Ethan Michael Roden
David Michael Lee Rollins
Chad Alexander Rossman
Ana Flavia Samways Guimaraes
Gabrielle Janae Sardich
Lauren Christine Schering
Tyler Michael Schrock
Cora Jean Schulman
Lauren Ashley Schultheis
Jacob Gregory Scotton
Patrick Mark Scranton
Cienna Lanee Seel
Brenna Elizabeth Seifert
Colin Richard Smith
Corey Gavin Snook
Corey Snow
Kristina Sue Snyder
Emily Grace Spencer
Christian William Stadler
Matthew Allen Steel
Sarah E. Stiffler
Alyssa Renee Storz
Emilio Ricardo Suarez
Sierra Rose Susic
Brooke M. Swinehart
Nikia Taylor
Nicholas Keith Todd
Brody Tonn
Jaban M. VanKirk
Hannah Paige Vaughn
Ashley C. Vittling
Pamela Waldron
Jordan N. Wallace
Kayla Faye Wallace
Steven Joseph Wallace
Rachel Marie Warren
Nicole Lynn Wassam
Sara Kathleen Weirick
Matthew S. Whitmer
Macie L. Willison
LeeAndria Wills
Evan Michael Wolf
Mallory Marie Wolf
Madison Alaina Woods
Tori Elaine Wright
Samantha Jo Yendriga
Austin James Young
Anthony Michael Zurick
Associate of Technical Study
Stephanie Lynn Braccini
Robert Joseph Debiec
Isabella Marie DeMuth
Kelsie Detty
Daniel David Downie
Claire Jenna Downin
Liberty Abigail Johnston
Stephanie J. Lacey
Sebastian S. Marconi
Sophia Margaret Wolf
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Mark Mistur, Dean
Master of Architecture
Ashley Shannon Austin
Mitchell J. Bandish
Lauren Barbara Biltz
Evan Joseph Bluemel
Justin M. Byler
Jenna Nicole Conley
Devin T. Gallo
Gabriela Gonzales Allende
Chuanlin Lin
Christian T. Mathes
Christopher T. Mathes
Shreya Bhupendrakumar
Andrew Choi Pearson
Eric Charles Smith
Brandon Michael Vinas
Master of Healthcare Design
Leong Yin Tanya Chiu
Md Mazharul Islam
Master of Landscape Architecture
Brendan Michael Alcorn
Amanda M. Mumford
Master of Science
Fadl Ageel
Brigid Mary Margaret
Gabriela Gonzales Allende
Alyssa Marie Skilton
Justin Smith
Master of Urban Design
Brandi L. Green
Bachelor of Arts
Hannah Elizabeth Abrams
Noor Abdullah Al Nasser
Karla Anic
Alyssa Marie Arend
David Aronov
Allison Paige Baker
Kaci Ann Barth
Heather M. Baumgratz
Laina Paige Brozost
Sombre Rose Carleton
Margaret G. Carmigiano
Kalp Nikhil Champaneri
Dea Chiavetta
Fred Albert Chopin
Aileena Ann Chrisman
Emily Jane Coe
Grace Dabernig
Shania Leeanna Davis
Lindsey Irene Dempsey
Faith Marie DiLillo
Alexandra Rae Dudeck
Kathryn Paige Ewers
Sidney Linda Flannigan
Ginger Lee Gerasimek
Joshua Anthony Ginley
Gianna Marie Ignazio
Katherine Olivia Jackson
Morgan R. Jones
Rebecca Lynn Kern
Taylor Diane Knepper
Michaela Lynn Leisie
Zane Robert Longwell
Michelle Ann Macinga
Sydney Pearl Marquis
Margaret Anne Martin
Abagail Lynn Mason
Katherine Elizabeth Mills
Olivia R. Moore
Emily Ann Pack
Camryn Anabel Patton
Tatiana Nicole Placer
Paige Marie Potter
Ashley Amanda Robbins
Chloe Salort
Katelyn Nicole Schlotter
Jessica Alexandra Schriner
Maria E. Seifert
Samantha Marie Simicevic
Robbie Somprachit Sithixay
Zachmann Thomas Skala
Tyler Dale Smith
Sarah Marie Sparks
Megan Elizabeth Stalker
Jay D. Stoneman
Lindsey Ruth Stuart
Emily Paige Sullivan
Stella M. Udoh
Alexandra T. Watley
Olivia Rae King Wimberly
Britney Ann Yaekle
Aaliyah Monet Young
Skylar Sue Zucal
Bachelor of Science
Riley Michelle Atkinson
Troy Dennis Baden
Frederick M. Bailie
Tyler James Baird
Bakari LaTrell Ballard
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Mark Mistur, Dean
Cristina Faith Bara
Alexandria Lee Barnett
Carl Franklin Barrett
Dante Jordan Bartolone
Ndeye Coumba Bassel
William Charles Bayuk
Andrew Joseph Beck
Conan Michael Becker
Nathan Thomas Bennett
Joshua Vincent Brashear
Emily JoEtta Brown
Danielle Rose Campbell
Eric James Campbell
Ryan Christopher Carlton
Toby A. Chame
Kalp Nikhil Champaneri
Chandler James Chase
Jacob Ching
Ryan Richard Coberly
Cristina Nichole Collise
Timara Conner
Karin R. Craig
Zook Lynn Crain
Jonah Thomas Crouch
Lucas Aaron Denmeade
Alexander James Denzak
Joseph P. Dundee
Kelton J. Embree
Michael Emrick
Zachary Lowell Engelman
Macy Rae Ann Fellers
Shelton D. Finch
Brennan Chase Flory
Liam Kenneth Frascati
Anthony Scott Freeman
Mark Andrew Friess
Cristian Ernesto Galvan
Meghan Leigh Gerringer
Regina Nicole Gonano
Riley James Gormly
David Mason Green Jr.
Nicklas Ryan Gunn
Jarrod Marshal Halpern
Sean Michael Hannon
Keith Harvey
Bradley Joseph Heck
Ronn William Holmes
Hannah Katherine Hotchkiss
Ashton Lee Hoying
Alexis Rose Hunter
Stirling Wallace Hunter
Jessica L. Huzzard
Elisa Carmela Ibsen
Devanshi K. Jariwala
Vincent Elijah Johnson Jr.
Oluwatobi Ademola Karim
Claire Anne Keefer
Luke Michael Keener
Alexander J. Kelley
Matthew Ray Kennedy
Zachary Herman Kerr
Samuel Thomas Kiriazis
Derek James Kleinhenz
Kody Karl Kocias
William A. Kuduk
Nicholas Paul Kukura
Abigail T. LaRussa
Reihley Morgan Littlefield
Connor Edward Lloyd
Phillip Joseph Long
Shane Joseph Mahlstadt
Richard A. Mansfield
Jyae Amari McWilson
Amber Elicia Meisner
Maxwell Garrison Melder
Braden Allan Meyerl
Zachary Daniel Miller
John David Moes
Daniel Kelly Moore
Alexander Moran
Olivia Anne Muchewicz
Diana Marie Murcko
Feyza Nuray Mutlu
Summer Ann Nairn
Anthony Robert O'Donnell
Troy Michael Oblack
Gerald David Opferman
Patrick Christian Othites
Breanna J. Parker
Jacob Michael Parks
Korey William Patterson
Austin James Petersen
Abigail Mary Pospisil
Jacob David Prahst
Elijh J. Radosevich
Drashty Vipulkumar Rana
Christopher McKee Rankin II
Maree Rasmussen
Jacob Alan Rechenberg
Taylor A. Reiheld
Nicholas Joseph Robinette
Trevor John Rodgers
Rebecca Lynn Romano
Grace M. Rosenbaum
Cesar Sandate
Megan Anne Saraniti
Autumn Jade Kai Sariano
Zachary Martin Savol
Trenton J. Scheller
Thomas Scott
Siddhi Sanjaybhai Shah
Cameron N. Shank
Madeline Martin Shaub
Janzen Patrick Micheal Shaw
Matthew Steven Sherman
Aiden L. Sisil
Alex P. Stamper
Frank Joseph Steratore III
Jay D. Stoneman
Colin Michael Szumski
Michael John Tadaj
Natori K. Thomas
Tyler Jacob Turskey
Sarah Jayne Vala
Nicholas Joseph Varga
Christopher Joseph Voelker
Corbin Christopher Vonier
Jayda Madison Vorndran
Michael J. Wakelin
Caleb Joseph Walters
Eric Thomas Weimer
Bret J. Whittaker
John Patrick Whitticar
Olivia A. Williams
Brandon Owen Williamson
Christian Matthew Workman
Jake Lewis Wright
Mason Jordan Young
College of the Arts
Diane Helfers Petrella, D.M.A., Dean
Master of Arts
Bryan Jacob Bell
Deanna L. Burritt-Peffer
Yvonne K. Craigo
Katelyn Danielle Freday
Tara Heal
Robert Frederick
Humphries II
Piper Lynne Mathews
Jorge Luis Mercado
Christina Brianna Timmons
Master of Fashion Industry Studies
Carlie Patrice Beard
Mi'Angel MaKayla Marie
Nina Kesic
Joy Moraa Mairura
Master of Fine Arts
Sarah Raeann Esposito
Eve Louise Krueger
David Kruk
Jessica L. Miller
Jaemin Park
Dylan Michael Ratell
Harris Michael Rosenblum
Brian Christopher Seckfort
Kelley Marie Shephard
Sara Anne Tomczak
Nino Tsiklauri
Travis Daniel Williams
Master of Arts
Justin Craig Addicott
Gary Ray Allen
Phoebe Merrill Clark
Paul Christopher Converse III
Bret Olen Cowden
Katelyn Croston
Mackenzie Rae Downing
Stephen Dubetz
Zachary Alan Fitzgerald
Andrew D. Frey-Gould
Colin Galitz
Brendan Anthony Gardner
Kaselyn Gibbs
Joseph Anthony Hernandez
Robert Frederick
Humphries II
Inti Hayna Hayna Jimenez
Shiqi Liu
Laura McLaughlin
David Camilo Mendieta
Mallory Marie Merkel
Alexander Numpaque
Melody Anne Oberschlake
Laura Jane Pollard Payne
Matthew Pedelty
Jeffrey Curtis Penney
Samantha Preisner
Valentina Pulido Pardo
Jose Ramirez Jr.
Robert Michael Ravosa Sr.
Claire Julia Rehmke
Melissa Rose Rosekelly
Sarah Shamblin
Matthew Thomas
Steven Wendell
Sydney Nicolle Wilson
Austin Tyler Wolford
Hongrui Zhu
Bachelor of Arts
Sarah Amatangelo
Christian Alexander Andrews
Makayla W. Ausflug
Bipasana Siddhi Bajracharya
Cassandra E. Baker
Hannah Elizabeth Ball
Mikhaela Sage Barnes
Victor John
James David Bearss
Myles Jalen Beasley
Madeline Ashton Begari
Autumn Milaine Bentley
Megan Marie Bienemann
Faith E. Birkhofer
Benjamin J. Biswas
Rainey Jane Blantern
Elaine Nicole Bodenburg
Clara Maria Bossaller
Jessica L. Bracken
Starling Mae Brown
Jade Marie Brundelet
Antonia Gabriele Bruno
Malika Allison Annita
Sydney Alaina Carson
Alexas Elizabeth Casella
Evelyn Fisher Ciafre
Alicia Victoria Cleveland
Jazmin D. Cook
Catherine Elizabeth Cumings
Lillian Elizabeth Czop
Margarita Douglas
Katherine Ann Eisler
Jordan K. Ely
Mykaela Brice Euton
Chase Madeline Farnell
Addison Beebe Farrell
Sarah E. Ferraro
College of the Arts
Diane Helfers Petrella, D.M.A., Dean
Lillian Anna Fisher
Pamela Xiao Yu Fleming
Connor Austin Furniss
Larissa M. Gaborick
Justine M. Gallo
Joseph Callen Gates
Alexis Jameson Gedeon
Bethany Lynn Gilkison
Niarra Amani Gooden-Clarke
Abigayle L. Goodwin
Melanie Rose Gordon
Amanda Catherine
Miracle Graves
Abby Christine Gray
Marley Kae Grealis
Patrick O. Halle
Hope Jazmyne Harris
Trinity Jean Rena Heath
Kyza Monique Henry
Alyssa Sandra Hertz
Lucy Kathryn Hess
Peixin Hong
Qihang Hu
Olivia Haley Hughes
Alexandra Hurst
Ariana Ania Hutchinson
Isabella Johnston
Kailey Scarlet Klimkowski
Grace E. Kohler
Lily Ann Kuciapinski
Jessica Joo Hee Lee
Madison Mae Ann Lefebvre
Lilyanne McKennah Legan
Yongxi Liao
Chunshuo Liu
Abigail Elizabeth Louise
Ian Bran MacDonald
Giavanna Jean Maglione
Leslie Anne Matejka
Cameron D. Matthews
Wyatt R. McAnerney
Mercy Ellen McClung
Jordan Shawn McConnell
Claire Peyton McNabb
Remi Elise Meeker
Robert Brian Miller
Dominic Michael Moore
Joseph Paul Nash
Nayla Susannah Nassif
Helen B. Nguyen
Alannah Lei Le Notley
Niarra Dakita Ogbonna
Olivia Rayne Orban
Johanna Daniella Parris
Rebecca Pelfrey
Chania B. Perry
Kathryn Mae Pfeifer
Allison R. Pierce
Laney E. Poling
Austin J. Redman
Ronell Ronnie Regis Sr.
Caylan ElizaBeth Rentsch
Jessica Marie Rice
Erin Rose Ripley
Racquel N. Ritchie
Elizabeth Christine Rodriguez
Jacob David Roney
Saunjae T. Rucker
Kira Raelynn Ruffin
Caleigh Morgan Ryan
Arturo Don Cacho Salisbury
Paige LaRue Sammons
Brian Schmuck
Erika Lea Scott
Jaylyn K. Scott
Sara Diane Severino
Priscilla Shrestha
Sydney Marie Shufford
Hannah Marie Skinner
Mary Grace Smith
Rachel Elizabeth Snyder
Dalimar Solis Ortiz
Jerald Richard Soulsby
Arabella Angelina Stadvec
Sophia Marie Stasiak
Allyson Quinn Stewart
Allison Brooke Sweet
Jieran Tao
Makayla Tatyana Thomas
Genevieve Dorothy Thurman
Jiahe Tong
Autumn Marie Towns
Darcheyawnna Carolyn Tripp
Hannah Louise Troyer
Carlene A. Trujillo
Shawana Marie Turner
Joshua Steven Vinsack
Adrienne Alexis Walton
Latricia L. Williams
Saraina Michelle Wise
Noah Jacob Wohlever
Angelique Athena Wong
Julia Marissa Youssef
Peiqin Yu
Rebecca Mae Zakreski
Chuxin Zhang
Krysten G. Zsalya
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Juliana Felicia Beltran
Stephanie Lauren Berhosky
Jayda S. Breiding
Maxwell Thomas Brodzinski
Hannah Marie Buerkle
Antonia Marie Cangelosi
Madeleine Clare Cavanaugh
Madison Lauren Chaitoff
Katherine Grace Collins
Austin David D'Avello
Kennedy Robin Deen
Aubree D. Delp
Emily Sierra Dezort
William Edward DuPuis
Katherine Grace Elan
Lauren Amelia Elledge
Zakiya Deneen Erby
Kayla M. Gerogosian
William Charles Gibson
Tabitha Paige Gmitro
Avery Schuyler Hartranft
Kirstin Angelina Henry
Brian Hirsch
Thomas John Horen
Nathan Edmond Hoty
Jiani Hu
Gracie Alexis Keller
Emily Kemmerer
Caitlin Rose Kennedy
Hope Louise Kennedy
Michael Thomas Leahy
Breanna Marie Lecklikner
Ryan Gregory Leflar
College of the Arts
Diane Helfers Petrella, D.M.A., Dean
Mason Jerry Makuch
Alexa Grace Malick
Emilio Marriott
Brighid Elizabeth Martensen
Robert Brian Miller
Nolan James Morgenstern
Alex Netzband
Cameron T. Olin
Savannah Alexis Patterson
Tuesday Janae Pears
Devin Lee Pfeiffer
Jesse James Policy
Megan Kelly Polk
Destinee Hope Ramsey
Benjamin John
Nora Rose Riffle
Erin Rose Ripley
Ashleigh Elizabeth Robek
Victoria Noelle Sallot
Jiana May Schemm
Sheyla B. Silva
Anthony Jared Smith
Sage Nichole Smith
Victoria Rose Smith
Wesley Thomas Sneed
Alexandra Noel Snoddy
Abigail Lynn Stoffel
Amy Allyson Sumner
Emelia J. Tallman
Chad David Troyer
Janda van Dyk
Maia Alise Watts
Savanna J. Wills
Nora Marie Woods
Bachelor of Music
Jessica Marie Brind
Michaela Renee Brugmann
Timothy R. Coyne
Nicole Lauren Cummings
Miranda Lauren Derbyshire
McKayla Ann Ferguson
Alan Michael Goetz
Manuel Gomez
Emma Rose Hinkle
Anna Marie Hylton
Tyler Austin Lehman
Peter B. Loverink
Gabriel MacWilliams
Kayla Madison Mandak
Natalie Lauren Prough
Nicholas Daniel Ratay
Carolyn Amber Reitz
Gabriel Rochester Parrish
Anna Louise Somerville
Bachelor of Science
Athena Renee Ambrogi
Grace Eunju Avery
Amanda R. Bailey
Taylor Leigh Baker
Thea Zaki Barakat
Christie Lynn Battista
Catherine Arianna Behjati
Abigail Marie Birsic
Emilee Elizabeth Bobos
Trista Adel Bowser
Kylie L. Briggs
Amanda Josephine Bryant
Kayla Nicole Burlingame
Erycka Taylor Byer
Sierra Rose Cady
Camryn Ann Calderwood
Miranda H. Canacci
Alaina Louise Cerro
Lindsay Chun-Yu Chee
Sophia Marie Ciriaco
Sarah K. Conklin
Bailey Elizabeth Conley
Gabriella Rose Costabile
Kaylei Couglar
Leanne Nicole Dailey
Chloe Heineman Davila
Hayley Paulette DeShetler
Anna Maria DiBucci
Mikayla Lu Ling Doughney
Perry Elizabeth Edwards
Kathryn Anna Ellsworth
Marlena A. Evans
Alexandria Christine Faust
Eliza-Jane Grace Fogg
Emily Jane Ford
Jordyn L. Forkell
Sarah Giuliana Foster
Megan Christein Frazier
Lindsey Kerstin Fron
Tyra Raquel Galloway
Keziah Kazelle Gaspard
Molly Elizabeth Gresh
Moriah Kelley Grisby
Taylor MacKenzie Grubbs
Ciara Michele Haith
Emma Grace Henning
Jaymee Erika Hensley
Haley Ann Hess
Jordan Cate Hilderbrand
Sarah Jean Hoenig
Jaime Lynn Hylton
Elizabeth Christine Hyson
Taylor Nicole Ikner
Olivia Marie Jarrell
Claire Elise Jennings
Emma Annaliese Jensen
Eric Robert Johnson
Amanda R. Joline
Amber M. Jones
Tori Leigh Jones
Lauren Marie Kachmarik
Ari Singh Kala
Colette Ann Karliak
Zeina Katabi
Elaina Capri Keaton
McKenna Leigh Kramer
Madison Mae Ann Lefebvre
Hallie Alexis Lieberman
Charisma Grace Lockett
Aniya Elise Longmire
Lucy Catherine Lorbach
Braedy Ross Luxenburg
Christina Rita Milad Maalouf
Gracia Kendall MacMillan
Allison Nicole Mariotti
Victoria Rose Mastnardo
College of the Arts
Diane Helfers Petrella, D.M.A., Dean
Ripley Katherine Matthews
Loren Paulette Mazzola
Sarah J. McGinnis
Claire Peyton McNabb
Allison Rose Mcnulty
Taylor Monet Mends
Brett Anthony Mihalow
Jason Michael Mollick
Ian Michael Morris
Grace Caroline Nagy
Kristen Constance Thi Nguyen
Hannah Marie Orndorf
Abbigail R. Owen
Maria Isabella Palumbo
Katherine Alice Pandolfo
Anusha Patel
Rachel Olivia Patterson
Lauren Elizabeth Pentland
Andrea Santos Perez
Cara Mia Postufka
Olivia Grace Potunas
Abigael Anne Price
Madison A. Pry
Ellen Marie Reed
Jessica E. Renner
Olivia M. Riedel
Natalie Christine Riggi
Hayley Jane Rinaldo
Lucia Elena Romero Von Borries
Grace August Roth
Emma Katherine Rozek
Robyn Ann Ruffner
Brandy Lynn Sager
Maria Sahlani
Brandy Sanchez
Kristen Lauren Sedlacek
Emily Grace Shafer
Madeline Grace Shaub
Jacquelyn Brigitte Sierzputowski
Megan Renee Silinsky
Chloe Elizabeth Smalley
Morgan Elizabeth Smith
Kylee Danielle Stapleton
Madelyn Marie Stark
Natalie Sophia Steenbock
Olivia Marie Stone
Riley Drew Stone
Alexis Nicole Storch
Hailey Michele Straight
Natalie Anne Strimpfel
Cailin Cole Swearingen
Kaitlyn Nicole Teams
Tori Ann Tennis
Kaylee Renee Thomas
Mary Thongleuth
Miranda Wade Thrasher
Kaitlyn Grace Tombaugh
Dana Catherine Toniolo
Mia Michelle Tope
Kathryn Helen Van Arsdale
Destiney Saleem Vaughn
Camryn Jamie Voase
Katherine Grace Wallisch
Julia Rose Weisdack
Liam Gilchrist Welsh
Kaylyn Wenzel
Eleanore M. Wexler
Abbey Lenore Weyls
Tyler Morgan Williams
Ian M. Willmore
Madisson Marie Yoder
Ryan Elizabeth Zielinski
Katelynn Ann Ziter
College of Arts and Sciences
Mandy Munro-Stasiuk, Ph.D., Dean
Doctor of Philosophy
Angela Lewis
Dissertation Title: "Characterization and Provenance of Chert Stone Tools Recovered From Central and Northern Ohio"
Dissertation Director: Jeremy Williams
Mahdi Ali Almahdawi
Dissertation Title: "Learning With Multiple Kernels"
Dissertation Director: Omar De La Cruz Cabrera
Amber Rose Titus
Dissertation Title: "The Biophysics of Cytosolic Protein Binding to Lipid Droplets"
Dissertation Director: Edgar Kooijman
Sohini Bhattacharyya
Dissertation Title: "The Role of Macroinvertebrates and Gut Microbiomes in Freshwater Ecosystem Biogeochemistry and Bacterial Community Composition"
Dissertation Director: Laura Leff
Anna Gabriella Droz
Dissertation Title: "An Examination of the Plant and Fungal Communities on Green Roofs and Their Ability to Influence Ecosystem Services"
Dissertation Director: Christopher Blackwood
Samia Hamati
Dissertation Title: "Ecophysiology of Juniperus Virginiana Encroachment in Ohio"
Dissertation Director: David Ward
Mohammed Rumman R. Hossain
Dissertation Title: "Characterization of Bacterial Colonization on Microplastics in Freshwater"
Dissertation Director: Laura G. Leff
Dexter Zirkle
Dissertation Title: "New Diagnostics for Bipedality: The Hominin Ilium Displays Landmarks of a Modified Growth Trajectory"
Dissertation Director: C. Owen Lovejoy
Bandar Dakheel D. Alrehaili
Dissertation Title: "Pathophysiological Impacts of Bile Acid Conjugation Defect: A Mouse Model"
Dissertation Director: Yoon-Kwang Lee
Fathima Nafrisha Cassim Bawa
Dissertation Title: "Cell Specific Role of Retinoic Acid Receptor Alpha (RARa) in Lipid Metabolism"
Dissertation Director: Yanqiao Zhang
Jiao Liu
Dissertation Title: "Self-Assembly of and Using B4 Bent-Core Liquid Crystal Morphologies"
Dissertation Director: Torsten Hegmann
Luke Franklin Heggeness
Dissertation Title: "Coping Motives, Delay Discounting, and Their Associations With Distress (In)Tolerance and Daily-Level Cannabis Use: A Multimethod Investigation"
Dissertation Director: Jeffrey Ciesla
Ahmed Hussein Saleh Al-Baghdadi
Dissertation Title: "Efficient Query Processing Over Spatial-Social Networks"
Dissertation Director: Xiang Lian
Maha Ali Allouzi
Dissertation Title: "IoMT Authentication and Authorization Access Control Based on Digital Credentials and Multiparty Trust Negotiation"
Dissertation Director: Javed Khan
Reem Saleh AlSuhaibani
Dissertation Title: "A Comprehensive Examination of Factors for Assessing the Quality of Method Names in Source Code"
Dissertation Director: Jonathan I. Maletic
Niranjan Rai
Dissertation Title: "Efficient Query Processing Over Large Road-Network Graphs"
Dissertation Director: Xiang Lian
Halle M. Neiderman
Dissertation Title: "The Consequences of Language in Occupying Institutional Space"
Dissertation Director: Pamela Takayoshi
Kyle Joseph Henning
Dissertation Title: "The Impact of Metacognitive Representations and Feedback on Children's Disambiguation Prediction"
Dissertation Director: William Merriman
Sandra Owusuaah Bempah
Dissertation Title: "A Comparative Study of Environmental Health Risks in Two Urban Poor Settlements Using Novel Field-Based Geospatial Approaches"
Dissertation Director: Jay Lee
College of Arts and Sciences
Mandy Munro-Stasiuk, Ph.D., Dean
Jason R. Carruthers (posthumous)
Ortis Yankey
Dissertation Title: "Examining the Effect of Neighborhood Segregation and Socioeconomic Factors on the Food Environment: A Bayesian Hierarchical Spatial Analysis Using INLA"
Dissertation Director: Jay Lee
Senay Ustunel
Dissertation Title: "Designing Bio-Inks for the Development of Biocompatible and Biodegradable Liquid Crystal Elastomers With Tunable Properties for Specific Tissue Needs"
Dissertation Director: Elda Hegmann
Hind A. Adawi
Dissertation Title: "Study of Atomic and Magnetic Correlations in Ferromagnetic Ni-Alloys"
Dissertation Director: Almut Schroeder
Prabesh Gyawali
Dissertation Title: "DNA-Based Materials: From Single Molecules to Liquid Crystals"
Dissertation Directors: Hamza Balci and Samuel Sprunt
Golam Mustafa
Dissertation Title: "Single Molecule Fluorescence and Force Measurements on Non-Canonical DNA Structures"
Dissertation Director: Hamza Balci
Chathuranga Prageeth Hemantha Rajapaksha
Dissertation Title: "Ionic Electroactive Polymers and Liquid Crystal Elastomers for Applications in Soft Robotics, Energy Harvesting, Sensing and Organic Electrochemical Transistors"
Dissertation Director: Antal Jakli
Rony Saha
Dissertation Title: "Nanostructures of Bent-Shaped and Polar Liquid Crystals"
Dissertation Director: Antal Jakli
Nicolle Simonovic
Dissertation Title: "Examining the Relationship Between Perceived Ambiguity and Predictors of Health Behavior Across Three Contexts: The COVID-19 Pandemic, Antibiotic Regimens and E-Cigarette Use"
Dissertation Directors: Jennifer Taber and John Updegraff
Jonathan Frantz Overton
Dissertation Title: "Building the Pictures in Our Heads: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Partisan Conflict"
Dissertation Director: Will Kalkhoff
Christopher Gregory Schell
Dissertation Title: "Implications of Early Incarceration Among Juveniles on Mental Health Problems and Reoffending Later in Life"
Dissertation Director: Richard E. Adams
Mahmoud Ali Basal
Dissertation Title: "Investigating the Shortage of Certified Arabic Court Interpreters in the U.S.: Implications and Solutions"
Dissertation Director: Richard Kelly Washbourne
Master of Arts
Khaled Mofareh Alanazi
Linsey Renee Albee
Hani Miqad Alotaibi
Dante J. Basista
Tara Bates
John Christopher
Majed Saad M. Bin Majed
Sydney Diane Biscarri Clark
Nathan C. Blasio
Garrett Henry Bourgon
Deidra Ellene Buenger
Sophia Mae Causey
Jillian Cleland
James Bradley Corkish
Carletta Curry
Zachary R. Davison
Claudia Yolanda Delgado
Sannah Marie Devoll
Ramya Donthi
Nermine Elias-Samuel
Miranda Leigh Frank
Tabitha Lorraine Gatrell
Meghan Elizabeth Geist
Rand Riad Gharaibeh
Raul Hajiyev
Jacob T. Hauman
Lindsay Susan Herndon
Olivia J. Hoskins
Kara Victoria Hultstrand
Claire Catherine Jackman
Alexis B. Johnson
Natalie Louise Kasper
Mischa Solomon Klenovich
Alexis K. Knapp
Ashley Ahida Lahoud
Ashley Marie Lilon
Sana Loue
Danny McCrea
Kathryn Joy McGuire
Scott Thomas McMillen
Emily Jo McRoberts
Anna Rose Mika
Jennifer Alexandria Moxley
Rudin Mucaj
Megan Muniak
Rachel Diane Murphy
Heather Yu Neifert
Zachary James Kendall
Kenichi Oka
Rana Atif Qasim
Jordan Michelle Redinger
Karol Dayhana Rendon
Mevelyn Romay Fernandez
Reynaldo Romero Jr.
Marielle Remy Samii
Simone Elyse Satow
Kira Rae Shannon
College of Arts and Sciences
Mandy Munro-Stasiuk, Ph.D., Dean
Lisa Marrie Slater
Sarah Christine Sloan
Alison Smith
Katelyn Elizabeth Smith
Katlyn Todd
Viktoriia Tuzova
Lauren E. Van Dyne
Nicholas S. Varga
Brianna Noel Vinas
Kara M. Walsh
Courtney Rae Weatherspoon
Tara Elizabeth Weixel
Joseph J. Welch
Daniel Thomas Wilcox
Master of Fine Arts
Michael Owen Buebe
Carrie Elizabeth George
Bradley J. Halverson
Isaiah Christian Hunt
Lauren M. Olesh
Benjamin Anthony Rhodes
Master of Geographic Information Science
Katie Cibulskas
Christopher L. Flynn
Thomas Michael Goodridge
Robert A. Hawks
Savannah Rae Justus
Caris Lyons
Zachary Luke Sutton
Master of Liberal Studies
Mallory A. Bair-McCrea
Master of Public Administration
Rachel N. Gillern
Floyd Thomas Gregg Jr.
Tara Grimmett
Sandra Moberly
Christina Phlegar
Andrea L. Reihard
Whitney Joan Shuttleworth
Bethany Campbell Skillen
Paul Brian Smalcer Jr.
Janice Westlind
Kara Michelle White
McKenzie Carol Wirtz
Master of Science
Asma Abdulrahman Alharthi
Rakan Nasser Almazrua Sr.
Bashair Homied Alsenani
Pavani Bomma
Jacob Michael Bradley
Corinne R. Callison
Prashanth Reddy Challa
Aravind Channa
Radha Krishna Murthy
Matthew James Deutsch
Venkatesh Devabattula
Anthony David DiPippa
Lucy A. Dyer
Veena Kumari Gangi
Pravallika Gottumukkala
Md Sakhawat Hossain Himel
Jordan Elle Hollembeak
Brandon M. Jacobs
Christian Philip Lenart
Lahari Marella
Josie Catherine Myers
Ramya Nagalla
Vineetha Nalamolu
Sai Krishna Reddy Nalla
Likitha Chowdary Pasam
Lakshmi Sowmya
Nikhila Radhadevi
Sai Teja Salagrama
Harshita Sayala
Dalton Chandler Thompson
Jacob D. Tronge
Rohith Reddy Vanteru
Bachelor of Arts
Tselote Abenet
Shannon Irene Aber
Eleora Alicia Adams
Alise J. Addison
Salim Yaqoob AL Senaidi
Alyssa Alexander
Nemwt Alrawajfeh
Nicholas Louis Ammon
Andrew James Anderson
Macy Elisha Anderson
Kayla Angela Andryscik
Mariah Dawn Armstrong
Moira Pauline Armstrong
Hallie Alexandra Asbury
Jalen Antonio Avila
Ariyon Lexus Bachelor
Abigail Madison Bacon
Madison Kay Bailey
Seth Caleb Baldwin
Jared Gabriel Barton
Samantha Marie Battista
Grant S. Beadling
Breanca L. Beal
Isabel Marie Beil
Madison Lynn Belden
Yasmine N. Bender
Coty Benson
Nicholas J. Berger
Isabella Bettura
Abigail Christine Bigelow
Jamie E. Bischof
Kade Allen Bitikofer
Madison Marie Black
Emily Anne Boardman
College of Arts and Sciences
Mandy Munro-Stasiuk, Ph.D., Dean
Rebecca Elizabeth Bodine
Jenna Michael Bond
Alex J. Bonilla
Elon H. Bortz
Abigail Karin Bottar
Madysen Diane Bower
Ashley Elizabeth Bowers
Erin Leigh Bowman
Jacqueline Ann Boyle
Alyssa Margaret Bradshaw
Deborah E. Braford
Elisabeth Ashton Brian
Christopher Charles Brimm
Shalee A. Brinker
Courtney Nickole Britton
Jared Timothy Brown
Micaela Kathryn Brown
Simone Dezire Brown
Makenna Miranda
Cameron Alexander Bryce
Christian Mckyle Burgos
Olivia Taylor Burns
Tyler Frederick Burton
Brandon Kyle Burwell
Gregory K. Cain
Joshua S. Call
Caroline Ellen Campbell
Hailey C. Caram
Kiley Carey
Hannah Diane Carmella
Martel D. Carpenter
Hayleigh McKenzie Carr
Brayden Joseph Carter
Kiara Kaylin Carter
Elyse Marie Casalinova
Anika Jewell Casanova
Morgan Elizabeth Casper
Shawn T. Caven
Paige Elizabeth Chadwell
Nicholas J. Chiacchiero
Audrey Katelyn Christman
Ayonna Marie Christopher
Brendan Charles Christy
Jack Sullivan Clement
Emily Marie Collins
Makenna Rae Condon
Matthew Charles Conn
Antoine J. Cook
Ernest George Cook IV
Amber N. Cooke
Antonia Elizabeth Costa
Kelby N. Crawford
Nicholas Russell Crawford
Amari Milal Crim
Kayla Nichole Cronin
Regan O. Crosser
Joshua David Crum
Matthew Dean Culp
Kailyn Marie Cyrus
Nicholas James D'Antonio
Hollie Emily Dalton
Shakorie A. Davis II
Trevor Riley Day
Maya Elizabeth Demchak
Katie Renée Denham
Allison Victoria Depp
Luke J. Devoll
Nathan Thomas Dhayer
Morgan Vaughn Diefenderfer
Claire Dillen
Kaelee B. Dingey
Lindsey Renee Dolanch
Laura A. Dotts
Devin Riley Douglass
Dylan John Downing
Baylee M. Drakulich
Karissa Duff
Evan Michael Dukeman
Danielle Libby Dunn
Joshua Perry Durr
Hannah Joy Ebersole
Ibrahim J. Elbayoumy
Morgan Michele Ensign
Tarick R. Erritouni
Naimah Rayeel Ervin
Grace Victoria Evans
Lisa K. Everson
Olivia Delaney Farina
Chadaybria Unique Feagin
Miranda L. Fedor
Jocelyn Leah Feldman
Juleighanna Kay Feldner
Emanuel Michael Felouzis
Jonah Sequoyah Ferguson
Kayla Renee Ferguson
Alice Marie Fermaintt
Brianna Frances Fernandez
Destiney Fisher
Isabelle Sixta Fleming
Tylanika Lorraine Fletcher
Patricia Ann Fosbrink
Rachael Louise Fox
Mai-Ling Kena Francis
Shelby Gayle Frank
Destiny Zenobia Franklin
Sierra Marie Frederick
Matthew Lennon Freitas
Taylor Marie Frey
Kyle Reese Fuller
Dillon Keith Fulton
Sophia Rose Gabbay
Logan Andrew Gabbert
Kirsten A. Gable
Rebecca Kathleen Garren
Alyssa Kylie Gelet
Jordan Oliver George
Parker William German
Mason Ward Gibson
Shahbegh Singh Gill
Zachary Gill
Michelah Gipson
Caroline D. Girard
Mikayla Marie Gmitter
Niarra Amani Gooden-Clarke
Elijah Goodgame
Martha Sophie Gotham
Danielle Brooke Gottschling
Rachel Noel Gould
Avery Grace Graham
Emma Madelyn Gray
Kayla Charlyn Green
Breanna Noelle Greenfield
Victoria S. Gregg
Sierra Madison Grizzle
Samantha Mae Grohowski
Ashley Nicole Grove
Ana Yeli Gutierrez
James Gavin Whitehawk
Alexandria Robin Hahn
Olivia Mae Haid
Ashley Elizabeth Hall
Scott Raymond Hall
Taylor Marie Hall
Julia Jayne Halley
Desianique Mone Hamm
Caleb Jay Haney
Jeremiah S. Harbour
Tyler Douglas Hare
Eric Glendon Harmon
Kenyah Elizabeth Harris
Kylee M. Harris
Alec Daniel Hartman
Marisa A. Hastler
Bethany Haynes
April L. Hazaimeh
Kaitlyn L. Hazelton
Kelsy Renae Henderson
Dorisha Nicole Hendrix
Emily Rose Hess
College of Arts and Sciences
Mandy Munro-Stasiuk, Ph.D., Dean
Barbara Ann Hickin
Heather Lynn Hidasey
Carlos Vernel Hill Jr.
Frank Wilson Hill V
Andreas Stefan Hilterbrand
JuTayjua Monay Hines
Lillian Elizabeth Hogya
Carlene Rose Holowecky
Erik H. Hooks
Shaina E. Hoover
Ra'Janir Shawnrie Horton
Renae Melanie Hostetler
Zackrey Dean Howard
Heidi Lynn Howell
Daniela A. Huerta
Michaela Marie Huffman
Danielle Alayna Hughes
Margaret Jean Humes
Benjamin David Hursh
Kenneth Warren Ilg
Tanner S. Immel
Madison Nicole Incarnato
Chazzlyn J. Jackson
Hannah Marie Jacobs
Samantha Lynn Jacoby
Justice D. Jama
Ian Howard Jameson
William Alexander Jeffers
Ryan Palmer Jeffery
Alaynah L. Johnson
Ashley Nicole Johnson
Daniel Johnson
Gianna R. Johnston
Kristie Nicole Jones
Halle Lynn Jordan
Trinity R. Judy
Alexandra Rose Kapper
Stella-Ruby Karcher
Hope Louise Kennedy
Sherri R. Ketterman
Victor Michael Kissinger
Michael Adam Klapp Jr.
Jonathan David Klobcar
Katelyn R. Knight
Sydnee Nicole Knox
Alexis Marie Kohler
Chelsea Linnea Kolleth
Melissa Kolurbasi
Katelyn A. Konetsky
Edan Todd Konturas
James Richard Korkan
Thomas Joseph Kornbau
Danielle L. Krakovsky
James Krandel
Juliana M. Krusinski
Jack Daniel Ksiazka
Bethany Rose Kuebler
Makaela Elisabeth Kuhar
Taylor R. Kurtz
Deija Diamante La Fontaine
Michelle M. Lambert
Megan L. Landis
Kaitlyn Marie Leasure
Ryan D. Lecaros
Trevor Clayton Lee
Allison Rose Leone
Aileen G. Leroy
Kennedy Elaine Leutenegger
Winson Li
Jessica Logan Lichtinger
Chance C. Lindsay
Nolan D. Lipply
John Raymond Litzenberg
Emily Rachel Loiselle
Mackalla Anne Long
Kevin I. Lopez
Melanie Lorent
Nathan Edwin Loveless
William J. Lovell
Alicia Lugo
Makenzie L. Luikart
Arielle Lucretia Lusardo
Jacey K. Luzny
Emma Caroline Macartney
Allison D. Madar
Nicholas James Maio
Rebecca H. Makens
Stephanie Ruth Malobicky
Jacob Thomas Mansfield
Jenna Marie Mar
Julia Claire Marec
Eric M. Marshall
Rowan M. Marshall
John Alexander Scott Marti
Alexcis Lauren Martinez
Brett William Mawhinney
Jessica Mayle
Rachel Paige McAvinew
Kelly Joanne McBride
Stephanie Lynn McCluskey
Tianna A. McCormick
Owen William McNea
Ashley Kristin McWilliams
Madeline Marie Mead
Makenzie A. Meadows
Danielle Josephine Meier
Autumn Taylor Meisenburg
Raychel Brooke Meixner
Ikechukwu Ralph Merah Jr.
Alexandra Mercsak
Kyle Anthony Messina
Emani Lillian Mickens
Addison Ruben Miguel
Abigail Joy Miller
August Corwin Towns Miller
Jared Daniel Miller
Kayla Ceara Miller
Megan Miller
Nicholas James Miller
Hannah Grace Minnich
Randi Marie Mohr
Tyler Adam Moldovan
Hannah Marie Moledor
Jessica Marie Monaghan
Natasha Marie Moody
Amber Lynn Mora
Hannah Jane Moreland
Aiden Michael Morgan
Mandy Ann Morgan
Bruce Marshall Morrison
Jalynn Elizabeth Moyer
Justin Mulenga
Emily K. Murnane
Carlene Marie Murray
Naomi Gonzales Navarrete
Emalee Mae Nave
Rebecca Amy Nelson
Victoria Anne Nelson
Sabrina Juliet Nichol
Hannah Christene Nicholas
Angelia LaRenne Nicolardi
Hannah Mae Nitzsky
Allison Nicole Norris
Annaliese Sara Nunes
Sarah Loye Nutter
Patrick Lewis O'Connor
Andrew Anthony O'Nesti
Joseph R. Obermeier Jr.
Erin Grace Onweller
Elliot Daniel Ortiz-Witter
Benjamin William Osbourne
Tisha Owusua
Lauren Elise Pacer
Madison Packwood
Emmanuel Padilla Jr.
Colin Alexander Palma
Priya Pandit
College of Arts and Sciences
Mandy Munro-Stasiuk, Ph.D., Dean
Anyah A. Parker
Joshua L. Pastoria
Aliza T. Patterson
Helena Celeste
Jasmine Paige Peuterbaugh
Maslyn Ann Phillips
Brooke A. Pleta
Jessica Margarete Poling
Agustin Ponce De Leon IV
Kristen Rene Poorman
Nicole L. Popies
Khyla Jordyn Porter
Rebecca Marie Postlewaite
Erin Nicole Preston
Tyler McKenzie Prosser
Chelsea Jeanelle Pruitt
Seth Andrew Rainey
Elisabeth Claire Ramey
Michael Patrick Rawley
Georganne S. Reeves
Jade N. Reynolds
Madalyn Nicole Reynolds
Paige Alayne Richards
Janae Hope Richardson
Abbigail Rose Rickenbacker
Olivia M. Riedel
Alexander Benjamin Rienerth
Christopher Michael Rinderle
Seth Elmer Rinearson
Johnathan Michael Risden
Tori L. Rishel
Kamryn R. Robbins
Cody Robertson
Andrew Robinson
Kelli Anne Robinson
Sarah Christine Robinson
Jonah Aaron Rodgers
Clara Rodriguez Seto
Alexis Rogers
Haein Roh
Rosalina Angelica Roman
MacKenzie Jo Graylon Romig
Rachel Marie Roth
Brian Jeffrey Rowe
Maureen Larissa Nicole
Hannah Elinor Sanchez
Neil A. Sanders
Trevor Joseph Sanders
Jennifer L. Satterfield
Piper Baillie Croft Schilling
Steven Thomas Schmeltzer
Michael Richard Schupska
Molly E. Scicchitano
Holly Anne Sciranko
Noah Thomas Scott
Paige E. Scott
Megan Elizabeth Sebring
Zoe G. Seeberg
Zachary Roy Sefcik
Ty Joseph Shannon
Skyllar Paige Shasteen
Benjamin M. Shatrick
Brian Reilly Shellito
Kylee Noelle Sherwood
Alyce N. Simoes
Anna Christine Sinclair
Erika Lauren Sitch
Jenna Emily Skinner
Audrey Brooke Skula
Abigail M. Slabaugh
Hannah Nicole Slagle
Kyleigh Slagle
Olivia Renee Slusser
Aeriel Kaye Smathers
Paul Arthur Smith
Tiernan Dietrich Smith
Andrea Kay Sokira
Sophia Christina Sontich
Maya E. Sparks
Margaux Jane Spencer
Joanna Marie St. Clair
Ryan Christopher Stab
Mackenzie Paige Stafford
Lauren Emily Starner
Anna Renee Starr
Mary Kalish Starr
Isabella Jade Stevens
Tanner Lee Stogsdill
Dana A. Stroh
Haili Marie Strohmeier
Lalah Akili Sullivan
Rebekah Colleen Sullivan
Tori Swain
Alec T. Sweet
Brett Dean Swigert
Tyler J. Swope
Makeda A. Tafari-Thompson
Susana Tamayo
Zachary Maxwell Tarsitano
Melissa R. Thomas
Samantha Rae Thomas
Kylee Renae Thompson
Chad David Troyer
Kari Truckey
Derek Thomas Truesdale
Danielle Marie Tyson
Emily Morgan Untermoser
Alexandra Marie Valentino
Catherine Rose Valentino
Amanda Taylor Vanke
Ethan Vannatta
Kyle Hunter Vasarhely
Evelpia Vasileiou
Shelby Renee Vasko
James David Viront
Olivia G. Wachtel
Tara Elizabeth Wade
Andrew John Wagner
Kelsey Lynne Wagner
Celia Rose Walker
Kaitlyn Ann Warakomski
Isabella Audrey Warner
Sarah Elizabeth Wasserman
Emilly Victoria Weaver
Taylor Audrianna Nicole
Aliecia Nicole Weekley
Destiny Kayla White
Samantha Nicole Widder
Dusty Wilcox
Dylan David Wilkerson
Kamodjia Michael Williams
Meghan Riley Williamson
Harry Alexander Wilson III
Jessica Anne Winslow
Katherine Maelani Wise
Saraina Michelle Wise
Austin Michael Wolfe
Bre'na LaShae Woodard
Richard E. Woodring
Bradley William Woodrum
Sarah Noel Worrell
Jared Verton Wright
Lauren Gabrielle Wyatt
Stanley Xiao
Cassandra M. Yetsick
Mackenzie Quinn Yoder
Maxwell Scott Yoder
Sarah Beth Zakany
Frederick Lee Zuberer
Brye Christopher Zunich
College of Arts and Sciences
Mandy Munro-Stasiuk, Ph.D., Dean
Bachelor of Integrative Studies
Melissa A. Anderson
Codey James Autry
Kyerra Monae Axson
Jessica Marie Birney
Michelle Renee Bishop
Michael William Brown
John Michael Butvin
Victoria J. Carpenter
Christian Lamont Champen
Tanner P. Cooper
Joseph Michael Corrao
Zachary A. DiBlasi
Ivy Elizabeth Fader
Jenna Lauren Fischer
Lauren M. Gallo
Jennifer Nicole Guyton
Courtney Renee Haines
Craig Richmond Holmes Jr.
Jasmine Hromada
Emily Marie Jacobs
Julianna Hope Kent
Jennifer Lynn Kersulis
Olivia L. Klein
Christine Lyn Klonowski
Macklin Patricia Legan
Marc D. Long
Brandy L. Lovett
Tina Marie Pangle
Jayda Tiana Parker-Reynald
Roy J. Patton
Jameson Michael Payne
Corey T. Proctor
Levi Aaron Rader
James M. Reinart
Joshua L. Shield
Wesley Sojourner
Misty Joy Starcher
Sarah Margaret Suntheimer
Pyrce Lamar Taylor
Hailey L. Thiedemann
Paige Spears Ursetti
Darryl Leon Williams
Stephen Charles Wills
Asia Marie Wilson
Bachelor of Science
Shanice A. Agyekum
Nihal Al Jahwari
Al Anoud Salim Rashid
Al Risi
Abdulelah Mohammad
Omarr Al-Naboulsee
Mohamed Hassan Ali
Tanveer Rahman Khan
Hannah Isabella Ball
Haley Elise Barber
Mikayla Sue BarBour
Kalli Barrett
Collin Matthew Bates
Kelly M. Bender
Olesia Grace Benedict
Ariel Ann Benya
Erin Michelle Bernhard
Lea Bilic
James Lincoln Black
Trevor A. Boggess
Mary Louise Bowers
Trevor J. Breehl
Brandon Robert Bridge
Paul James Brunell
Anthony Bryson Jr.
Paul D. Bukovac
Kaleigh Sierra Burley
Helena Cambra I. Soler
Jaelyn Elizabeth Campbell
Daijah Danae Caples
Clay Matthew Casper
Meghan Nicole Cawood
Mariah Jonae Chaney
James P. Cipiti
Rachel Elizabeth Clarke
Marissa Kaye Cleary
Adelaide K. Collins
Alexander J. Collins
Isaiah David Comnick
Lauren Elizabeth Cooney
Mary Melissa Cornelius
Brandon Thomas Cossin
Trinity Marie Coughlin
Parker Jonathan Cremean
Lindsey Marie Czopek
Paul A. D'Amico
Mark A. Dacar
Lauren McKay Davis
Melia Vy DeJongh
Casey Marie Delventhal
Shawn C. Demko
Keegan Rose Dennis
Noah William Deucher
Hannah Carmela Dib
Michaela Symone
Jordan Christopher Eadie
Hannah Joy Ebersole
Devin Richard Echols
Nya L. Edwards
Jordan Taylor Eiesland
Riana Yasmeen Elhallak
Frank Douglas Engler
Hannah Marie Fezekas
Sophia Lenore Finizia
Ashley Christine Fink
Parker William Fisher
Thomas R. Fisher II
Nicholas Anthony Flowers
Mikaylah Mae Frankish
Sydney Elizabeth Frigm
Sean D. Frisbie
Colin R. Fullum
Larissa M. Gaborick
Nicholas Riley Gala
Elizabeth A. Galehouse
Tyler Michael-Allan Gargasz
Emily G. Garrett
Sarag Krishna Gogineni
Jennifer Kay Greskovich
Hayley Gabrielle Griffin
Simon Joseph Haas
Emily Jane Hackler
Allyson Corrine Haines
Jacob Anthony Haller
Shawn David Hartney
Anna Marie Hartong
Michael Andrew Hayworth
Jonathan Daniel Heid
Cameren Hall Hicks
Daniel Phillip Hinz
Amma M. Hmeidan
David John Houston
Morgan A. Hughes
Hala A. Jaber
Kevin Ryan Jarrells II
College of Arts and Sciences
Mandy Munro-Stasiuk, Ph.D., Dean
Brenden M. Jenifer
Gregory N. Johannes
Lauren Marie Johnson
Ishva Jitendrakumar Kanani
Makenzie Marie Kelley
Erin Kelly
Zachary Joseph Kenna
Jenna Mekay Kerns
Summer J. Kilbane
Cameron Nelson Kim
Madison Bernice King
Lilly Jane Knox
Viola L. Koduru
Jakub Isaac Kominar
Angela Marie Kovac
William Lewis Russell Kring
Sajal Kushwaha
Nolan Andrew LaDuke
Kamya Daleisha Lapsley
Rachel M. Lasso
David Fitzgerald
Kiara Lauer
Brandi Ty'Eisha Lawrence
Hoang Minh Le
Joel Robert Lee Jr.
Chloe E. Lewis
Muyi LI
Audrey Lynn Lightle
Chai-Rex Lin
Daniel John Loyke
Tabitha Trudy Ludwiczak
Brian Austin Malkus
Omar AlFarouk Mallat
Andrew Jacob Manley
Nikitha Ram Manukonda
Amanda Leigh Marcinak
Emma Faye Marks
Mark Ivan Markulin
Ava Renae Marti
Lauren Alicia Martino
Alan J. Maslar
Robert Joseph McBride Jr.
Alexis P. McClure
Conor L. McDevitt
Collin Patrick McKenna
Zachary D. Meacham
Madelyn Owen Meacham
James Walter Meyer
Samantha Justine Middaugh
Alaina Renee Miller
Christopher Scott Miller
Javee Josa Miller
Shawn Miller
Taylor Grace Miller
Riley N. Moberly
Justin Scott Moeller
Alejandra Paola Molina
Kathryn Marie Molle
Anna Marie Monn
Anthony Evan Moore
Audra Rose Moore
David Reece Morgan
Sarah Grace Morrison
Ashley Victoria Motley
Craig Murdoch
Alexis Kay Mutersbaugh
Joseph Paul Muzina
Andrew J. Newsom
Michael Christopher Nicolaou
Aishwarya Nippani
Joseph Edward O'Malley
Jordan Thomas Odenthal
Maura Jean Oliver
Matthew William Onion
Tramell W. Orr
Amber Marie Palmer
Margot Rose Paolucci
Vishal Natwar Parmar
Kayla Allison Perkins
Tyler H. Perkins
Isabella Grace Pete
Adam John Petrich
Alexa Piekarski
Taylor Rose Planey
Nathan Pochedley
Ty Vincent Poorman
Alexander Prosper Powell
Ethan James Praeter
Michaela Lea Querry
Shaun M. Reed
Jeremy Joseph Reese
Racquel N. Ritchie
Marlon Deonte Robertson Jr.
Eric Michael Ruckman
Paige Ashlie Rushe
Reagan Theresa Russell
Vanessa Eileen Sanders
Nicole Lauren Sanoba
Brian Nicholas Scalfano
Troy Thomas Scheel
Logan Joseph Schmauch
Chandler Jordan Serres
Amrth Ashok Shenava
Timothy Siembor
Daniel O. Silvey
Erika Lauren Sitch
Nathan Skwera
Benjamin Samuel Smith
Emma Raeann Smith
Grace Amber Sonick
Lindsey Ann Speare
Kayse Leeann Speicher
Connor Lawrence Stacey
Alisa Renee Starkey
Jayden Tanner Stearns
Michael Steinetz
Preston Lee Stevens
Makenzie Renae Strole
Ariana Ashlyn Swick
Eric Michael Takacs
Samantha Rae Thomas
Skyler Zhahn Thrasher
Minhchau Le To
Phoenyx Olivia Tosti
Troy Jacob Toth
Zachary Tracy
Trentan Chase Trahan
Kimberly Thi Tran
Madison Trissel
Hannah Mary Grace
Dylan Michael Trotter
Elliott Ross Ullman
Ethan Vannatta
Charles M. Vehlow
Benjamin David
Ava Zoe Walker
Bexley Nikia Wallace
Yiting Wang
Brooklyn Taylor Webb
Amber Marie Wertman
Braydon West
Lauren Victoria West
Melani Sue Whitmyer
Brendan M. Wightman
Jared Daniel Wilson
TaLasha ShaVonne Winston
Madison B. Wolff
Jarrett Emmanuel Woo
Madison M. Wood
Joie Louise Woodlee
Mallory Paige Woods
Nicholas Kyprianos Wu
College of Arts and Sciences
Mandy Munro-Stasiuk, Ph.D., Dean
Anna Michelle Yefimov
Eric Yokie
John Yun Jr.
Rourke J. Zarzycki
Athena Maria Zerefos
Yuxiang Zhou
Alysha Michelle Ziemba
Devin Rae Zinke
Emily Jean Zook
Abigail Lee Zupancic
College of Communication and Information
Amy L. Reynolds, Ph.D., Dean
Doctor of Philosophy
Julaine Sashanie Clunis
Dissertation Title: "Semantic Analysis Mapping Framework for Clinical Coding Schemes: A Design Science Research Approach"
Dissertation Director: Marcia L. Zeng
Master of Arts
Brenna C. Berry
Jennifer R. Butto
Jason Daniel Cohen
Carly Cundiff
Lisa Evans
Stephen Green
Cassidy McKenna
Julia L. Morales
Andrea Negri
Andrew James Paa
Lydia Mae Pope
Sheel Shah
Amber Sorenson
Venise Toussaint
Master of Digital Sciences
Michael P. Menyes
Hari Krishna Ramapuram
Master of Fine Arts
Maria Ahmad
Leah Margaret Day
Melanie Renee Roll
David J. Wilson
Master of Library and Information Science
Julie Ellen Adams
Nicholas Alberstadt
Kathy J. Berry
Megan Elizabeth Bockelman
Victoria Corinne Bracher
Tyler Burkhart
Michael Caldwell
Chrysalis Cantrell
Sarah Carracher
Bonnie E. Cessna
Christine Teresa DeMarco
Andrew Drummond
Audra V. Dull
Jordan Colleen Espino-Arvizu
Amanda P. Frerking
Rebecca A. Gabrich
Desirea Lyn Gamble
Erin R. Garris
Melissa J. Gordon
Benjamin Green
Eva C. Greitzer
Diane Hall
Courtney Marie Harden
Emily Mae Hill
Jennifer Rose Hivick
Amanda M. Hughes
Matthew Dwight Jones
Michael Alexander
Katherine Marie Kiel
Mallery Kinsey
Emily Leggat
Andrew Thomas McCombs
Annah Kathleen McCrossin
Amanie McGee
Nicole Marie Merzweiler
Eden C. Morris
Beverly S. Nelson
Robert Clarence O'Brien
Fritz Pape
Codi A. Pilkington
Joelle Courtney Pillar
Chelsea Marie Pisani
Lisa Marie Rand
Mary Richards
Meredith Riney
Ashely Su Zen Rodriguez
Alisha B. Runnels
Mira Ann Scarnecchia
Deanna C. Schmuck
Victoria Grace Schrock
Bailee Renee Sigman
Victoria Leigh Slaughter
Julia Ann Stone
Corinne Tabolt
Khantal Tigner
Emily Tondy
Phoeby Lucille Trask
Leah Wagner
Anne Marie Walsh
Emily A. Warren
Emily Wille
College of Communication and Information
Amy L. Reynolds, Ph.D., Dean
Master of Science
Perah Qais Abro
Stephanie A. Bendel-Samples
Jessica Nicole Black
Taylor Renea Blake
John E. Capua
Razieh C. Council
Timothy DeMarks
Laura Marlene Fragoso
Juliette B. Knightley
Seung Lee
Benjamin Levels Jr.
Segundina D. McPherson
Kathryn Peterson
Cristina Piwowarski
David A. Schelldorf
Robert Smaltz
Karen A. Smith
Hayley Belle Steffy
Alexis Warthen
Danielle Wauters
Alex James Willis
Jordan Matthew Woolley
Bachelor of Arts
Megan Gabrielle Altsman
Sabren Abdel Karim Atta
Dominic Richard James
Grant David Bendis
Justin Tyme Bioni
Taminique Tapree Blackwell
Marisa J. Bleininger
Hailey Elizabeth Boop
Paige Raquel Brown
Craig Henry Bruns
Lydia Ann Butler
Daniel Thomas Callaghan II
Kaylee Justine Carmigiano
Lydia Madeline Carroscia
Tyler Ries Celce
John Allen Coffield III
Jayda Renee Coleman
Adam N. Corner
Cassidy Renee Cox
Sarah Marie Crabtree
Precious Monet Crawford
Mitchell Thomas Culp
Anthony Angelo Curati
Courtney Nicole Dannemiller
Mackenzie Elizabeth Danzik
Abigail Helena Dean
Jordan Taylor Debois
Sean David Doore
Isabella Margaret Dugan
Samantha Nicole Dunlavey
Danielle Susan Dunne
Onyema Berna Durunna
Olivia Grace Ferrante
Emily Jane Ford
Olivia Grace Fossesca
Hunter Michael Frank
Tyler Michael Gardner
Kamalenn Asha Gillespie
Jeffrey Tyler Hallam
Holly M. Hamilton
Mary Rita Hammel
Julia F. Hauser
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Hays
Claryssa Sage Heid
Sophie Elizabeth Hoffmeier
Jacob Alexander Hoover
Abigail Lynn Housley
Sloan L. Howard
James T. Huffer-Cole
Taqwa Johnson
Caleb Gill Kovach
Madeline Rose Kreller
Aurora Ann Larrison
Kaitlyn Marie Leasure
Nancy Lin
Trinidy Rose Longgood
Brycen L. Ludwig
Madison Nicole Malik
Elohcin Marbley
Gwenavere Eda Market
Jacob Tyler Marquis
Grant Bowlin Maupin
Thomas Anthony Mazzella
Abigail Kathryn Mazzola
Tesha Genet Marie McCann
Kelsey Elaine McGurk
Aleesia Rhionna McKinney
Dylan Patrick Meany
Grace Elizabeth Merrill
Aleah N. Mesaros
Jessica Ann Miller
Montre Sherrod Miller
Marissa N. Moore
Abigail Grace Morgan
Kylie Alexis Murphy
Bristyn L. Nadeau
Breyari J. Nason
Madison Jane Naugle
Jeremiah Schindler Nordholt
Lauren J. O'Leary
Emily Nicole Oiler
Tristan Ryan Oliveria
Laura Ann Oster
Zavien Vontrell Parker
Kayla Alexis Pearson
Jaela A. Perkins
Heather Anna Plate
Eliza Grace Villa Podoll
Carrie K S Powell
Grace Margaret Powell
Morgan Marie Pugh
Codey Douglas Reed
Dawn JoLee Rhea
Joseph David Rice
Alec David Richards
Owen Leonard Rolf
Shannon Nicole Romanchak
Madelynn McKenzie Rose
Madysen Alexis Schaefer
Lauren Maree Schultz
Elias Michael Shingleton
Shana M. Shultz
Allison Katie Snyder
Marc James Solis
Maranda Brooke Solomon
Sydney Marie Standen
Maclane Scott Stebbins
Aaryn Lee H. Stockon
Joshua R. Straw
Gregory Michael Stropki
Dominique Cheynne
Rhea L. Szabo
College of Communication and Information
Amy L. Reynolds, Ph.D., Dean
Camille R. Tenney
Sarah Elizabeth Thompson
Dario J. Toro
Deshone Terrell Valley II
Samuel Wagner
Stefani Marie Wasmer
Siqi Wei
Jacob Herbert Wickey
Megan Marie
Javaughn Brendyn Williams
Drew Patrick Xander
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Matthew James Akos
Leah Ann Bailey
Emma Grace Bowser
Maryrose Katherine
Emily Charles
Elliott Edwin Lee Clark
Abigail Elizabeth Coe
Simran Kaur Dhillon
Colin S. Dunn
Emily Rose Fields Gavorski
Emma Marie Greathouse
Sydni J. Hornyak
Sophie Sand Kannberg
Gabriella Noel Kingston
Livia Maria Kirasic
Morgan Eileen Kohl
Anastasia Therese Lawrence
Peiyu Liu
Emily Rose Loccisano
Tia Simone McKnight
Joseph Patrick Nanni
Riley Anne Potts
Eric David Price
Sadie Elizabeth Reda
Lauren Gayle Reinhart
Jessica Marie Rice
Melanie Joy Seichko
Tonya Michelle Singer
Margaret Laura Susanne
Sydney Alexandra Travis
Kibret Haileab Zerayesus
Bachelor of Science
Alexis Sierra Albright
Cameron A. Aloway
Grace Yingshi Altieri
Jessica Taylor Ames
Drew Thomas Baltzer
Madison Paige Baran
David Christopher Baraona
Grace Katherine Barth
Cheyenne Marie Beko
Justin Scott Below
Adeline Marguerite Birkes
David Alexander Blackburn
Sean Alexander Blevins
Ashley Taylor Blood
Trista Adel Bowser
Brianna Rose Camp
Willow R. Campbell
Dante Michael Carilli
Dante Centofanti III
Seth Michael Chapman
Amber L. Cocchiola
Carly Nicole Cohen
Kennedi Nicole Combs
Taylor Lynne Cooper
Kimberly Grace Daniels
Hannah Kathryn Davis
Genna Faith DiPippo
Jeffrey Edward Dockum
Madelynn Clare Dolin
Alex Edward Dollenmayer
Christian F. Edmisten
Anthony Dwayne Elder
Edward A. Elefritz
Derek Alexander Ellis
Justin Lynn Fela
Kaila Renee Fisher
Elijah Fontes
Olivia Grace Futo
Madison Angela Geil
Jacob William Gran
Madelyn R. Haberberger
Ethan McGrath Hancock
Shane Casey Handlovitch
Grace Katherine Hare
Hannah May Haswell
Corey David Heim
Ian N. Herrmann
Erica Jean Hewitt
Edward Christian Heyden
Andrew Brian Hill
Abigail Hursh
Ian Howard Jameson
Paul L. Jetter Jr.
Zaria Nicole Johnson
Kenzie Lee Johnston
Thomas Edmund Kijauskas
Camryn Julia Kocher
Kelly S. Krabill
Tsz Chung Lam
Alencia Sinise Lang
Jennifer T. Lasik
Taylor Rayne Lasson
Madison Ledyard-King
Nicole Marie Lew
Gabriela Pilar Lewis
Maxwell Anthony Lizanich
Anna Elizabeth Louden
Wyatt Lee Loy
Owen Patrick MacMillan
Lexi Marie Majoros
Jacob Austin Marzluf
Zachary A. Max
Emily Margaret Mays
Morgan Alexandra McGrath
Megan Doran McSweeney
Liam Bailey Merritt
Cameron Dale Miller
Kyle Hunter Miller
Chad Michael Mizell
Mario Richard Ty Moore
Cecelia June Moreland
Emma Lee Morrow-Matwiju
Jared William Mullen
Connor George Mutnansky
Sidney Dinh Nguyen
Alex George Novak
College of Communication and Information
Amy L. Reynolds, Ph.D., Dean
James Addison Oswald Jr.
Benjamin Paul Pagani
Kelsey Marie Paulus
Rachel Leeann Perko
Daniel Catalin Popescu
Alexander Joseph Prots
Kathryn Marie Rajnicek
Alexus Nicole Rayzer
Meredith Mackenzie Reib
Glenn Arnold Robinson IV
Kami Faith Rowe
Chelsea C. Scarberry
Hannah Joelle Schmid
Alyssa Michelle Schueller
Dylan Richard Seifert
Halena Maria Sepulveda
Jessica Layne Shrader
Cassondra June Siaus
Gloria Elaine Sladek
Holden Dominic Sommers
Samantha Grace Starkey
Connor Robert Steffen
Camryn Noelle Stephens
Isabelle Marie Stewart
Allison Diann Thomas
Madelynn Ling Tomkos
Joshua Leo Tope
Branden Reid Townes
Asjaea Meche Troutman
Nicholas Michael Underwood
Lindsey Ann Vlasic
Brady M. Warmbein
Christopher Joel West
Kayla Marie Whitacre
Lindsey Rae Wilson
Raekwan D’angelo Woods (posthumous)
Esther Sung Yi
Zachary Allen Zdanowicz
Kayla Elizabeth Zenobi
College of Education, Health and Human Services
James C. Hannon, Ph.D., Dean
Doctor of Audiology
Hannah Sam Ersoff
William Douglas Fox
Challen A. Geraghty
Nicole Hinds
Alivia Marie Manlet
Michelle Marie Mattingly
Branson Lee Reagan
Catelin Joy Robinson
Sarah Elizabeth Ruwe
Nisha Thaker
Melanie Zimmer
Doctor of Philosophy
Hannah Elizabeth Lowe
Dissertation Title: "Accessing Counselor Educator’s Beliefs About Countertransference"
Dissertation Directors: Steve Rainey and Marty Jencius
Jennifer Maurer Austin
Dissertation Title: "An Exploration of Teacher Dispositions and High School English Language Arts Pedagogical Content Knowledge"
Dissertation Director: Timothy Rasinski
Megan Elizabeth Brannon
Dissertation Title: "Exploring the Impact of Design Thinking on Creativity in Preservice Teachers"
Dissertation Directors: Richard E. Ferdig and Enrico Gandolfi
Tracy Michelle Dodson
Dissertation Title: "Examining the Impact of Expert Modeling Videos on Nursing Students' Simulation Competency"
Dissertation Directors: Richard E. Ferdig and Jiahui Wang
Fitim Krasniqi
Dissertation Title: "Curriculum Traditions in Teacher Preparation: A Mixed Methods Study of Kosovo Teacher Educators’ Views on Effective Teacher Preparation"
Dissertation Director: Karl Kosko
Jennifer Rose Lowers
Dissertation Title: "LGBTQ+ College Students' Perceptions of Their Out-Of-School Literacies and Experiences in a Non-Academic Writing Group"
Dissertation Directors: Timothy Rasinski and William Kist
Janet M. Reed
Dissertation Title: "Exploring the Impact of Simulation Anxiety on Clinical Judgment for Nursing Students"
Dissertation Director: Richard E. Ferdig
Aaron M. Berger
Dissertation Title: "Lived Experiences of a Chief Enrollment Officer in Ohio"
Dissertation Director: Mark Kretovics
Viveka Elaine Jenks
Dissertation Title: "An Examination of the Relationships Between Self-Regulated Learning, a Pre-Matriculation Program and Academic Performance on a Podiatric Medicine Mock National Board Exam"
Dissertation Director: Mark Kretovics
Nicole M. Kotlan
Dissertation Title: "Career Adaptability as a Predictor of Retention Among Undecided Students"
Dissertation Director: Mark Kretovics
Grace Murray Willer
Dissertation Title: "Cognitive Conflict Underlying Misconceived Decision Making: An Empirical Investigation"
Dissertation Director: Bradley J. Morris
Shelly M. Krajny
Dissertation Title: "Cultural Narratives of Reproduction in Children’s Literature: A Health Education Focused Content Analysis"
Dissertation Director: Laurie M. Wagner
Educational Specialist
Jasmine Gladys Allen
Jessica Lynn Blankenship
Morgan Elizabeth Blessing
Lillia Jaclyn Borodkin
Noelle Kelly Flynn
Lauren Marie Hockwalt
Andrew E. Kendall
Cami Lee
Sydney M. Lindeman
Candice Leigh McDaniel
Daniela Munoz Perales
Makenzie Nordquist
Allison Marie Novotny
Kelli R. Slivka
College of Education, Health and Human Services
James C. Hannon, Ph.D., Dean
Victoria Elizabeth White
Erika Elizabeth Zuga
Master of Arts
Nikolaus Camino
Zachary Tyler Chuey
Benjamin John Cich
Colin Patrick Donnelly
Sydney Dawn Doretich
Curtis J. Good
Hannah Rose Henry
Rachel Marie Nagle
Madison Kathleen Posk
Matthew Quammen
Olivia Rose Sborlini
Juan Soto
Taylor DyAnne Tickerhoof
Zachary I. Vance
Jessica Marie Zeitz
Master of Arts in Teaching
Christian William Combs
Matthew Francis Jirka
Joel Webster Mabey
Ashley Hanna Oakley
Catherine Baylee Panchyshyn
Kyle Renee Yip
Master of Education
Sondos Kamal Abed
Michelle B. Adair
Gunel Alasgarova
Mackenzie Ann Allen
Rahaf Khalid A. Alsaidalani
Sarah Abdulrhman
Keyana D. Anderson
Danielle M. Aviani
Nina Allison Barnes
Chelsea Rebecca Bartman
Seattle Michelle Bentley
Stephanie Marie Bibo
Heather Elizabeth Biernacki
Andrew James Blechman
Candice Lee Braun
Harold M. Britt
Jessica Michelle Cantrell
Cheri Lynn Carder
Matthew Joseph Cark
Jada Lynn Cline
Jeannea Nichole Cobb
Haley Nicole Corley
Drelyn Matte' Cotton
Caulyn Makenna Crawford
Eric Michael Cucuz
Lisa Kay Daniels
Heather L. Darnell
Katherine Jennie Davis
Jennifer Dingfelder
Rachel Donatellivanscoy
Gregory Michael Dyer
Justin Michael Faluotico
Michael Fleeman
Lindsey Therese Foell
Jazmyn Sarai Fowler
Acacia M. Freeman
Shelby Friedel
Jennifer Garretson
Brittany R. George
Shayla Greer
Megan Rose Griffin
Marissa Anne Hadney
Hannah Elizabeth Hall
Cheryl Hardy
Hannah L. Harnichar
Jonah Armond Held
Alexandra Henry
Oktaviani Dewi Nur Hidayah
Natalie Hopper
Gabrielle Sophia Horvath
Megan Jessie Howard
Andrei Iacob
Jessica Immel
Christopher Japikse
Erin Dominique Jones
Georgia Vasiliki Karageorgos
Ashley D. Kessler
Morgan Taylor Kirby
Jordan Kathleen Knappins
Alexis Michele Konecek
Taylor Ann Livengood
Mailey Lorio
Rachel Lyon
Denise Vicky Massey
Amanda Riley Matthews
Megan E. Mauceri
Bethanie Joanne Mauerman
Sarah Elisabeth McCarty
Danny McCrea
Annah Kathleen McCrossin
Grayson McKeown
Ariana Lexi Miller
Emily Anne Moore
Amy Moran
Lori Morford
Alexandra Noell Morgan
Cassandra Sue Nicholas
Emma Okoniewski
Abigail M. Packard
Taylor Paolucci
Jason Pelfrey
Ashante Janay Price
Nicole Elizabeth Pupino
Alexis Helena Faith Raines
Meredith Riney
Marissa Angel Rivera
Natalie Nicole Roma
Kayleigh Amanda Rupert
Emma Schlabig
Brienna K. Scott
Autumn Scott
Haley Marie Shadle
Faith McKenzie Shanley
Alexandra Sommer
Lauren Taylor Sostakowski
Madison Carroll Sprang
Sarah Anne Steurer
Emily E. Trautmann
Danielle R. Tricker
Deborah Tyukodi
College of Education, Health and Human Services
James C. Hannon, Ph.D., Dean
Carolyn M. Van Bell
Donna L. VanRooy
Elexia Lauren Ames Verbick
Paige Marie Verma
Hannah Grace Walter
Theopolis Washington III
Thomas E. Wiles
Sydney Leigh Zebrasky
Master of Science
Abigail G. Conover
Natale Veronica DeNigris
Rachel Evangeline Falce
Nina Maria Farinelli
Amy Marie Hawley
Jake Michael Lapchynski
Nicholas George Mataraza
Aliza Brynn McConnahey
Maria Louise McLaughlin
Zachary Michael McVicker
Ieuan Nation
Kiersten M. Quinn
Desmond Jordan Sallee
Alyssa N. Snyder
Megan A. Tillman
Jorge Arturo Villanueva
Alexandra Marie Vitanza
Anna Margaret Wood Fiorello
Victoria Anne Wright
David Adam Yakunich
Liza Yoder
Bachelor of Science
Nicholas Drew Acevedo
Kaitlyn Jamie Agra
Ciara Alease Aldridge
Robert Alexander
Ibtihal Awn A Alhajji
Shannon Amstutz
Michael J. Angiulo
Emily N. Ankenbrandt
Claudia Isabel Apaestegui
Sara Jessica Apazeller
Emily Lynn Ashton
Kerey Michele Babinsky
William Bahl
Gabrielle Tithanie Bailey
Chad Jordan Baker
Sondra D. Barganier
Meagan Claire Barkley
Taylor Christine Barkley
Savannah Rose Barr
Jorge Ivan Bayona
Tervell T. Beck
Emily Ann Beedlow
Mackenzie Alene Bennett
Alexa Paige Bitar
Diana L. Blais
Patrick Reed Blazek
Grant Michael Bogdan
Sierra McKenzie Boggs
Jenna Michael Bond
Juliana Marie Borsellino
Marshae Bowens
Paige Larson Bozak
Marcy Amanda Brabander
Allyson Dawn Brown
Brenna Madison Brownfield
Allyson Patricia Bulseco
Madalyn Rose Burkholder
Emma K. Burley
Austin Matthew Burwell
Mariah Kalee Butcher
Jordan Christopher
Kathryn Anne Campbell
Angela Rose Campo
Nathaniel Isaiah
Mia Paula Carey
Madelynne Christine Carnell
Angela Kathryn Caruso
Aaron B. Carver
Samantha A. Cassara
Madison Anne Castelveter
Meghan Theresa Caughey
Colton McHale Cerasuolo
Brooke Alyson Cessna
Allison Layne Chapple
Felicia Jing Jing Chee
Katelyn N. Chernauskas
Marianne Alexis Chiara
Lorenza Angela Chiarappa
Kaileigh Marie Christy
Hannah Isabelle Cline
Madyson Lee Cole
Andrew William Coleman
Emily Grace Conner
Tomara Danielle Conner
Morgan Caroline Coulson
Natasha Christine Cowley
Kayla Anne Cramblett
Emily Marie Cundra
Autumn Elizabeth Daniels
Jessica Brianna Davis
Brittany Nichole Dean
Cole Michael Dean
Jennette Elaine Demeraski
Talia Nicole Diaz
Michael Angelo DiPaolo
Lauren Renee Distelhorst
Amanda Erin Dixon
Kila Annisa Monai Dobbins
Nathan William Donze
Seanmichael Coronado
Dalton Michael Dragon
Mackenzie Dale Durken
Dylan J. Duvall
Madison Lee Eggert
Damir Hakim Faison
Renee Elizabeth Fear
Aaliyah Michelle Fennell
Scott Harrison Fenwick
Clara Jane Ferguson
Jake Anthony Ferri
Francis Elorm Fiankor
Isabella Vivian Fischer
Sarah Elizabeth Fisher
Jane Genevieve Fitz
Hallie Constance Forish
Sara Catherine Fox
Leah M. Franks
Madison Ruth Friel
Emma Grace Gajewski
Kaylyn Elizabeth Galloway
Sarah Elizabeth George
Andrea Marie Giaimo
Alexis Rose Gilbert
Evan Orhan Gillentine
Bailey James Golak
Gabrielle Elaine Gray
Ruby Onita Gayle Greenwood
Sydney D. Gurley
Brittany A. Hack
Aaron w. Hackett
College of Education, Health and Human Services
James C. Hannon, Ph.D., Dean
Amy Hall
Ashley Lynn Hall
Justyn Alonzo Hamilton
Alyssa Ann Hankins
Sarah Angeline Hardy
Emily SueAnn Harp
Jed William Harrington
Trevor James Hart
Maura E. Haskins
Braeden Richard Haywood
Katie Elizabeth Henderson
Morgan Jean Henry
Samantha Mae Hepp
Jacob William Herbst
Alex'a Nicole Hill
Athena Catherine Hobbs
Hayley Hoffman
Rachel Elizabeth Hoffner
David Michael Holan
Maxwell Edgar Hoover
Brianna Marie Horton
Rajour M. Horton
Megan T. Hull
Noah Richard Hunter
Victoria Lynne Hunter
Hannah Noel Imsicke
Chelsie N. Inman
Abigail Marie Innes
Charles Douglas Jackson Jr.
Hailey Marie Janos
Devale Dashawn Johnson
Abbrielle Pearson Jones
Emily Mae Jones
Tessa Elizabeth Kaminski
Molly Elizabeth Karam
Daniella Avigail Kaufmann
Lilian Grace Keister
Jennefer L. Kennard
Sabrina Leigh Kerschner
Karter Patrick Kesner
Camryn Marie Klein
Luisa Viktoria Knapp
Hayden Palmer Knox
Cassidy Brooke Kolonko
Eleni Kozleuchar
Gina Ivana Kucmanic
Morgan Mary Lally
Anna M. Larison
Nicholas R. Lastovka
Brandon C. Latham
Ryanna Michelle Leasure
Brody Mitchell Lehman
Jared Ryan Lepley
Lauren A. Lerchbacher
Annie C. Leslein
Sandy Li
Chloe Elizabeth Lickdyke
Jessica Adella Lidawer
Kendra Rayne Lindway
Elena Logan
Jason Nico Londa
Bridget Marie Grace Lutton
Benjamin E. Machczynski
Calista Lisa Macrides
Justin Lee Malcolm
Emily A. Mally
Martin Joseph Maloney
Francesca Emilia Mammone
Lauren Elizabeth Manski
Peter B. Marron
Macy Alexis Martin
Samantha Brooke Mast
Douglas Matas
Hayley Rose Mateosky
Collin Raymond Mathews
Victoria Frances Mathie
Anazhia Shonte'ne McBride
Mallory H. McMichael
Elizabeth Ann McRitchie
Makenzie A. Meadows
Tyler Anthony Mellott
Amber Ann Mesko
Katelyn Nicole Miller
Brian K. Mitchell II
Dayna Mary Morchak
Kerrie Lynn More
Micaelah Shantel Janiece
Morgan Abdul-Ali
Kacey Marie Morris
Tim A. Morris
Chad D. Morrison
Parris Dominque Mosley
Drew Michael Munno
Kyra Morgan Mymo
Cady Leigh Newman
Devin Michelle Noland
Elizabeth G. Noland
Abby C. O'Kruta
Kelsey G. O'Neal
Abigail Naomi Ogle
Jamesha R. Oliver
Jenna Carolynn Otterman
Ashley Michelle Pachtler
Kathleen Trinity Page
Bailey M. Palmer
Isabelle Rose Panichi
Michael Allyn Paris Jr.
Carrington Lauren Partin
Chelsea Kaye Patterson
Justine Noel Pelka
Katherine Anne Petit
Taryn Marie Phillips-Smith
Marvin Pierre
Rachel Jennifer Pilat
Hailey Adeline Pindell
Katie Marie Poole
Lauren Marie Poole
Hannah Prioletti
Makenzie Ramirez
Jessica J. Rancatore
Lindsay Fay Rance
Madison Mackenzie Rapier
Kirsten E. Redman
Colleen Maren Reed
Alexis Marie Reynolds
Allyson Elizabeth Ritchey
Krista Rose Robejsek
Jasper Brajean Robinson
Danielle Marie Robusto
Chad Alexander Rossman
Jenevieve Grace Rusin
Lexa Diana Saia
Nicole Elizabeth Sanderson
Ashley Marie Saxton
Avandre A. Sayles
Jessica N. Schmidt
Kathryn Haleigh Schmier
Valerie Lynn Schneider
Katherine Rose Schroeder
Kristyn H. Schulman
Ian Lee Senz
Janelle Renay Shannon
James Anthony
Torrie Marie Shields
Jacob Edward Shipley
Erin Elizabeth Shultz
Nicholas Paul Sirna
Lauren McKenzy Slaton
Ciara Monique Slusser
Heskin Smith
Julia Elise Smith
Whitney Debra Snavely
David Ruperto Sollberger
Kaylee Ann Sorvillo
Megan R. Sostakowski
Brett Stephen Sottosanti
Katherine Judith Sparks
Rayne N. Springer
College of Education, Health and Human Services
James C. Hannon, Ph.D., Dean
Kathleen Dean Stachler
Jocelyn Grace Steele
Nicole Victoria Stelmasczuk
Mackenzie Ann Stormer
Caitlin E. Stroup
Stephanie Annabelle Swain
Grace Elizabeth Tennant
Tiffany Marie Teubert
Madison LeeAnne Thornell
Samantha Helen Thune
Samantha An Tilley
Caleb Richard Tinsley
Madison Ann Trott
Justin Joseph Tuskes
Amy Lynne Urban
Aliya Therese Voldrich
Alice Clara Wade
Kimberly Carol Walker
A'Diva Reigns Warren
Autumn K. Wassam
Haverly Watson
Jennifer Marie Watson
Sean D. Weiland
Alyson I. Wend
Eric Matthew Wentz
Emily Grace Wheat
Alexis D. White
Katelyn LeeAnn White
Morgan Taylor White
Brianna Leigh Whitfield
Brooke Leigh Wilkinson
Alana Ann Williams
Alyssa Joanne Williams
Antoine Antonio Williams
Meghan Riley Williamson
Tyezhe' Leechelle Wilson
Marissa Joy Wise
James Michael Wollet
Edward William Wood
Jeremy Woodford
Kaylee Marie Wright
Jamie Celestia Xenias
Sydney Katherine Young
Julianne Marie Yurik
Paige Anne Zewe
Gabrielle Grace Zitek
Bachelor of Science in Education
Emma Ann Adgate
Emily Mae Agnello
Brandon Scott Allen
Ethan Riley Alonso
Madeline Kate Anderson
Kylie Barborak Angle
Katie Bryanne Applequist
Christopher Desean
Jaret Kenneth Aubiel
Nicholas Ryan Banner
Samantha Claire Banziger
Nicole Elizabeth Barnes
Samantha Elise Basile
Catherine Margaret Becton
Jezarae M. Bell
Cassandra Maxine Benamati
Michelle Elizabeth Bender
Alexander B. Bequette
Kayla Bergstrom
Megan L. Bidwell
Brandy Lea Bishop
Hannah Marie Boerner
Sophia L. Bond
Samantha Allie Booker
Marina Rachelle Brockway
Cheyenne Noel Brown
Kristi Alyse Bryll
Rachel Ann Buck
Faith Ann Burrill
Jatia L. Caples
Sydney Anne Carr
Emily Katherine Centa
Melissa Ann Colantuono
Jacob Alton Cover
Zachary Robert Crawford
Elyse Jordan Croyts
Giana Lynn D'Andrea
Morgan Eileen Davidson
Madison Dean
Natalie Jane Deiters
Stephen Samuel Evans
Shelby Lynn Dennis
Marissa Julia DiMichele
Julianna Noelle DiNovo
Madalyn Marie Dudek
Liam Hetrick Eitman
Nathan Ryan Elliott
Shelby Marie Ernsberger
Rebecca Ann Farley
Monique Ja'Layne Faulkner
Kendall Judith Feldman
Bailee Elizabeth Ferrell
TyAnna Smiley Fisher
Alexis Caroline Ford
Sydney Nicole Ford
Hannah Rose Foster
Marilyn Kay Frank
Sophia Isabella Fricioni
Samantha Nicole Friedler
Colleen Elizabeth Fry
Brendan Thomas Fudale
Olivia Faye Garlington
Olivia Nicole Gaydos
Jenna Lauren Gemereth
Brooke Alexandra Giebel
Hunter N. Gillingham
Rachel Glodde
Natalie Marie Grace
Shelby Nichole Greene
Makenna Rayne Gundlach
Rose Emmeline Gutowski
Taylor Mackenzie Haggerty
Ryan E. Hale
Madison E. Hammill
Krista M. Harland
Madison B. Haywood
Megan E. Hellenthal
Paige E. Herrera
Mariah Jasmine Hershey
Maxwell Lawrence
Destiny Jalynn Hilliard
Sydney Don Hines
Jillian Paige Hockwalt
Elizabeth A. Holder
Mary Hollander
Jonathan H. Holtz
Teresa Johanna Hough
Patrick Ryan Howard
Madison Joan Huff
Tenieka Cheyenne Hummel
Eva A. Hutchins
Mattisyn Marie Infanti
Alayna Marie Isaly
Maya Jane Israel
Kaitlin Jo Jagunic
Alexandra Leigh Jones
Cassandra Elizabeth Jones
Kasey Louise Jones
Sydney Taylor Judd
College of Education, Health and Human Services
James C. Hannon, Ph.D., Dean
Madison Marie Juersivich
Sierra Jeanette Justice
Margaret Mary Kaminski
Abbigail Grace Kaufman
Ashley N. Keller
Madison Jeanne Kieffer
Lukas Lee Kimble
Anna Marie King
Megan Renee Kinsey
Kendra Fu-Mi Kline
Erik T. Kneisel
Sarah Nicole Kopczak
Kaylee L. Kovak
Abigail M. Kozma
Abigail Elizabeth Kubasek
Andrew William Kuhl
Carly Marie Lacey
Kathryn Rose Lann
Abigail Ruth Large
Katelynn R. Leach
Drew Anne LeBoeuf
Camryn Jean Leonard
Amanda Nicole Leone
Elisabeth Le Ann Lewis
Madeline N. Linsky
Savanna Beth Llewellyn
Kassidy Michelle Logan
Meghan Elizabeth Lowis
Mariana M. Mandato
Peter Bartley Marron
Anthony Louis Matejcic
Emily L. Matejcik
Miranda Marie Maxam
Mitchell Scott McDowell
Bailey Verona McKarns
Zachary B. McKenzie
Brooke Alyce Mellon
Jack T. Miller
Joseph J. Miller Jr.
Lyndsay Nicole Miller
Nicholas James Miller
Sarah Monteleone
Patrick Scott Moorman
Marissa Ann Mountain
Madison Elizabeth Murphy
Samantha Angela Nichol
Hannah Marie Nolley
Geoffrey M. Noreika
Madilyn Anne Nowak
Kathryn Rebecca O'Linn
Hannah Jean Oswald
Vincent Paolucci
Isabel Anna Parks
Julianna M. Perez
Kayla Anne Perez
Antoinette Riley Petro
Taylor Ann Pfeifer
Kari Ann Potts
David Andrew Profusek
Cara Marie Provenzale
Alexa Jeanne Pudloski
Noelle Angelique Reese
Samantha Anne Robinson
Callie R. Rodgers
Lauren Isabella Rogers
Odessa Monet Rohrer
Nicole Elizabeth Roknich
Sydney Elizabeth Rondeau
Nicole Renea Ruggeri
Nina Marie Ruiz
Chelsea Taylor Russell
Sophia Kathryn Sabatino
Sophia Antoinette Samples
Benjamin Anthony Sandvick
Maria Leigh Sansavera
Tyler Patrick Schonauer
Jacqualin Carrie Schondel
Greta Anne Schuster
Melissa Marie Sincel
Olivia Marissa Slama
Haley Elizabeth Slates
Grace Estelle Smith
Maria Kay Smith
Madeline Grace Sollinger
Morgan M. Sott
Sydney Love Spahr
Kamryn Nicole Sparks
Sandra Jean Spellman
Brooke Nicole Spinell
Claire Loree Stacy
Alexis Nicole Stallman
Natalia Rose Stark
Abigail Elizabeth Steer
Ashley N. Stellato
Megan Alyse Stewart
Alexandria Rose Strata
Emily Louise Stratton
Emily D. Thomas
Kelsey Elizabeth Titko
Mimi Elise Traganza
Tara Rose Trivisonno
Claire Therese Trump
Tara Nicole Tucci
Logan C. Twiss
Kaitlyn Marie Unklesbay
Olivia Paige Vaughan
Jesse Lee Villers
Timothy Douglas Weisman
Sydney Renee Weiss
Tory Angela Wenson
David Benton Wertz
Bailey A. Whittington
Madeline Marie Williams
Brianna Elaine Wilson
Jessica Lynn Wilson
Marlee Joielle Wilson
Cade Stewart Wood
Morgan E. Woolf
Allison Jane Wulff
Samantha Marie Yanci
Alexis Amber Zehnder
Maggie Alexis Zifer
Record of Completion
Abigail E. Donina
Alexander W. Gould
Ryan Higgins
Patrick J. Manning
Madison E. McGregor
Katherine L. Peck
Mason M. Scherer
Charlotte E. Twells
College of Nursing
Versie Johnson-Mallard, Ph.D., Dean
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Katherine Barrett
Scholarly Project Title: "Assessment of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Female Patients Presenting to the Express Care Department for Vaginal Health Concerns"
Project Chair: Eldy Lazaroff
Isaac Bofah
Scholarly Project Title: "Implementing Mental Health Screening Tools"
Project Chair: Marilyn Nibling
Jami Bregenzer
Scholarly Project Title: "Improving Compliance in the Outpatient Mental Health Setting"
Project Chair: Andrea Warner-Stidham
Jennifer Budd
Scholarly Project Title: "Implementation of the 5 A’s of Smoking Cessation in Adults with Severe Mental Illness"
Project Chair: Louise Knox
Erin Cooper
Scholarly Project Title: "Primary Care: Dietary Supplement Use Among Patients and Implementation of a Patient Supplement Education Program"
Project Chair: Louise Knox
Kelly Csoltko
Scholarly Project Title: "Combined Dermatology-Rheumatology Clinic"
Project Chair: Lynn Gaddis
Angela Gager
Scholarly Project Title: "Mindfulness as a Wellness Intervention to Address Burnout Among Critical Care Nurses"
Project Chair: Karen Mascolo
Bridgett Harr
Scholarly Project Title: "Head and Neck Cancer Unmet Long-Term and Late Effect Needs Following Survivorship Care"
Project Chair: Lisa Onesko
Jacalyn Iacoboni
Scholarly Project Title: "Implementing a Standardized Diabetes Screening Protocol in a Primary Care Clinic"
Project Chair: Louise Knox
Rachel Ogilby
Scholarly Project Title: "RESTORE: Improving Resilience and Reducing Burnout in Critical Care Nursing Staff"
Project Chair: Dana Hansen
Laura Silversteyn
Scholarly Project Title: "Efficacy When Using Biosimilar Renflexis (infliximab abda) Compared to Biologic Remicade (infliximab) Indicated for Treatment of Patients Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis"
Project Chair: Lynn Gaddis
Master of Science in Nursing
Somia A. Abou-Osman
Stephanie Adamo
Narayan Adhikari
Rana Christie Adzima
Melissa Archer
Grace Arroyo
Zipporah Asiago
Adiveh Awad
Angeline M. Barbato
Jennifer Marie Barber
Taylor Jordan Barta
McKenzie Lynn Bear
Sarah L. Beldin
Natalie Betker
Dorina Bilali
Carrie Anne Blissenbach
Julie Braun
Hanna E. Breslin
Chad Elliott Breznak
Sheely Lopez Brockett
Sara C. Bundy
Jalisa Marshawn Burney
Paige Marie Butcher
Caitlin R. Casentini
Vanessa Castro
Ryan B. Chambers
Adesuwa Jacklyn Chestnut
Renna Clark
Jessica Conrad
Leslie Beth Cooperman
Lyndley A. Corley
Dana Renee Corrao
Madeline E. Corrigall
Katie Davanzo
Priscias C. Daysa
Rachel Marie DiPadova
David M. Dipofi
Daniel John Egnacheski
Kingsley Eyong Enow
Emily Evans
Alissa Fawcett
Kristen Fencl
Diane Ferguson
Alexus Fisher
Broderick Gresham Flynn
Jennifer Foren
Mariah Ann Fornataro
Lisa M. Fraraccio
Karianne Marie Gerber
Edward Martin Gerus
Sydney Taylor Gober
Trisha L. Gosselin
Kathleen Greer
Kaleigh Lynn Gregory
Kayla Michele Gregory
Gloria M. Harvey
Ashley Hawkins
Samantha Lauren Hennis
Mackenzie Leigh Herman
Cristina Dawn Herrington
Molly Ann Hockin
Alexis Jan Hughes
Marissa Hunt
Sarah E. Hutchison
Akeya Shawnta Jones
Crystal Ann Katzenmeyer
Katherine Elizabeth Kline
College of Nursing
Versie Johnson-Mallard, Ph.D., Dean
Kaitlyn Lee Kolarik
Marley Kormos
Jessica M. Lally
Caitlin Lawless
Shai Lev
Erica Marie Liddy
Crystal Kay Lindahl
Melissa Nicole Lukes
Molly Kay Macejko
Samantha Marie Macino
Allison Mahoney
Renee Marie Makupson
April Malloy
Karen Ann Marcotte
Chantel Markulin
Shawn Thomas Martin
Emily McCuskey
Mary Helen Meehan
Megan Mendel
Crystal Dawn Meranto
Jodi Lynn Meridieth
Reannin Marie Moles
Lariea B. Morrow
Neema Mrisho
Maria Mullet
Christopher Anton Murphy
Latoya Tanesia Myrie
Cara Marie Norton
Kimberly Nowack
Stephen Emeka Okolo
Jamie Lynn Palencik
Urvashi Swetal Patel
Cherese L. Patterson
Darby Irene Payne
Benjamin David Pecchia
Mandy R. Perhach
Stacy Porter
Courtney Ray-Marty
Tiffany Amber Richardson
Jeremiah J. Rogouski
Kayla Rowe
Tara Roy
Alissa Loren Rusu
Rebekah Elizabeth Ryan
Katherine Alexis Savakis
Jami Schaefer
Brittani M. Scott
Melissa Sebille
Stacey Marianne Sharick
Vanessa Elizabeth Shultz
Allison Marie Sigman
Eden Silchuk
JennaLee Danielle Simon
Melissa Singh
Jenna Rae Slot
Austin Smith
Ashley Elizabeth Soflkiancs
Katie Lynn Spickler
Alexis Rae Staff
Alissa Stewart
Sari Meryl Stone
Leah A. Szemon
Heather Marie Taylor
Samantha Taylor
Michelle Joyce Thomas
Aimee Marie Throckmorton
Sarah Tignor
Jodi E. Tincher
Kimberly Ann Tindell
Alyssa Kendra Tom
Jessica L. Tucker
Kristina Valentic
Rebecca Varkett
Cynthia Jane Veemara
Valentine Marie Volk
Tracy L. Vorshak
Taylor Lynn Watson
Jenna Wetzel
Jasmine Ailycia Denise
Kimberly Anna Winters
Shelby Erin Wroblewski
Elizabeth Ann Yaeger
Alana Yuen
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Justin Cole Adkins
Madisson Danielle Adkins
Samantha Rose Albers
Lauren E. Alek
Melissa Nicole Allen
Kelsey Elizabeth Allman
MacKenzie J. Amato
Ashley Jordan Amendol
Eric Thomas Anderson
Carlisa Annette Andrews
Juliette Lum Azipoh
Keesha Ann Bailey
Natalie Marie Baker
Beatrice Balderas
Ashley Banks
Raymond Christopher
Andrew Caleb Elijah Beard
Alexandria Marie Begeot
Makala Taylor Bell
Shelby Mae Bickler
Renee Michelle Bishop
Sophie Irene Bisson
Darby Renee Bock
Haley Lauren Boggs
Chloe Tess Boldt
Emily E. Borcila
Jamie Nicole Boston
Gail Noelle Bowman
Sidney A. Bowyer
Emma Jane Boyes
Hannah W. Brinning
Jaclyn Grace Brooks
Shelby Reece Brown
Erica Joy Caco
Jacinda Elaine Caldwell
Logan Olivia Cardinal
Amelia Rose Carson
Hannah Ruth Chilcot
Jennifer Johnson Christian
Sara Elizabeth Clark
Nicole E. Cochran
Lyndsay Rachel Cole
Vivian Mae Conrad
Alexandra Marie Contino
Nolan Gray Corcoran
Kyle F. Crawford
Jordyn Nicole Cross
Isabelle Joy Cullen
Danielle Elizabeth Dalton
Nathan Curtis Dalton
Jordan N. Dangerfield
Angela Faith Daniels
Emileigh Suzanne Darr
Haley Ruth Daubenmire
Amber Noelle Daugherty
Taylor Michele Daugherty
Lindsey DeBaggis
Madison R. DeCato
Elaina Diane Delisio
Leah Mae Denomme
Erika Marie DiBartolomeo
Lee Dean Diedrich
Maria N. DiLallo
Jenna Leigh Doane
Sydney Elizabeth Dohrman
College of Nursing
Versie Johnson-Mallard, Ph.D., Dean
Rachael N. Doyle
Bryanna Marie Drabek
Anna Margaret Droney
Madeline M. Drushell
Alexis Rachel Dubensky
Sinead Brianna Duffy
Krystal L. Dyer
Nicole Marie Dyke
Inna Dyshko
Ashley Nichole Eberhardt
Kelsey A. Eckert
Maximilian H. Ellison
Kaylee Marie Ellsler
Gabriella Angelic Ennis
Corrin Erskine
Akilah Charnelle Ervin
Natali Alexis Ervin
Alison Noelle Ety
Maxwell Joseph Fay
Emily Kathleen Ferguson
Reagan Elizabeth Fincher
Nicole Danielle Fitch
Jack Walsh Forsyth
Paulina L. Galchenko
Kathryn Veach Gaume
Ashlyn C. Geddes
Sabrina Lynn Geiszler
Cassandra Renee Gilbert
Madelyne M. Gill
Shealeigh Wanjiru Gitau
Erika Marie Green
Ashley Kennedy Gulling
Melanie C. Hall
Preslie Sue Halliwill
Elizabeth Nicole Hartung
Evangeline Mae Haskins
Camryn Anne Hassel
Sara Elizabeth Hauck
Kirstin Ann Hausler
Stephanie Kathryn Hayslip
Haley M. Hazinakis
Sarah Jane Heckenberg
Noah A. Hersey
Morgan Rose Highley
Alexis Marie Hill
Bradd Haviland Hilston
Chelsi Ann Malia Hoffmeier
Benjamin William Holub
Brenna Julia Horvath
Rebecca P. Houser
Sonora B. Howson
Amanda Kathleen Huelsman
John Edward Hurley III
Adam Keith Ivey
Payton N. Jackson
Madison Brooke Janovich
Mariela S. Jasso-Lopez
Sahana Alexis Jayaraman
Samantha Jean Jeffers
Grace T. Johnson
Shaylin Rose Johnson
Alexa Rayn Jones
Kiersten Corrin Jones
Allyson Journey
Julia Kirsten Justice
Lokelani EM Kalima
Morgan Aliyah Kendall
Shannon Leigh Kendrick
Carley Marie Kerkhoven
Elizabeth Dianne Kilbane
Alexa Julia Klamm
Abigail Grace Klein
Haley Marie Kline
Eunice Knight
Piper L. Koble
Regina N. Koons
Marissa Christine Kovesdi
Jessica Lauren Kraus
Jesse Ryan Krusinski
Aubrey Michelle Ladd
Matthew Charles Land
Hannah Shae Larkin
Ashley Marie Lather
Jesselyn Abigail Latkovic
Elizabeth Margaret Lavelle
Hailey Addison Lawler
Taylor Nicole Leasure
Gillian Ann Leimeister
Ashley Logue
Brett G. Lopuchovsky
Madison Marie Love
Alyssa Taylor Lucas
Jordyn Marie Lucas
Brianna Mae Luttmers
Lauren Elizabeth Madden
Samantha Lynne Magyar
Sarah Beth Marino
Brenna Lauren Mastran
Alexis M. Matlock
Sarah Johanna Matola
Cassidie Anne Maur
Elizabeth Christine Maxwell
Sara Elizabeth McComas
Melissa Mackenzie
Kathryn May McGuigan
Tammie Lynn McMurray
Brynn Ashton Meyer
Jevon Ryan Miller
Anna Joy Mills
Alaina Rene Miser
Morgan Elizabeth Mitcham
Katelyn Elizabeth Mizener
Tiffanie Nichole Mohan
Kyleigh Ann-McKayla Moore
Serena Truong Moore
Annalise Nicole Mullins
Terrence Lorenzo Murphy Jr.
Callie Ann Murray
Victoria Ann Musilek
Katherine Kelly Nagy
Althea Ivanka Nahine
Valory Guadalupe Navarro
Jessica C. Noe
Nicole Nunemaker
Melissa Susan Nutter
Leslie Bernard O'Hara III
Garrett William O'Mara
Marni Charlotte Oister
Virginia Catherine Olszewski
Tara Kathleen Opalenik
Ryan A. Pahls
Daniel Sylvester Painley
Yin Tung Pang
Brittany Anne Parker
Deanne Lee Parr
Amanda Jean Parrish
Olivia Renee Parsons
Hannah M. Pasheilich
Disha Ketan Patel
Nirali Ninesh Patel
Sahil P. Patel
Monica Rachel Patrick
Samantha Nicole Patrone
Jessica Lynn Pawlowski
Michelle E. Penko
Samantha Christine Perrin
Logan Marie Perry
Sabrina R. Perry
Amanda Petro
Callie Noel Pfile
Arizona Skye Phillips
Sierra Leann Pickens
Chelsea Arminda Pifer
Rebecca M. Pochedly
Shannon Rae Poltor
College of Nursing
Versie Johnson-Mallard, Ph.D., Dean
Rachel Elizabeth Potter
Heaven Leigh Pough
Jillian Elizabeth Pratt
Courtney Joelle Prince
Ian Andre Pursell
Ashley Morgan Quirino
Anthony John Raguz
Rachel Renee Rahe
Chloe Marie Ramnarine
Megan Margaret Redella
Kimberly Susan Redmond
Reagan Nicole Ress
Caitlin Victoria Reyes
Jennifer Francis Rhodes
Lauren Frances Rhodes
Kaitlin Quinn Ricketts
Ann Marie Riley-Nees
Erica Lynne Robinson
Emily Christine Rodriguez
Emily A. Rogers
Alexandro Romero
Maria Eileen Romito
Sarah Marie Rosati
Alexandra Irene Rossi
Kara Elisabeth Rothbauer
Logan W. Ryan
Eunice Esther Salinas
Layla Jean Salla
Amanda Rae Sape
Cara Nicole Scianna
Dillon Edward Schied
Sarah Elizabeth Schuckman
Alexa Jo Scott
Samantha Sue Scott
Brenna Elizabeth Seifert
Trusha Tushar Shah
Jenna Gale Shearer
Rebecca Anne Shields
Sydney Ann Skuse
Sharice M. Smith
Farah Soliman
Kyla Lynae Spears
Christina Nicole Spedden
Angela Rose Sperrazza
Maria Otero Staats
Allison Nicole Standifer
Rachel Lee Karpas Steadman
Maria Catherine Stewart
Shelbee Nicole Stidom
Alyssa Renee Storz
Bayleigh C. Stovall
Lauren Marie Strainer
Caitlyn Nicole Stuart
Jordan Mackenzie Stuber
Megan Lee Stutler
Stephany Marie Suero
Nichole Renee Sullenberger
Denise Marie Swanson
Juliet L. Tabol
Lydia Catherine Tadda
Brad A. Tavan
Hannah Marie Taylor
Alec Joseph Tegano
Nicole Danielle Tessmer
Brian Matthew Theis
Lianna Iris Tirado
Grace Elizabeth Tonkovich
Kayla Marie Toth
Jennifer C. Van Camp
Sydney Grace Van Scyoc
Sara Michelle VanGelder
Lauren Nichole Vest
Melissa A. Wade
Sydni Cecilia Sophia Wagner
Abigail Grace Walker
Adam B. Walker
Cynthia Nyabonyi Wambua
Kelly Nicole Wardman
Hailey N. Warner
Sierra R. Watkins
Lauren Diane Watson
Brianna Elizabeth West
Amber Lee Westrick
Shelby Rose Mae Wetzel
Sydney Meredith White
Brooklyn Rebecca Whitt
Sabrina Nicole Wilke
Madalyn Audrey Williams
Miar Lynne Williams
Alyssa Wirtz
Jessica Christine Marie Wisniewski
Sabrina Knicole Wojtonek
Joshua Jeter Wooten
Sarah Mavis Wyatt
Liliana Yerrick
Chloe Autumn Zebrak
Dawn Marie Zuniga
College of Public Health
Sonia A. Alemagno, Ph.D., Dean
Doctor of Philosophy
Wallace Leroy Chambers Jr.
Dissertation Title: "Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness and Domestic Violence: The Use of Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (SPDAT) Data to Understand Crisis Intervention Needs"
Dissertation Director: Sonia Alemagno
Melissa Dyer
Dissertation Title: "Human Trafficking Education Within Nursing School"
Dissertation Director: Sonia Alemagno
Master of Public Health
Abdirizak Mohamed Ahmed
Mohamed Ali
Michael Leon Anderson
Denise Andrews
Megan Irene Barrett
Annie Marie Bartosh
Heather Bell
Jade Nicole Brown
Andreja M. Didovic
Cheri Beth Garvin-Dodgson
Randall Simone Gregory
Lynn Huiskamp
Creshana Jones
Danielle Marissa Jones
David M. Keizer
Anne Shannon King
Chelsea Monet Kline
Samantha Michelle Kostrub
Abbey Lehmier
Yue Ming
Toria Reisman
Joshua Michael Sample
Yana Valeryevna Shevchenko
Sara Shields
Cassidy Nicole Shokles
Casey Ellen Slive
Julianna Marie Smith
Kristi Smith
Alyssa Spitler
Michelle Lynn Tenney
De'Maria Necole Thompson
Kaylene Marie Trimmer
Christopher James Tutino
Marina Vladova
Clarence Lavelle Williams Jr.
Master of Science
Katie Marie Boyd
Stacy B. Coe
Kaitlyn Funk
Stacy Isaac
Daniel Robert Mead
Pedanderson Ansil Paul
Dylan Staats
Bachelor of Science in Public Health
Chelsea Adofo
Arielle Marie Akram
Cherokee Jade Al-Jumeer
Fatimah Mousa A Alali
Shaymaa Alshayeb
Olivia Anderson
Matthew Ryan Baldwin
Kelsey Marie Barshel
Emily Marie Beal
Dalton Berry
Merinda D. Blanton
Tito M. Bufford
Mikayla Marina Campbell
Ashley Marie Chase
Justin C. Chatmon Sr.
Katelyn Judith Marie Christo
Hannah Ann Cochran
Tanasia M. Cooper
Hanna R. Corwin
Charysh Jamiah Cox Hudson
Mary Kathleen Crumlish
Gabriella Marie DiTurno
Daniel Michael Donovan
Karen Esposito
Jenna Aydan Feicht
Ava Marie Fillak
Isaiah Matthew Fipps
Connor Coleman Flaherty
Emily Priscilla Flynn
Sofia Marie Foglietti
Angela Marie Fusillo
Brittany Nicole Gallagher
Aaliyah Juan Gamblin
Courtlyn Paige Garlow
Sophia Cecelia Giganti
Allison Nicole Hepp
Porsha Hightower
Andrea L. Howard
Kristi Lynn Howard
Olivia Jordan Hughes
Alicia Ann Iacofano
Nataliia Iliuchok
Nina Chaithra Iyer
Chanya Lei-Jilliana Jackson
Kiara Marie Nicole James
Monyulona Yivinetta James
Kade Kalinowski
Lauren T. Knipl
Jaden Gyamfi Konadu
Alexis E. Koston
Alyssa Amigh Grace Kovacs
College of Public Health
Sonia A. Alemagno, Ph.D., Dean
Erica Therese Kriausky
Rachael Louise Krutsch
Kristine Kay Kurtz
Berlinda Kwofie
Alexis Faith Lawton
Kaitlin Marie Leach
Caralyn M. Leslie
Kathleen M. Lindwow
Tyra Alanna Marrs
Logan Lynn Mason
Trevor Dean Mathey
Natalie A. Mau
Makayla Alexandria McGrady
Bryan Perry McKown
Ambika Rajana Mehta
Brittany E. Miller
Kenzie Lee Miller
Jenna N. Molinari
Brandon Austin Moore
Autumn Jo Moses
Alexa Dialecti Nicholson
Catherine Claire Nycum
Ami M. Patel
Haley Nicole Peterson
Sharia N. Phillips
Kaleya Mone Pipkins
Isabela Sofia Ponce de Leon
Luke Michael Pritchard
Rebekah Ann Przybysz
Accalia Radeschi
Elisabeth Claire Ramey
Nadja Emon Rashid
Olivia Grace Robbins
Anna Marie Rodgers
Hunter Shane Romigh
Darby Louise Schussel
Amanda Ruth Stone
Allison Ruth Takacs
Andre'Nae D. Taylor
Jillian N. Tegiacchi
Teya M. Thomas
Nelly E. Velazquez
Taylor Helena Rose Whittle
Keri Williams
Danielle Wilson
Hannah Elizabeth Zimmerman
Michael Zrile
Legacy Graduates
These students carry on the tradition of family members who are Kent State University alumni.
Hannah Elizabeth Abrams
Taylor Paige Adams
Matthew Edward Adkins
Salim Yaqoob Al Senaidi
Fatimah Mousa A. Alali
Samantha Rose Albers
Brendan Michael Alcorn
Robert Alexander
Brandon Scott Allen
Bandar Dakheel D. Alrehaili
Bashair Homied Alsenani
Shaymaa Alshayeb
Rachel Kathleen Altman
Megan Gabrielle Altsman
Andrew James Anderson
Olivia M. Anderson
Christian Alexander Andrews
Daniel Dean Angelo
Michael J. Angiulo
Emily N. Ankenbrandt
Claudia Isabel Apaestegui
Sara Jessica Apazeller
Megan Elizabeth Aquino
Mariah Dawn Armstrong
James Patrick Arthur
Ashley Shannon Austin
Jacob Lawrence Aylward
Troy Dennis Baden
Mallory A. Bair-McCrea
Mitchell J. Bandish
Uma Melony Bannavong
Nicholas Ryan Banner
Haley Elise Barber
Sondra D. Barganier
Nicole Elizabeth Barnes
Savannah Rose Barr
Victor John
Serina Marie Barry
Kelsey Marie Barshel
Latifa Joy Basit
Raymond Christopher
McKenzie Lynn Bear
Conan Michael Becker
Emily Ann Beedlow
Isabel Marie Beil
Madison Lynn Belden
Justin Scott Below
Kelly M. Bender
Olesia Grace Benedict
Cody N. Bennett
Nathan Thomas Bennett
Autumn Milaine Bentley
Michael David Bereck
Aaron M. Berger
Savannah D. Berk
Natalie Betker
Megan Marie Bienemann
Katherine Grace Billock
Sophie Irene Bisson
Patrick Reed Blazek
Morgan Elizabeth Blessing
Megan Elizabeth Bockelman
Rebecca Elizabeth Bodine
Haley Lauren Boggs
Sierra McKenzie Boggs
Pavani Bomma
Abigail Karin Bottar
Emma Grace Bowser
Deborah E. Braford
Joshua Vincent Brashear
Candice Lee Braun
Trevor J. Breehl
Haley Rose Brickman
Courtney Nickole Britton
Marina Rachelle Brockway
Maxwell Thomas Brodzinski
Kameron Madison Brown
Brenna Madison Brownfield
Amanda Josephine Bryant
Branden Leslie Burkey
Madalyn Rose Burkholder
Jordan Christopher
Justin M. Byler
Patrick Francis Byrne II
Erica Joy Caco
Madeline R. Caldro
Willow R. Campbell
Antonia Marie Cangelosi
Jatia L. Caples
Mia Paula Carey
Sombre Rose Carleton
Margaret G. Carmigiano
Madelynne Christine Carnell
Sean M. Carney
Martel D. Carpenter
Domenic Angelo Carriero
Elyse Marie Casalinova
Dante Centofanti III
Brooke Alyson Cessna
Kaden Michael Chamberlain
Samuel Peet Chaney
Emily Charles
Lorenza Angela Chiarappa
Brendan Charles Christy
G'Javonne Malik Clarke
Marissa Kaye Cleary
Carly Nicole Cohen
Alexander J. Collins
Kennedi Nicole Combs
Bailey Elizabeth Conley
Lauren Elizabeth Cooney
Erin Cooper
Tanasia M. Cooper
Taylor Lynne Cooper
Brandon Thomas Cossin
Gabriella Rose Costabile
Jacob Alton Cover
Natasha Christine Cowley
Timothy R. Coyne
Kayla Anne Cramblett
Kayla Nichole Cronin
Elyse Jordan Croyts
Emily Marie Cundra
Rachel Mary Cunningham
Anthony Angelo Curati
Allen James Darby
Katie Davanzo
Morgan Eileen Davidson
Jessica Brianna Davis
Lauren McKay Davis
Lindsey DeBaggis
Stephen Samuel Evans
Lindsey Irene Dempsey
Miranda Lauren Derbyshire
Hayley Paulette DeShetler
Heather Marie DeSimone
Talia Nicole Diaz
Victor Daniel DiCerce
Faith Marie DiLillo
Dominic Vincent DiMarco
Julianna Noelle DiNovo
Genna Faith DiPippo
Lauren Renee Distelhorst
Amanda Erin Dixon
Kila Annisa Monai Dobbins
Lindsey Renee Dolanch
Rachel Donatellivanscoy
Jenna M. Drayer
Karissa J. Duff
Mackenzie Dale Durken
Legacy Graduates
These students carry on the tradition of family members who are Kent State University alumni.
Hannah Joy Ebersole
Devin Richard Echols
Kelsey A. Eckert
Jordan Taylor Eiesland
Stacey VanBeneden Biggs
Katherine Ann Eisler
Liam Hetrick Eitman
Anthony Dwayne Elder
Nathan Ryan Elliott
Connor William Elshaw
Corrin I. Erskine
Naimah Rayeel Ervin
Natali Alexis Ervin
Julia Marie Estephan
Grace Victoria Evans
Kimberly A. Ewing
Justin Michael Faluotico
Jenna Aydan Feicht
Scott Harrison Fenwick
Emily Kathleen Ferguson
Olivia Grace Ferrante
Emily Rose Fields Gavorski
Reagan Elizabeth Fincher
Isabella Vivian Fischer
Jenna Lauren Fischer
Alexus Fisher
Lillian Anna Fisher
Parker William Fisher
Sarah Elizabeth Fisher
Michael Fleeman
Noelle Kelly Flynn
Hannah Rose Foster
Jordan Emmanuel Fountain
Liam Kenneth Frascati
Madison Ruth Friel
Sydney Y. Frost
Colleen Elizabeth Fry
Brendan Thomas Fudale
Kaitlyn Funk
Angela Marie Fusillo
Emma Grace Gajewski
Paulina L. Galchenko
Vincent Joseph Gallo
Kaylyn Elizabeth Galloway
Aaliyah Juan Gamblin
Paige C. Gamin
Jonathan P. Gampo
Veena Kumari Gangi
Kevin D. Gardner
Anna M. Garvin
ShaKeela Nyre'e Gary
Olivia Nicole Gaydos
Evelyn Claire Geib
Ginger Lee Gerasimek
Andrea Marie Giaimo
Brooke Alexandra Giebel
Alexis Rose Gilbert
Zachary Gill
Kamalenn Asha Gillespie
Kailey Kathleen Gilmore
Renz Joshua Gines
Regina Nicole Gonano
Kiva M. Gordon
Martha Sophie Gotham
Danielle Brooke Gottschling
Stephanie Alana Graham
Erika Marie Green
Shayla Greer
Jenna Marie Gregory
Eva C. Greitzer
Jennifer Kay Greskovich
Adam David Gross
Taylor MacKenzie Grubbs
Jacy Rose Guider
Kwaku Abanquah Gyimah
Megan Elyssa Gyorki
Adam Christopher Haas
Simon Joseph Haas
Brittany A. Hack
Emily Jane Hackler
Olivia Mae Haid
Courtney Renee Haines
Hannah Elizabeth Hall
Holly M. Hamilton
Shane Casey Handlovitch
Morgan Mae Harayda
Hannah L. Harnichar
Hope Jazmyne Harris
Corinne Ruth Hartline
Anna Marie Hartong
Elizabeth Nicole Hartung
Marisa A. Hastler
Hannah May Haswell
Julia F. Hauser
Kirstin Ann Hausler
Lauren L. Heidler
Katie Elizabeth Henderson
Hannah Rose Henry
Paige E. Herrera
Jacob Levi Hershberger
Maxwell Lawrence
Barbara Ann Hickin
Jillian Paige Hockwalt
Rachel Elizabeth Hoffner
Mary G. Hollander
Erik H. Hooks
Shaina E. Hoover
Tabitha J. Hornof
Brianna Marie Horton
Abigail Lynn Housley
Patrick Ryan Howard
Zackrey Dean Howard
Leah R. Hrusch
Carter Wayne Warner Huff
James T. Huffer-Cole
Alexis Rose Hunter
Eva A. Hutchins
Elisa Carmela Ibsen
Kenneth Warren Ilg
Jessica Immel
Chanya Lei-Jilliana Jackson
Chazzlyn J. Jackson
Kaitlin Jo Jagunic
Elise Ann Jarachovic
Samantha Jean Jeffers
Daniel Miles Jelinek
Inti Hayna Jimenez Copete
Alexis B. Johnson
Kenzie Lee Johnston
Kasey Louise Jones
Allyson L. Journey
Maizy G. Joye
Kade Kalinowski
Tyler T. Kaminski
Kevin Patrick Kane
Sophie Sand Kannberg
Molly Elizabeth Karam
Ashley Nicole Keller
Russel Kendall
Zachary Herman Kerr
Karter Patrick Kesner
Madison Jeanne Kieffer
Joshua Robert Kiesling
Thomas Edmund Kijauskas
Summer J. Kilbane
Eric Lee King II
Livia Maria Kirasic
Morgan Taylor Kirby
Erik T. Kneisel
Regina N. Koons
Sarah Nicole Kopczak
Marley Kormos
Thomas Joseph Kornbau
Abigail M. Kozma
Kelly S. Krabill
Carter James Kramer
Michael Kratcoski
Madeline Rose Kreller
Jesse Ryan Krusinski
Abigail Elizabeth Kubasek
Gina Ivana Kucmanic
Legacy Graduates
These students carry on the tradition of family members who are Kent State University alumni.
Bethany Rose Kuebler
Andrew William Kuhl
Nicholas Paul Kukura
Morgan Mary Lally
Kamya Daleisha Lapsley
Jennifer T. Lasik
Garrett William Lass
Rachel M. Lasso
Elizabeth Margaret Lavelle
Hailey Addison Lawler
Anastasia Therese Lawrence
Drew Anne LeBoeuf
Madison Ledyard-King
Emily Jean Leifson
Amanda Nicole Leone
Jared Ryan Lepley
Caralyn M. Leslie
Ashley L. Leveto-Dean
Sydney M. Lindeman
Tristian Jessie Little
Shiqi Liu
Savanna Beth Llewellyn
Brett G. Lopuchovsky
Tessa Carinn Love
Meghan Elizabeth Lowis
Wyatt Lee Loy
Tabitha Trudy Ludwiczak
Bridget Marie Grace Lutton
Braedy Ross Luxenburg
Diana Nicole Luyster
Dylan Paul Mace
Owen Patrick MacMillan
Calista Lisa Macrides
Giavanna Jean Maglione
Samantha Lynne Magyar
Rajan Maharjan
Nicholas James Maio
Lexi Marie Majoros
Francesca Emilia Mammone
Jacob Thomas Mansfield
Lauren Elizabeth Manski
Elohcin N. Marbley
Antoinette Marinello
Sarah Beth Marino
Branson Michael Mariola
Gwenavere Eda Market
Chantel Markulin
Mark Ivan Markulin
Tyra Alanna Marrs
John Alexander Scott Marti
Benjamin Matthew Martin
Alan J. Maslar
Alfred Andrew Mason III
Logan Lynn Mason
Brenna Lauren Mastran
Trevor Dean Mathey
Abigail Kathryn Mazzola
Loren Paulette Mazzola
Anazhia Shonte'ne McBride
Robert Joseph McBride Jr.
Stephanie Lynn McCluskey
Sara Elizabeth McComas
Aliza Brynn McConnahey
Zoey Elizabeth McCulloch
Melissa Mackenzie
Cole Patrick McDougal
Steven Matthew McGing
Kathryn May McGuigan
Bryan Perry McKown
Owen William McNea
Drew C. McVay
Madelyn Owen Meacham
Zachary D. Meacham
Ambika Rajana Mehta
Danielle Josephine Meier
Autumn Taylor Meisenburg
Brett Anthony Mihalow
Payton Nicole Mika
Abigail Joy Miller
Jack T. Miller
Joanne Elizabeth Miller
Kayla Ceara Miller
Nicholas James Miller
Jake T. Minich
Nastashya Ann Misko
Michael J. Miterko
Jenna N. Molinari
Dominic Michael Moore
Olivia R. Moore
Serena Truong Moore
Patrick Scott Moorman
Cecelia June Moreland
Abigail Grace Morgan
Aiden Michael Morgan
Sarah Grace Morrison
Autumn Jo Moses
Jack Tyler Motsinger
Drew Michael Munno
Christopher Anton Murphy
Callie Ann Murray
Joseph Eric Murray
Golam Mustafa
Feyza Nuray Mutlu
Grace Caroline Nagy
Karen Nahra
Emily Suzanne Nelson
Noelle Dora Netzband
Andrew J. Newsom
Sabrina Juliet Nichol
Samantha Angela Nichol
Jac Matthew Nichols
Heather N. Nidel
Brady Jerome Nist
Jeremiah Schindler Nordholt
Melissa Susan Nutter
Sarah Loye Nutter
Kathryn Rebecca O'Linn
Joseph Edward O'Malley
Cameron T. Olin
Virginia Catherine Olszewski
Hannah Marie Orndorf
Hannah Jean Oswald
Lauren Elise Pacer
Zachary Palazzo
Catherine Baylee Panchyshyn
Priya Pandit
Mikayla Roxanne Pandrea
Margot Rose Paolucci
Anyah A. Parker
Likitha Chowdary Pasam
Charu Patel
Nathan Paul Patrick
Chelsea Kaye Patterson
Jameson Michael Payne
Tuesday Janae Pears
Jonathon James Pechatsko
Yvonne Rene Pecka
Kayla Anne Perez
Rachel Leeann Perko
Logan Marie Perry
Logan Gregory Peterson
Stephen John Petryszyn
Taylor Ann Pfeifer
Isabelle Susan Phillips
Alexa Piekarski
Rachel Jennifer Pilat
Chelsea Marie Pisani
Cassandra Marie Pleli
Brittany Marie Podluzne
Jessica Margarete Poling
Ty Vincent Poorman
Nicole L. Popies
Serina Ann-Lynn Porter
Kari Ann Potts
Riley Anne Potts
Ethan James Praeter
Erin Nicole Preston
Hannah E. Primozic
Alexander Joseph Prots
Chelsea Jeanelle Pruitt
Madison A. Pry
Julia Lynne Puhalla
Rana Atif Qasim
Kiersten M. Quinn
Legacy Graduates
These students carry on the tradition of family members who are Kent State University alumni.
Nikhila Radhadevi
Joshua James Raines
Seth Andrew Rainey
Chathuranga Prageeth
Hemantha Rajapaksha
Chloe Marie Ramnarine
Jessica J. Rancatore
Lindsay Fay Rance
Matthew Hunter Reber
Meredith Mackenzie Reib
Logan Hunter Reiheld
Lauren Gayle Reinhart
Kaitlin Quinn Ricketts
Olivia M. Riedel
Victoria Nichole Riggs
Ann Marie Riley-Nees
Christopher Michael Rinderle
Seth Elmer Rinearson
Racquel N. Ritchie
Ashley Amanda Robbins
Olivia Grace Robbins
Krista Rose Robejsek
Nicholas Joseph Robinette
Erica Lynne Robinson
Danielle Marie Robusto
Elizabeth Christine Rodriguez
Haein Roh
Rosalina Angelica Roman
Sara Julia Roman
Adrianna Marie Romito
Sarah Marie Rosati
Madelynn McKenzie Rose
Melissa Rose Rosekelly
Grace August Roth
Emma Katherine Rozek
Robyn Ann Ruffner
Nina Marie Ruiz
Sophia Kathryn Sabatino
Ali Sabet
Victoria Noelle Sallot
Nicholas Stephen Salvatore
Trevor Joseph Sanders
Vanessa Eileen Sanders
Benjamin Anthony Sandvick
Nicole Lauren Sanoba
Megan Anne Saraniti
Jennifer L. Satterfield
Ashley Marie Saxton
Brian Nicholas Scalfano
Ashlee Diane Schlegel
Katelyn Nicole Schlotter
Brian Schmuck
Tyler Patrick Schonauer
Katherine Rose Schroeder
Alyssa Michelle Schueller
Greta Anne Schuster
Nathaniel Thomas Schwartz
Erika Lea Scott
Paige E. Scott
Kristen Lauren Sedlacek
Dylan Richard Seifert
Chandler Jordan Serres
Haley Marie Shadle
Madelyn E. Shaeffer
Emily Grace Shafer
Aaron R. Shaffer
Justin Eugene Shaw
James Anthony
Torrie Marie Shields
Jessica Layne Shrader
Jason Blade Shroge
Sydney Marie Shufford
Timothy Jon Siembor
Megan Renee Silinsky
Melissa Marie Sincel
Anna Christine Sinclair
Erika Lauren Sitch
Zachmann Thomas Skala
Hannah Marie Skinner
Robert Smaltz
Justin Smith
Victoria Rose Smith
Whitney Debra Snavely
Allison Katie Snyder
Alyssa N. Snyder
Andrea Kay Sokira
Madeline Grace Sollinger
Anna Louise Somerville
Megan R. Sostakowski
Morgan M. Sott
Meghan Elizabeth Spangler
Sarah Marie Sparks
Lindsey Ann Speare
Sandra Jean Spellman
Eileen Elizabeth Spencer
Angela Rose Sperrazza
Brooke Nicole Spinell
Madison Carroll Sprang
Noah P. Sprunk
Maria Otero Staats
Terran N. Stacey
Megan Elizabeth Stalker
Alexis Nicole Stallman
Natalia Rose Stark
Olivia Catherine Stark
Alisa Renee Starkey
Sophia Marie Stasiak
Jayden Tanner Stearns
Maclane Scott Stebbins
Maurasia A. Stevens
Laurel Wendy Stewart
Hailey Michele Straight
Emily Louise Stratton
Gregory Michael Stropki
Megan Lee Stutler
Lalah Akili Sullivan
Stephanie Annabelle Swain
Dominique Cheynne
Hannah Marie Taylor
Heather Marie Taylor
Jillian N. Tegiacchi
Hailey L. Thiedemann
Allison Diann Thomas
Melissa R. Thomas
Michelle Joyce Thomas
Caleb Richard Tinsley
Amber Rose Titus
Minhchau Le To
Kaitlyn Grace Tombaugh
Nicholas John Tomola
Mimi Elise Traganza
Kimberly Thi Tran
Madison T. Trissel
Hannah Mary Grace
Asjaea Meche Troutman
Kari Lynn Truckey
Natalie Rose Tusick
Justin Joseph Tuskes
Deborah Tyukodi
Elliott Ross Ullman
Sarah Jayne Vala
Alexandra Marie Valentino
Carolyn M. Van Bell
Sara Michelle VanGelder
Rebecca Varkett
Hayden Nicholas Vasbinder
Evelpia Vasileiou
Cynthia Jane Veemara
Jesse Lee Villers
Brianna Noel Vinas
James David Viront
Marina Vladova
Jessica Nicole Vystrcil
Samuel Wagner
Kimberly Carol Walker
Bexley Nikia Wallace
Kara Walsh
Simian Wang
Theopolis Washington III
Markita Denise Weaver
Emily Rebecca Weema
Sydney Renee Weiss
Kendall Grace Wells
Jenna Wetzel
Shelby Rose Mae Wetzel
Abbey Lenore Weyls
Legacy Graduates
These students carry on the tradition of family members who are Kent State University alumni.
Brianna Leigh Whitfield
Emily Wille
Alyssa Joanne Williams
Madalyn Audrey Williams
Savanna J. Wills
Derek Alan Winebrenner
Sabrina Knicole Wojtonek
Cade Stewart Wood
Anna Margaret Wood Fiorello
Sarah Noel Worrell
Jake Lewis Wright
Sarah Mavis Wyatt
Samantha Marie Yanci
Kyle Renee Yip
Shae Marie Young
Sydney Katherine Young
Julianne Marie Yurik
Lily Ann Zaucha
Kenidee Kale Zentiska
Kibret Haileab Zerayesus
Maggie Alexis Zifer
Hannah Elizabeth Zimmerman
Erika Elizabeth Zuga
Abigail Lee Zupancic
Commissioning of Officers
for the Armed Forces
Commissioned as a Second Lieutenant
in the Armed Forces of the United States
Kelly Anne Brickman
Paul James Brunell
Trinity Marie Davis
Luke J. Devoll
David J. Eichenlaub
Nathan M. Evers
Logan Andrew Gabbert
Evan Christopher Gasper
Mason C. Hirt
Heidi Lynn Howell
Seamus O'Connor Neuman
Jac Matthew Nichols
Nathan Russell Reed
Brandon David Savage
Margaux Jane Spencer
Ashton Parker Wright
Alex J. Bonilla
Olivia Taylor Burns
Ernest George Cook IV
Kayla Charlyn Green
Cole Patrick McDougal
John David Moes
Tyler McKenzie Prosser
Taylor A. Reiheld
Ryan Christopher Stab
Summary of Candidates for Degrees
Kent State University
Spring 2022
Associate of Applied Business44
Associate of Applied Science316
Associate of Arts218
Associate of Science216
Associate of Technical Studies10
Bachelor of Applied Horticulture1
Bachelor of Arts821
Bachelor of Business Administration474
Bachelor of Fine Arts98
Bachelor of Integrative Studies43
Bachelor of Music19
Bachelor of Radiology and Imaging Sciences1
Bachelor of Science1,161
Bachelor of Science in Education220
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology25
Bachelor of Science in Nursing312
Bachelor of Science in Public Health98
Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies16
Doctor of Audiology11
Doctor of Nursing Practice11
Doctor of Philosophy50
Doctor of Podiatric Medicine100
Educational Specialist16
Master of Architecture15
Master of Arts109
Master of Arts in Economics2
Master of Arts in Teaching6
Master of Business Administration30
Master of Digital Sciences1
Master of Education109
Master of Engineering Technology5
Master of Fashion Industry Studies4
Master of Fine Arts22
Master of Geographic Information Science7
Master of Healthcare Design2
Master of Landscape Architecture2
Master of Liberal Studies1
Master of Library and Information Science63
Master of Music39
Master of Public Administration12
Master of Public Health39
Master of Science101
Master of Science in Accounting17
Master of Science in Nursing152
Master of Technology1
Master of Urban Design1
Educational Specialist16
Academic Attire
Identification of the hood and robe as academic apparel is believed to have originated at the English universities of Oxford and Cambridge during the 12th and 13th centuries. The hoods are a carry-over from the times when monks, who operated those universities, wore them to protect their shaved heads in winter. The robe is an adaptation of the shoulder cape also worn by those same monks while collecting alms.
Use of the academic robe came to the United States in 1754, with the founding of what is now Columbia University. In 1895, a commission of university officials adopted a universal code of design and color for the academic garb. This code has undergone several revisions in subsequent years, with most recent modifications accepted in 1960.
Styling of the robes varies for the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. The width of sleeve borders and length of the hood increase with each advanced degree.
In the hoods, the color of the velvet border indicates the type of degree held, while the lining designates the official colors of the institution granting it.
A distinguishing color table for academic attire:
Ambassador Crawford College of Business and EntrepreneurshipDrab
College of Aeronautics and EngineeringOrange
College of Applied and Technical Studies
Horticulture, ScienceGolden Yellow
Music TechnologyPink
Technical and Applied ScienceDrab
College of Architecture and Environmental DesignBlue Violet
College of the Arts
Arts, Fine Arts, ScienceBrown
College of Arts and Sciences
Fine ArtsBrown
ScienceGolden Yellow
Public AdministrationPeacock Blue
College of Communication and Information
Arts, Fine Arts, ScienceCrimson
Library ScienceLemon
College of Education, Health and Human ServicesLight Blue
College of NursingApricot
College of Podiatric MedicineGreen
College of Public HealthSalmon
The Mace

The mace carried by the macebearer in the academic processional symbolizes authority. The macebearer carries a mace created and crafted by alumnus Michael V. Jaszczak, ’98. Jaszczak created the mace based upon the input of a committee charged with the task of bringing forth a new design utilizing the resources and wealth of talent available in Kent State’s School of Art.
The central motif of the university seal retains the sun of the state seal, signifying state ownership, and is symbolic of the light of knowledge and wisdom. The shield suggests the geographic shape of Ohio. The bird, which symbolizes leadership, is the chimney swift, a species that colonizes on campus and seems to be in constant flight. The university colors of blue and gold are incorporated in the enameled piece, which is set on top of a walnut pole. The mace rests in a walnut stand crafted by David Dalton, Ph.D., who taught for many years in the College of Education, Health and Human Services.
The Gonfalons

Gonfalons are long ceremonial flags or banners suspended from a crossbar. The use of ceremonial banners dates back to the 1500s. Italian towns, for example, each have a gonfalon, which is the official emblem of the town, showing its coat of arms.
Each of the college gonfalons is emblazoned with the Kent State seal on an academic color of one of the college’s disciplines, established by academic protocol.
The President’s Medallion

The president’s medallion symbolizes the responsibility in the Office of the President. Its central motif is the university seal, which retains the sun of the state seal, signifying state ownership, and is symbolic of the light of knowledge and wisdom. The shield suggests the geographic shape of Ohio. The bird, which symbolizes leadership, is the chimney swift.
About Kent State
Kent State University is one of the largest university systems in the nation, yet one of the closest families in the world. We embrace diversity and the culture it creates ‒ promoting visionary ideas and bold thinking. From this environment, our students draw strength and support to stand for what matters and to take meaningful action for change.
More than 100 years after William S. Kent donated his valuable farmland so the state could build a teacher-training school for the area, Kent State is one of Ohio’s leading public universities and a major educational, economic and cultural resource far beyond the Northeast Ohio region it has served since its founding as Kent State Normal School in 1910.
Today, poised to play a leading role in 21st century education, Kent State holds the esteemed distinction of being one of only five institutions in Ohio to be recognized as an elite research university by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. Kent State is the highest-ranking public university in Northern Ohio on the Top Public Schools and Best National Universities lists by U.S. News & World Report.
With eight campuses spanning Northeast Ohio, a College of Podiatric Medicine, the Twinsburg Academic Center and academic sites in major world cities such as Florence, Geneva and New York, Kent State illuminates the way as a world-class institution. Its programs and partnerships boldly expand the boundaries of knowledge for faculty engaged in research and collaboration, and for students receiving life-changing experiences in experiential and study-away programs.
The student body comprises about 35,000 students, including more than 1,370 international students from nearly 100 countries. The university earns worldwide recognition for its optimum balance of more than 360 undergraduate programs of study and more than 200 master’s and doctoral programs of study.
The addition of new teaching and learning environments, from the sciences to the arts, and the development of exciting new academic programs characterize Kent State’s focus on transformational educational experiences. The university is accelerating its strategic investment in established areas of research expertise, including environmental science, population health, global understanding and materials sciences. Building upon its historic and foundational research in liquid crystals, Kent State's Advanced Materials and Liquid Crystal Institute embraces a leading international role in advanced materials and soft matter science and innovation.
Kent State recognizes its place in history with the May 4 Visitors Center and annual May 4 Commemoration, which pay homage to the seminal events of May 4, 1970, on the university's Kent Campus. The center and annual observances honor those who lost their lives, those who were wounded and those who survived.
World-renowned, nationally ranked and regionally vital, Kent State proudly serves higher education and the world with graduates who are finding their purpose and making a difference with their contributions.
While some people measure both history and success by tangibles, a Kent State professor emeritus suggests considering timeless intangibles that “can be measured by the lump in your throat … by walking tall.” On a sun-drenched July day in 1914, Kent State’s first graduation class of 34 members walked tall. They led the way for the many hundreds of thousands of Kent State alumni who live and work around the world. Proudly joining their ranks are today’s newest members of the Kent State family on this glorious day of celebration.
For more information about Kent State, visit
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